Not quite to lifting...but it's my goal!

Hey I Was eager to join this group! I've never lifted in the gym, I normally workout at home. I've been on and off with working out for the last few years. Currently I am doing the Bodyshred by Jillian Michaels. I had my third child in May and did only about 4 weeks of bodyshred atfter about 6 weeks postpartum, I did lose all my baby weight plus a few, but after my wedding I lost motivation. Now I'm back on! :) My goal is to get to lifting, so I'm using this program to rebuild muscle and get back into shape before pushing my body too hard since it hasn't been an even a year since having the baby and I wasn't in top notch shape before. I really would love to see and hear about everyone's progress to keep me motivated to working towards lifting! :smile:


  • towheee
    towheee Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome Lesa! Thanks for joining. I only started weight lifting in July of last year - it's built up so much confidence for me that I wanted to share and motivate others who're interested in doing it too. I'm no pro- by any means. I'm happy to answer whatever questions I can and help motivate :)
  • me2de2
    me2de2 Posts: 6 Member
    I started lifting with 3lbs dumbbells when I first began lifting because 5lbs was too heavy. I now use 17.5lbs dumbbells and I am pushing for more! 44lbs kettlebells. I recently just started overhead squatting with the barbell in the weight training room. Strength training is my favorite of all the forms of fitness I have tried. My routine has always been "keep it simple." Simple moves, simple weights, simple workout, but consistent. If I over complicate the process of health and it becomes too difficult for me to maintain. Health is mind, body, spirit. There is alot that plays into that. Lifting is one piece of it...a fun one! One I love!!!