How many Carbs do you use in a day ?



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I've done different things.
    Previously I had success on the Dukan diet, where I was eating probably around 60-90 carbs most days. (On "pure protein" days, the carbs were coming from fat-free dairy. Other days, it was those plus lower-carb veggies.)

    Now on keto, I've experimented within a range. i do count net carbs, not total, and for the most part I've been doing 15-30gm *net* carbs per day. That's often 25-40 or so total carbs. I've had some stalls that might not have happened at a lower carb level (e.g. staying under 20 total) but overall I'm delighted by the progress and effects I've had on keto. In 2.5 months I've lost 18.6 lbs (now 1 lb below my original goal weight) and had other unexpected benefits like a happier digestive system, reduced reflux, reduced joint pain, etc.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    edited January 2016
    nicintime wrote: »
    Don't dink around, however. As Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try." I don't believe that low carb, particularly keto can be done "casually". People "dance around the edges" of this way of eating for a couple weeks, hit speed bumps, quit, and say "low carb doesn't work for me", when the reality is - they never actually tried it.

    I totally agree with both nicintime's post's, but this part should be highlighted. I've been on keto 6 weeks and have only been over 20 total 3 days. This is what works for me ... and it's working well.

    Edit to add: Carbs are not the whole story with keto. It's the balance of carbs, protein and fat that make it work.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    My carbs are set at 90g, but I usually hover around 50g total. Works perfectly for me. The cravings and constant hunger have disappeared at these levels.
  • lindseykytti
    lindseykytti Posts: 10 Member
    For a lchf diet you should be eating 5-10% fate 15-20% protein and 75-80% fat a day. I count net carbs and stay under 30 a day.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I eat 20 gm of carbs, or less, daily. I've been at that level for several months now. Get your fat in however you feel works best for you. Be it through butter, heavy whipping cream, coconut oil....or combinations of all of them. The Fat is where true satiety is! You will feel like you're starving if you don't. And that's no fun! Best of luck!

  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Most days, I tend to eat somewhere between 20-35 total carbs. When I started Keto for my first month I aimed for 100g of carbs. Second month = 75g carbs. Third month = 50g carbs, etc. I avoided the Keto flu that way but easing my way into this lifestyle has worked very well for me. Everyone's body is different so just listen and pay attention to what your body is telling you. This will help you find your "sweet spot." I find that if I eat 40-50 carbs per day, my weight loss slows down dramatically. If I go over 50 carbs per day, my weight loss flat-out stalls so I try very hard never to go above 39 carbs per day. But this is something that took me a long to figure out so be patient with yourself and your progress and look for patterns.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    When I started back up with LCHF last November, I was at 30-35 net carbs and getting better insulin management results than I had in the past at 20 grams net. And I was more satisfied with my meals, I enjoy my veggies.

    However, after falling off the wagon on Christmas Day, foolishly knocking myself out of ketosis, I went down to 5-10 net carbs for a couple of days and decided to move forward at 10-20 net carbs, and I'm happy there, insulin management is continuing to improve and weight is going down.

    Most of my carbs come from avocados, my bad Quest bar habit that I need to break, a couple small servings of cream and cheese each day, seasonings and 1-2 servings of low carb veg.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I started at 20 then 35 and am now at 50, all net. 20 seems to be prime weightloss for me, but 50 is a good maintenance # and is doable if I have a meal out a day. That's important to me since I'm in college and would like to not be seen as a complete freak-no matter how healthy that freakery is! :smiley:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I am another very low carber; I try to keep carbs under 20g per day. If I am up to or over 30g of carbs I am getting hungry, keto stix are negative and my blood glucose is going up (especially if my calories or protein were high).

    Staying at about 5% carbs, 20% protein and 75% fat is good for me.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    I eat less than 20g carbs a day. I've had to buy a few new pairs of pants. :)

    >:) or o:)

    Net or total?

    Total it's easier to count. :)

    >:) or o:)