50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2016
    @50extra I commented back!

    Yeah, I mean if you really dislike something, you probably won't stick with it. Sounds like T25 covers you for that anyway so that's good!

    Glad you're getting back in a routine with your workouts and that you're feeling good! Way to go!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so I made another page for our little motivation session, you should see it under motivation journals.

    So last night I finally got some groceries. Nothing special as the stores produce section was complete garbage and the majority of it was rotten but I was able to get something so I don't have to live off of my beef jerky and protein bar supply.

    All day yesterday I was monitoring my ankle. I was walking through the sand and climbing all over equipment and it barely hurt so I decided it was time to do a T25 workout. I threw in the T25 Alpha Lower Focus disc and got to work. Let me tell you something, you lose A LOT of your strength and stamina if you decide to stop working out for three months. By the three minute mark I was already sucking water and at the 18 minute mark I was done. I really do enjoy the disc but my legs could only take so much my first time back in it. If I were to do one more squat, or one more lunge something would have ripped, torn or snapped. That is such a great program! I recorded the workout with my HRM and it gave me 198 calories burned.

    If anyone ever is looking for a new program, I highly do recommend T25, its short and sweet but definately helps get the job done. I enjoy it as well as my wife loves it. And if anyone isn't happy with any extra fat on their legs, the lower focus DVD will take care of that in a hurry.

    So anyways, after quitting early I wanted to get on the bike and do a bit more of a burn. I sat down on the seat, felt the incredible burn of my legs when I started to peddle and got off. I looked at my calories and even had room for a two scoop protein shake.

    Quite a good night last night. Hopefully tonight I will be able to do the Alpha Total Body Circuit DVD. It is basically 25 minutes of planks and pushups and is the hardest DVD for me in the Alpha set.

    Time to get back to the shop and make some money! Talk to you guys later.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    One thing I think I should say about this MFP thing. If anyone ever looks at my diary and it says that I don't eat dinner there is a reason for it. I usually pack a big container of food and then eat half at lunch and half at dinner time. Rather than splitting everything in half and entering it twice it's much easier to just log it as one meal. I'm a big guy and there is no way that I could go from lunch all the way until breakfast without eating. I would be miserable and would feel like crap.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I'm devastated, 30 minutes before home time I was walking out to the shop to get ready to clean up. It's maybe a 200 meter walk and my knee starts to jack up. Just when I was getting to the point where my entire body felt good again this happens. If it starts to hurt like it has over the last couple of months its going to derail my fitness plan :(

    Hopefully the hour and a half ride home makes it feel better. My T25 workout tonight doesn't involve too much leg work but I desperately need to be able to ride the bike.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @50extra I saw the page. I'll be adding my goals there shortly along with keeping track on my own profile since I already made a spot for it there and I'm attached to it. haha (I have no idea why but I really love getting to add a check mark besides the stuff I did.)

    Glad you made it to the grocery store.

    I'm sorry your knee is messed up again. Have you thought about getting it checked out by a doctor? Do not push it if it still isn't better. Keep us updated! Hope you have a safe trip back!

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So I didn't end up doing any T25 workouts last night because I don't want to risk it with the knee. I am still getting some pains from it but its not every step like it used to be. I know last time it was hurt I couldn't even ride my bike so this time I am going to do everything I can to keep it from going too far. I have another two or three days at work that will require a ton of walking around the yard but after that I should be able to rest it for a few days.

    I rode the bike for 35 minutes last night but took it fairly easy. I didn't doing any HIIT, I just did a slow progression from level 10-16 then back down to 10, keeping my heart rate in the 120-130 range. I usually like to get my heart rate up to the 150 range for exercise but this was strictly to burn a few calories so I could eat some more food before I went to sleep :smile:

    I jumped on the scale this morning and thankfully its still slowly trending downwards. I have my weekly weight in tomorrow morning and will be happy to post my first real loss in a while.

    Slow and steady that's all it takes!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @50extra Glad you didn't risk it with the knee! Exactly, slow and steady wins the race! Keep it up! You're doing great!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well MFP is making me angry! Woke up today and posted a massive 4.2lb loss this week and IT DIDN'T LET ME POST IT!!!! I have no idea why, maybe because it was too much too soon? I'm not sure but it doesn't matter a whole bunch. The weights off of my body again and if all goes well I will be back to my lowest weight in a week to ten days from now. I knew I was still holding onto a bit of water when I weighed in last week but surely didn't expect to see a 4 pound loss. This is 100% due to the fact that I had no cheat days, no over days, and no days off of working out. I'll take it!

    Last night was interesting. I got home from work and was just bagged but as soon as I walked in the door my interpreter and I had to turn around and head out again. We are moving into a different apartment but I refused to agree to it without looking at it. It's going to be way better. The decor is straight out of like a 1970s era home in Canada but my new bedroom is twice the size. I will actually have room to do T25!

    Anyways once I got back to my apartment and was laying on the bed I got a terrible craving for some delicious salty beef jerky, looked at my calories for the day and was already over by 100 or so and knew that I had to work out or no jerky for me. I hopped on my bike and ended up smashing out a very nice workout. Maintained my heart rate around 150bpm with spikes up to 170 on my HIIT runs. Somehow out of almost not working out, I did the best ride I can remember.

    Looking forward to this week and my goals are staying the same. Eat at my calorie budget, and workout whenever possible, hopefully next Monday I can post another positive weigh in!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Oh I guess I should say, down to 217.6lbs!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Sounds like things are turning around! Keep it up! Youre doing fantastic!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well last night was somewhat of a let down. All day I had to favor my knee while walking and I got home last night and listened to my body telling me to slow down for a minute. I didn't do anything and was over my calories...

    Then I did the typical dieters thing and said "*kitten* it, I've already ruined today and ate a bag of popcorn to make it work" :smile:

    Popcorn was delicious by the way, and I woke up a pound lighter than I did yesterday???

    Back on the wagon tonight!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Popcorn is a surprisingly low calorie snack as long as you don't dump on a ton of butter. I really enjoy that in the evenings if I'm watching a movie or even if I'm just a little munchy.

    Great job with your loss - especially with the struggles you've been having physically. Remember that working out is only part of it and as the weight comes off, your joints will be happier and allow you to do more. Working up to that is key. I know you've been working really hard at it and you will get there!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    How is your knee today?
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    @Quzzdragon12 I agree that popcorn is a great snack and when I make it in my popper at home all I put on it is salt and pepper. The problem with the bag of microwave popcorn I ate the other night is it was butter flavored in a bag. High calories, luckily it didn't hamper any weight loss.

    @WifiresGettingFit my knee is killing me but fortunately the walking I need to do at work for the next couple of days is minimal. It's far from being at the point where I can do T25 but it's also far from the point that I can't ride my bike so I am set!

    Yesterday was a good day as a whole. I didn't snack on crappy food at all and was well within my calories to continue my 2lb loss a week. My ride last night was awesome. I did a 15 minute normal ride, then 20 minutes of HIIT and then a 5 minute cool down. I was trying to read a book while I rode but had to put it away because I was sweating on it so bad it was getting wrecked. I felt great the whole ride.

    I am a little bit concerned for my eating today and the three days following. I made fajitas last night and then pre-logged my food for the day to see how it looks. I will be 172 calories over my 1470 without factoring in exercise. I have no problems working off 172 cals on the bike but where it gets interesting is I like to enjoy and orange or apple with my soup, plus either a protein shake or a protein bar either in the afternoon or the evening after I work out. So calories are going to be close to my 200 over my goal calories.

    But I stepped on the scale this morning and it continues to trend downwards. As I mentioned before, weight loss is easy, track everything that goes into my mouth, keep the MFP desired deficit and work my *kitten* off at night and I will lose weight. Just need to stay on top of it!

    I'm not too sure if I want to lay down any further weight goals because I have been unsuccessful lately achieving them, but what would this site be if not something to work towards.

    On the morning of July 19th when I wake up at 3am to catch a flight to Moscow, I want to step on the scale and be 211.7 lbs. This will officially put me in the overweight category at 5'10.5". My true goal for this shift is a little bit more than that but I will consider the hitch to be a success if I can reach that point.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Im sorry your knee is still giving you problems.

    Way to go on killing your day to day goals! =)

    200 calories over the goal MFP gives you? You would still be in a deficit so it isn't going to hamper that much. I mean it would if you did it all the time but a couple hundred over isn't a big deal every now and again.

    You've got this!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    I'm happy to report that yesterday was another success on both the eating a exercising fronts. I attempted T25 total body circuit but I couldn't do any running high knees as well as any of the hard pivoting motions. Regardless still happy i got a few minutes worth of work in.

    @WifiresGettingFit yes I would still be in a large deficit eating at 200 calories over what MFP gives me. When I had my body comp test done in Feb my BMR was 1984 calories a day and I would guess this shift on an average day I have been walking close to 5km a day in heavy steel toed work boots, coveralls and through the sand so I am definitely burning more calories then my BMR. The issue that I am facing is when I get home its summer holidays and I really do plan on indulging, often over-indulging while I am at the lake. I want to get rid of as much fat as possible while I'm here so that after summer is over I don't have so far to go when I pick this all up again.

    Oh yes, I stepped on the scale this morning and even with the crazy amount of sodium that are in the fajitas I made it is still trending downwards.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited July 2016
    @50extra Sounds like a plan! You'll be at the lake before you know it!

    Way to go on meeting your goals and that's awesome that the scale is trending downward!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So yesterday I had some wins and some losses.

    I will start with the losses. It didn't seem like I could curb my hunger at the end of the day yesterday. I wasn't snacking on bad food but still just couldn't get to the point where I didn't feel really hungry. Tried drinking coffee and drank 2 liters of water and waited, still hungry. Ate a protein bar and waited, still hungry. Ate some turkey jerky and waited, still hungry. Then I even ate my dinner earlier than normal and was still hungry but my belly was full. To top it off I went to bed at around 11:30 and at close to 1am I still was wide awake because my stomach was growling so I got up and had an apple and a hard boiled egg. So I ended up eating over 2000 calories but luckily I did workout.

    That brings me to the wins from yesterday. I threw in T25 Alpha Lower Focus, the same disc that I attempted a couple days ago because my legs started to pull and was able to complete it this time. I did end up going slower than the people on the screen but I did all 25 minutes of it and was pretty happy about it. Afterwards I was feeling like the man and put in another T25 DVD and quit after 3 minutes haha, needless to say I didn't log that. Knowing I had over ate I drug myself onto the bike and was able to get in 28 minutes before I was too sweaty, tired and sore to keep going. This put me into a calorie deficit for the day, unfortunately the scale is up right now, and I mean up from my weigh in 4 days ago. I'm sure there's something going on that will sort itself out by monday and my next weigh in.

    And since my knee is still super sore I did what any reasonable, computer savvy man would do. I logged onto the ole' google machine and self diagnosed. Really who needs doctors these days anyways? Dr. Jeff has diagnosed the knee problem to be a tight IT band. There are a ton of exercises on the net to help with this and I figure it can't hurt to try and see if anything makes it better.

    Well that's all for now!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    The problem with my knee is similar to a tight IT band, but it's more like weakness on the inside of my thighs so my kneecap slides to the outside. Unfortunately, mine's been going on so long I have bits of arthritis in my knees - don't let it go that long. I try to strengthen those inside muscles (you might want to focus there as well) along with stretches for the IT band (which is trickier than it sounds). You can get specific knee braces that keep your kneecap from sliding outwards. You should also use heat or ice (whichever feels better - I personally prefer ice) before and after working out. Then, when you're done with your workout, gently massage the IT band (go along the fibers - up and down the leg) to help loosen it. You might find a rolling pin helps you get even pressure along your leg and helps not tire out your hands. Careful with the rolling pin though, sometimes it's harder than expected. Start gently and add pressure slowly. Then ice/heat and Aleve/Ibuprofen to help any swelling or pain. This is what we did in my PT for my bad knees - hopefully it helps you some.

    Sounds like you had a rough day, but it also sounds like you really conquered it! One day of hunger - and we all get those from time to time - won't be enough to throw you off, especially when you show the determination you show in your exercise. Way to go! :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Increasing your exercise will cause glycogen and water to be stored in your muscle fibers, so don't worry too much about a few pounds of water weight on the scale, it's just your muscles adapting to the increase in activity and preparing for more future activity!!!