January 24 - 30

NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
This is the last week of the first month of the year.
How are we doing? Is 2016 the year we get Slim by Summer?


  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    I had a slow start to weight loss this month as the 1st couple of weeks were filled with temptations. I am back on track and this morning I dropped from BMI "Obese" to "Overweight". I am so happy to be overweight! 2016 is a year of events for me, the 1st being a baby shower next Saturday. It's for my niece and my sister has invited everyone we've ever known (she loves a party). I am still overweight but I will arrive feeling my best and looking much healthier than I have in a long time. Our old friends are all ages and sizes so it's not a young skinny fest. I simply want to be my best self and not be worried about ending up in any pictures. Thanks for asking @NewOR2015. How's you're new year going?
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    January seems like little progress, but when I look back to where I was a year ago it is totally awesome!!!! My feet and knees are happy to be carrying 39 lbs less than a year ago, and I am sure that my heart is happy too. So, as slow as Jan 2016 has been, I'll take it. I am "severely obese" which is much less scary than the label "morbidly obese". 2016 will take me to plain old "obese" and some day I will be in your shoes, @Living360, just "overweight" until I hit goal!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Wow, 39 pounds in a year is great progress! I told someone the other day, 1 pound is a big deal and if she was forgetting that to pick up a pound of butter. And if she loses only .25 that's still one whole cube. You're doing great! I'm glad to have you in our group.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    edited January 2016
    I think I did pretty well this month and I am looking forward to finishing out the month strong. I am less than two pounds away from being in the "overweight" category. I haven't been there in I don't know how long. I am trying not to beat myself up too much from indulging yesterday. I am meal prepping today and getting my week ready to go.

    Emotionally I am just kind of in a funk right now. To be honest, I feel like I indulge too much when I drink. I am considering foregoing drinking altogether but I love love love wine and the whole wine tasting experience and environment. I'd like to be one of those people who can have a couple of drinks and be okay.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    We all have something we love to eat or drink, and it is up to us to decide if it's worth it. During the holidays I ate too many sweets, logged them, and still tried to stay near my calorie limit. I know this was not a healthy thing to do...living on sugar. Sometimes I don't make the best decisions, but I'm learning as I continue my journey.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,405 Member
    When I started my weight lose excursion I was obese then I found MFP and right now I am literally one lb in the healthy weight range. My goal is to have a good 5 lbs dividing me from the yellow zone before I go to the Dr's in march easier said than done.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Healthy? Healthy?!! That is so awesome, @pinktogo! You are my hero. Congratulations!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Living360 wrote: »
    I had a slow start to weight loss this month as the 1st couple of weeks were filled with temptations. I am back on track and this morning I dropped from BMI "Obese" to "Overweight". I am so happy to be overweight! 2016 is a year of events for me, the 1st being a baby shower next Saturday. It's for my niece and my sister has invited everyone we've ever known (she loves a party). I am still overweight but I will arrive feeling my best and looking much healthier than I have in a long time. Our old friends are all ages and sizes so it's not a young skinny fest. I simply want to be my best self and not be worried about ending up in any pictures. Thanks for asking @NewOR2015. How's you're new year going?

    That is awesome! Well done...

    I'm not really loosing, but I don't have much to lose and have not been eating as well as I should. I'm going to be strict with getting clean food low in carbs in my diet. Back to the closest thing to normal routine I get and hopefully all the idiotic drama amoung my friends is sorted out now!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,405 Member
    I'm working every day this week so my focus is going to be simple just watch my eating and make every calorie count. I do feel better when I pack my calories with nutrition.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    I had a good workout this morning and I feel better emotionally/mentally. I am ready to take on the rest of January. I can't believe this month is almost over! My goal this week is to continue to keep my nutrition in check and am hoping to win two DietBets that I am in right now that end on the 1st. I am swapping two of my high carb days with low carb days to see if this makes a difference.

    On a different note, I am Jewish and today is the beginning of Tu Bishvat, which is the Jewish New Year of Trees. I did some reading and meditation on this yesterday and learned that is also a time for us to "come out of hard shells and emerge as green shoots of hope." This rang true for me, as I am still working on removing my hard shell and revealing my ideal life and body, like a new tree. So hang strong, little trees, we have a long journey ahead of us, but it's totally worth it. :)

    Have a great week, friends.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm going to reflect on that..."green shoots of hope".
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,405 Member
    My parents planted 3 trees in their front yard one for each of their children. Well lo and behold my tree died. I have struggled with the darn tree being gone and even last week my mom said just because the tree is gone doesn't mean you don't exist. I really like the thought of being a green shoot of hope. Thanks for sharing that.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @MrsVelapanur I love this season you've shared with us.
    @2020pinktogo maybe there is something to the original tree not being there any more. Time to plant a tree that reflects the new you.

    Thank you all for sharing!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    edited January 2016
    It was a nice day today. For some reason I felt lazy again. I didn't want to go for my walk, but I did. I wish I were a naturally energetic person. The librarian at the school in which I tutor has so much energy that I get tired just watching her.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Missed training last night. Was all ready and then I just felt sick. Fell asleep before 8:00 and got up around 6:00!! Felt great today, but my schedule didn't allow for training. Tried to shift it around, but can't so today is rest day!! Probably need it...
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    On track today. Very routine day. I'll take it.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    On track is good...mine is the same. I got up early, went to the gym for cardio, and am on track with my food. I am pretty tired today, though. I don't think I sleep very well with my hubby in the bed. Occasionally I have him sleep in the guest room just because I am such a light sleeper.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Today was a foodie day at work, Mango Cake, Pound Cake, Muffins . . . I went for fruit and half a muffin, a small sliver of Mango Cake because the person who brought it really wanted me to try it and a bite of pound cake. I skipped lunch but still will be over today even with a light dinner. I logged it and tomorrow I'll begin again and so it goes.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    edited January 2016
    @CaptainBoing A rest day now & then for you is well-deserved.
    @Living360 We all go through days like that. As long as you get back on track, you're good.
    @MrsVelapanur Sweet dreams :)
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Have been out of town for the past week. Did really well until the last day. I've decided to wait until Friday morning to weigh so that I have a couple of days to recover. So far the year's going okay. I'm looking forward to a better February.