1 month left.....You can do it

CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
There is only 1 month left let's push hard and do the best we can on the last leg of this group challenge. I look forward to seeing/hearing everyone's final results.


  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Yeah I agree. No matter where we end up, I feel like all of us still here have made a ton of progress. :)
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    One WEEK left guys! V-Day in a week. No matter where you are in this journey, if you are still checking up on this group and still trying then you have made progress. And if you keep trying, you will continue to make progress. Whenever I look at the spreadsheet, I feel proud of not just myself but all of us. Stay strong this week! :)
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    edited February 2016
    Barring anything horrible I will break 60lbs at the end of this challenge.

    I hope all the rest of this group wether they logged every week or not still make an appearance and post final weights. It's encouraging and sobering to see how our journey stacked up to others

    If your final results are what you wanted use it as added motivation to re group see where you erred and get back up on the horse.

    Wishing all the best for next weeks
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Barring anything horrible I will break 60lbs at the end of this challenge.

    I hope all the rest of this group wether they logged every week or not still make an appearance and post final weights. It's encouraging and sobering to see how our journey stacked up to others

    If your final results are what you wanted use it as added motivation to re group see where you erred and get back up on the horse.

    Wishing all the best for next weeks

    Here here! Keep it up- keep moving- keep motivated! >:)
  • Kiismyaces
    Kiismyaces Posts: 132 Member
    After we post tomorrow. I'd love it if you both did a continuation of this group so that I can join!
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    Kiismyaces wrote: »
    After we post tomorrow. I'd love it if you both did a continuation of this group so that I can join!

    I'm not sure what a continuation would look like- I've never made a group before. Is there a way to keep this group and maybe change the name since we've already hit V-Day? Maybe do another 6 month challenge (for those of us here from the start it would be a year anniversary from starting!)

    What do you think BT?
  • Kiismyaces
    Kiismyaces Posts: 132 Member
    That's a terrific idea....sadly final weigh in for me is 216 lbs. I've gained 13
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    I screwed up thinking weigh in was still on Wednesday.......... I don't want to weigh tommorrow either lol
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    edited February 2016
    I would love to figure a way to keep this going or even if we have too start a new one
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    Kiismyaces wrote: »
    That's a terrific idea....sadly final weigh in for me is 216 lbs. I've gained 13

    All I can say is get back up on the horse and ride...... This is probably my 50th attempt over the last 10-15 years, if you just keep trying eventually it will stick.......

    I can't wait to see everyone's posted final weights.....
  • amsdragonfly
    amsdragonfly Posts: 152 Member
    btcowboy wrote: »
    Kiismyaces wrote: »
    That's a terrific idea....sadly final weigh in for me is 216 lbs. I've gained 13

    All I can say is get back up on the horse and ride...... This is probably my 50th attempt over the last 10-15 years, if you just keep trying eventually it will stick.......

    I can't wait to see everyone's posted final weights.....

    I agree with what BT said. I've tried to get fit multiple times and just kept falling back and settling. This time I had a ton more self control- I feel like it helped knowing others were going to know my failings, ya know? :P You just need to remind yourself every time you feel like falling out of your healthy routine that you deserve to be healthier and that that you CAN do it, but no one else will make you. You have to make yourself. :)
  • Kiismyaces
    Kiismyaces Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks you two