
clanmomma Posts: 6 Member
I have made some progress! Finally! I have being bouncing back to it for two weeks now! I say "bouncing back to it," because I have not abstained for the whole two weeks. I did have a fall the day the Cheesecake Factory opened in my town. But, I did not use that as an excuse to stop all together.

This has been my pattern for years now. I do good for a day, a week, or even a few months. Then once I binge, I am off on a binge until I have gained back all I lost and more.

I have been doing a lot of meditating on "Just for today." I realized that my tendency to take things too literally has been doing me in. I would binge and think, "well, I jut ruined this day," and then use that excuse to eat everything I shouldn't within that 24 hour period. I truly believed I would straighten out the next morning. Yeah, I just do not work that way.

So I FINALLY altered my thinking to "just for this meal." It is much easier to climb back on my program the minute I fall off. If I binge for lunch, I will not do the same for dinner any longer! The more I binge, the hard it is to put the fork down and push away from the table. Therefore, one meal at a time is for me. I have yet to catch myself during a binge to stop mid-binge, but at least I am no longer using my binge as an excuse to binge some more.



  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    For Today, June 30th
    "Tain't worthwhile to wear a day all out before it comes" - Sarah Orne Jewett

    That is the reading for today, which seems relevant to your post. Some of us do need one meal at a time, so committing to being abstinent to one meal is a great idea. I think most of us COE do that, we go off plan for a meal, then feel so defeated that we continue on our binge until the void is filled, temporarily.
    I've been focusing on not starting a binge, which has been a challenge. Every morning I turn myself over to my higher power and commit myself to abstinence for the next 24 hours On a bad day, I take it one minute at a time and attend some meetings.
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    I'm under calories for the first time in DAYS. It started on Wed, June 19. I know the date, because it was the day before my birthday. It was enjoying the Fair -- and Fair food. And it just kept rolling from there. Today was good -- amazing -- and all I have to worry about is this moment. I'm really glad to have this tool in MFP. :heart: