50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit I am in 100% agreement with you. My opinion comes from my personal experiences. Going public skating for an hour in regular clothes for an hour would have never been as good for me as an hour of hockey practice, just like an hour of leisurely walking through the park could compare to my running training when I was getting ready for a triathlon. Some people don't sweat much at all even if they are working hard, I do, and I use it to gauge how hard I have worked.

    Also, if my heart rate isn't up into the 150s I am not working hard enough.

    So for me if I am not sweating bullets, I am not getting an effective workout.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @50extra Fair enough. :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Please know that I am not saying that I am correct and you are wrong, by no means, in anyway am I even implying something like that. It's just how I feel about my workouts.

    Only 2.5 more hours and I can get home and try to sweat through another t-shirt! Do you have workout plans for today?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2016
    @50extra I didn't take it like that at all. No worries.
    I've done relatively long workouts (for me) for the last 3 days (60, 105, 120 minutes) so today I am going to take it easy and probably just do some Wii Fit Plus for at least 30 minutes. I have a workout schedule but I hardly ever stick to it. haha I mean I do workouts but it's usually not the ones I have planned so it's more like a guideline than anything. I usually try to workout at least 4 times a week and have at least one actual rest day if I choose to workout more (usually Wednesdays) but I've gotten kind of addicted to the extra calories thus more food so I move more to eat more. haha I really do need to focus more on the diet portion only because I know doing 60-120 minute workouts probably isn't going to be sustainable in the long run for me. Usually about 30-40 minutes in I'm ready to move on and do something else.

    How often do you try to workout in a week? Do you always try for a 60 minute workout? Do you give yourself a rest day?
    ^Sorry if you've already answered these in your journal. I have terrible memory. haha
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    When I am in Russia working I try to work out 6 days a week for an hour a day. If I only do one workout in a night (30 minutes) I will try to workout 7 days a week. If my body needs a rest for a day or two, it tells me and I don't workout. That being said, my goal is to workout every night until May 18th and I head home. I am trying to make up for last month.

    At home I try to workout 4 or 5 times a week but this hasn't happened too many times this year. We are just too busy and its only going to be busier from now until well into the fall.

    If/when I ever get to a stage where I am ready to maintain, I will try to workout 3-4 times a week for around 45 minutes a day.

    Right now I am just literally sick of being fat and out of shape, that is why I am working out more per week than I plan too in the future. I want to drop weight. April was a wash for me, or at least close to a wash, I came out 3-5 lbs heavier than I went into it. I'm not complaining about it or making excuses as to why it happened because I both had an awesome 20 some days home and I completely stopped working out and logging food. It was expected but I am still angered at myself because if I had done more last month I would be in a good position to being in some of the best shape of my life by summer. Now I am over a month behind where I should have been.

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @50extra I know what you mean as I've put myself behind many times - about 2 1/2 months behind currently and I don't think there is such a thing as making up for lost time and I do understand where you're coming from but regardless of what I lose this month and the next month and the next month thereafter, I'm still always going to be behind where I could have been had I not said f it for that 2 1/2 months.

    By the way, I wouldn't recommend trying to lose more than 1% of your body weight per week. If I did my math correctly based on your goals you posted previously, you're trying to lose 4 pounds a week right now? I advise against it. I'm not trying to be a nag, I just care. I understand wanting to lose weight but be healthy and reasonable about it. Especially if you value your muscles and keep in mind that your heart is a muscle.

    As far as your workouts and goal for maintenance, it sounds like a solid plan and I was glad to read that you do take rest days when needed as I think it's a very important part that is sometimes not implemented enough.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah my goal is far fetched but its what I am working towards, I will call it a success even if its temporary water weight.

    I will continue eating my calories for the day but trying not to eat back my exercise ones unless I am hungry. My guess is that I get down to 214 by the time I leave here but 212 would be better! I am guessing my weight at around 218 right now but I haven't weighed since I came to Siberia. I will try to remember to weigh in the morning to see if I even have a shot at making it to 212.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    All right.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    It's been an interesting day today to say the least, I will get to that in a second.

    Last night I was again able to convince myself to workout and I am very glad I did. I did the Focus T25 Speed 1.0 disc and was very happy with my efforts. I was able to make it to the 17 minute mark without any modifiying or stopping and then severely slowed down and had to stop several times. I was even able to hop on the bike and ride for 20 minutes just to eek out a couple more burnt calories.

    @WifiresGettingFit Since we were talking about it yesterday, I stepped on the scale this morning and am 219.2. Looks like I won't be getting to the 212 mark this shift.

    Tonight's workout is going to be really tough, its Total Body Circuit and has about 200 more pushups in it than I am able to complete. Regardless I will attempt it :)

    So this morning... I got picked up and we headed off to work. One of the guys I work with who happens to be a lifelong family friend started acting weird in the truck. He opened his window and was shuffling around in his seat all weird. I asked him if he was okay and he told me that he didn't know. When I asked if he wanted to stop he said no but I made the driver stop anyways. He got out of the truck and I took one look at him, told him to get back in because we were going to the hospital. So we turned around and started back to town. All of a sudden he burped?? and sat up straight. He was like, "I think i just needed to burp I feel a lot better now". I wasn't going to take that for an answer and told the driver to continue to the hospital. He walked inside without any help and immediately was sat down on a table and having his vitals taken. Now I don't have many good things to say about this country but the hospital staff was absolutely unreal. We weren't through the doors for longer than 30 seconds and there were three nurses looking at him. The man wasn't on the table for more than a minute and collapsed and his heart stopped. The nurses started issuing CPR and got it started. We were then told to leave. I just got the news from the hospital, he has already been in surgery and had two clogged or bad (don't really know because of the language barrier) arteries and they inserted either one or two stints. He is still unconscious and on a ventilator but is stable and recovering. Turns out he had two heart attacks and the staff had to revive him twice.

    I have known this man for over 20 years and I even dated his daughter for a while. Our relationship was more then a professional one and it kind of shook me up. I made two decisions today that saved a mans life. The first was the decision to stop and turn around and go to the hospital and the second was to skip picking up my translator and go right to the emergency room. These weren't hard decisions or anything, they were just what happened at the time and if either of them were made differently I would be calling his family with bad news instead of good news.

    Life is messed up, and this episode today just further opens my eyes on the importance of good health. He is 58 years old.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow kudos to you mate for acting how you did. You most certainly save that mans life cause if he had of had the heart attack on the street he would have been dead waiting for an ambulance. And yes 58 is very young to be having that sort of stuff happening. It just goes to show investment in health early can save a lot of heart ache down the track. It took me turning 40 to realise that and i only hope that I haven't left my run too late. I hope you're ok cause i know thing like that can stir up seasoned nurses such as myself let along an every day person with no medical training. That man needs to buy you a beer
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Glad you got a workout in! I took a rest day yesterday.

    Aww well that means it's time to make a new goal and one that is a little more attainable! You've got this! :)

    Just shows that it only takes a second and things can go for the worst. I'm glad you reacted how you did and I'm sure he is thankful as well! I hope you're doing okay as I know I would still be shaken up. *HUGS*

  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow that's heart wrenching he's so lucky you took over. I hope he heals quickly. 58 is really young. I'm glad we here are all trying to get back our health. Hugs coming your way.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Thanks Ladies, I'm good with the whole thing but I sure didn't feel like working out yesterday. I chose to have sandwhich and talk to some people on the net. He is still in ICU and sedated with the ventilator. Hoping to go see him sometime today if he gets put into cardiology, I'm sure he will have some questions as to WTF is going on. But that's enough talking about depressing topics for me.

    So nothing to report for me today, didn't workout last night, and I ate over my calories yesterday. I was eating decent food but I didn't pack the right things for lunch and dinner and was done all of my food my 3pm. I had to have something when I got home from work to eat and at least I cooked up some chicken and didn't binge on crap.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so buddy is doing good enough that we called in the air evac and am taking him to Frankfurt Germany tonight. I am heading to the hospital tonight at 1am with my translator and then I am flying to Germany leaving at 5:30am tomorrow. Won't be working out and I don't know if schnitzel fits into the diet plan.

    Talk to everyone in a few days.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2016
    Safe travels! Glad to hear your buddy is doing well enough to be moved and I'll keep positive thoughts for continued improvements!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Travel safe. Talk to you soon
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so I'm home now, got in last night. I spent five days at the hospital with the guy I work with. He's doing good and the only side effect is some short term memory loss from day to day. Hopefully it gets better but I guess when you die twice in a day there's bound to be some lasting effects. The company I work for flew his daughter over and is putting her up in a hotel and paying for expenses until he gets out. This was a very stand up thing to do in times where we lose millions each quarter due to low oil prices.

    So while I was in Germany it was three meals a day in a restaurant. I didn't even try to eat healthy because half of the time I couldn't tell what I was even ordering due to not having an English menu. I also did some coping by consuming beer but I assume most days I was around maintenance.

    I did step on the scale when I got home and it looks pretty good considering. I will weigh in tomorrow as per my Monday schedule and hope to register a nice loss even wth the bbq were having today. I have a weakness for bbq ribs and that's what's on the menu.

    So, tomorrow I am going in to pick up my flooring for the gym. Hopefully tomorrow night I can clean up a corner in the basement and get the flooring laid down. There's a lot of crap down there to move. I am then hoping to go into the city on Tuesday morning and buy the weight equipment. I won't be using it though for a bit because I think I'm gonna take my daughter down to the lake for a week or so on Tuesday afternoon. I'm pretty excited to get it set up and so s my wife. If I can I may even go get it tomorrow morning before momma goes to work because I'm on daddy duty all afternoon and evening.

    So not much to update even though it's been several days. Oh yeah, the streak on MFP is garbage. I purposely didn't open the app for three days to reset my streak and it kept going. I'm not sure why it didn't reset. I wanted it to start over because if I wasn't logging I didn't think it right that it said I was on here.

    That's it for now,
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Wow... I go away for a week and you have major life-changing events. Glad your friend is doing ok and your company is being so nice about it. Also glad to hear that through all of that you still have motivation to keep working out and moving towards your goals.

    Aim for a quieter week this week, ok? :wink:
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yes hoping to have a very non eventful week at the lake.

    So after I posted the info above I don't ove into the store as it was open today. They didn't have half of the crap so it will be two weeks :(
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm glad your friend is improving - I hope the short term memory does too.
    Hope you enjoy the time with your family and the BBQ today! Sounds delicious!