

  • angesjourney
    Hey everyone my name is Angela, I'm 39, single mom of 2 girls ages almost 19 and 16. I just moved to Florida a month ago. Been working out since the middle of may. I've been an on and off dieter for a few years now. 2 summers ago I was 2 pounds from my goal weight. Over the past 2 years I've gained 22 pounds. Started the July squat challenge today and I'm working on getting the squats done for the past 3 days. Done 140 so far today in sets of 20. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • dlanoux
    dlanoux Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'm Dee. I'm 43 and I have been married 23 years. We have three sons (21, 19, and 17). house is crazy at times. lol! I'm currently in college, and I will be graduating with my bachelors in nursing in December. Finally! Anyway, for several (many) years I have just packed on the pounds, but now it is time to drop them. I actually posted my motivation under the motivation if you are curious, it is there. But, in short....I am going on a cruise in Feb. 2014, and I want to look nice, be healthy, and feel great!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kim and I'm 41, married to the one who can be just as weird as I am. Between us we have 3 kids still at home, 18, 14, and 4. I am at the moment a SAHM and getting ready to go back to school for nursing. I have always had a problem with my weight. When I was in high school I lost 50 lbs and got a little TOO skinny. I kept it off til my mom moved us to Delaware. Then the weight started packing on. I have not been happy that much since we moved from Georgia. I have been stuck in this state, due to my mother and then because my daughter's father was here and I couldn't do the whole summer with her up here and me in Georgia. About 2 years ago I started MFP and lost 50lbs. Then due to stress and finances I let myself gain it back. So now I am back, and I am determined to not continue the second part of my life like I lived the first part! I am starting over and this time I'm going to succeed. That way when I move back home I'll go back looking like the person I want to be as well as feeling like her!
  • daliaxh
    daliaxh Posts: 8 Member
    I'm very late joining this group. But I did 100 squats today at the gym and realized I should do the challenge. Am I too late?

    About me: I'm 43 and struggling with my last 7-12 lb. They love me too much. I'm a teacher on summer vacation, which means lots and lots of time at the gym. I wish I could keep up the intensity year round but do manage to be at the gym 5 days/week.

    So do you think it's okay to do the challenge in 13 days if I was able to do 100 today? If not, maybe we can start an August challenge.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm very late joining this group. But I did 100 squats today at the gym and realized I should do the challenge. Am I too late?

    About me: I'm 43 and struggling with my last 7-12 lb. They love me too much. I'm a teacher on summer vacation, which means lots and lots of time at the gym. I wish I could keep up the intensity year round but do manage to be at the gym 5 days/week.

    So do you think it's okay to do the challenge in 13 days if I was able to do 100 today? If not, maybe we can start an August challenge.

    Hi, just noticed your post. I suspect you'll struggle coming in 19 days after we all started but do it anyway. I probably will continue through August too as I'm noticing a difference and it's a challenge I can do. How are you doing with the squats, you up to speed yet?