50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Way to go! You've made some awesome progress!! :)
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Mate you rock so hard. That is an awesome reward for all the effort you put in in Siberia. Just think what is going to happen when you add in some strength training. Obese will be nothing but a dirty word for you. Keep rocking it mate
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    The fruits of hard labor! Congratulations.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey guys thanks a lot. I'm pretty brutally honest to myself and this was one of the times that I was actually happy with what I have seen. Not having the scale to stay on track was tough and like I said in your page Kell, I wish you the best in not weighing all the time. I have to continue doing so and I will probably keep doing it for the rest of my life so that I don't slowly gain weight and have to do this journey all over again.

    Looking back on my time losing so far I have to say that I am impressed with my consistency. There has only been a couple days where I go WAY over board with binging. Luckily I have been able to make up for it every time. I leave tomorrow for a 10 day getaway and my hope is to maintain my weight within 1-2 pounds.

    I've hit a bit of a snag in the home gym setup. The company for the flooring hasn't gotten back to me yet and I've already spent my bonus check on other life issues. I think I'll still buy the gym and put it on credit. I have 10 days to figure it out.

    So I completed my business trip to Texas and even though I went with good intentions I didn't workout at all. My weight stayed the same so I'll call that a success. Was way too tired last night to workout but hopefully will get in a short one tonight.

  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I had so much catch up reading to do, so I'm not going to comment on much...BUT congrats on getting below 220! I definitely know how amazing that feels. Here's to getting below 210!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hope you're having an awesome time away and getting some much deserved rest
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Great job reaching below 220!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok I'm back from down south and had a fantastic time. The weather was amazing, my daughter LOVED the pool, the beer was ice cold, and we ate like kings. I even got a little bit of a tan so that was a bonus. Oh and when I say that my daughter loved the pool, I'm talking like I played with her for three hours a day, it was amazing.

    So I went down there with a ton of steam behind me, I just stepped off the scale at the lowest weight I've been in years, I was going strong with T25, and fitting into a bunch of clothes that have been parked in the closet for a long time. I loaded up my workout gear and my HRM and was convinced that I would workout. I literally lasted less than 24 hours on eating good and never pulled my shoes out of my suitcase to workout. I found that it's impossible to eat healthy in a household of 6 people where I wasn't in charge of the cooking. I have no idea what my intake was for the days, my best guess would be 4000-6000 every day. After the first day I decided that I would eat what was served, drink beer when I wanted and snack at any time I felt the need. Chips, nuts, sandwiches, pop, pizza, bacon, waffles, sausage, you name it. So I decided if I gained 5 pounds I would be okay with it.

    So I got home last night and stepped on the scale and my fricken scale was busted. I went over today and bought two new scales, one is coming to Russia with me. Stepped on the scale and I was only 219.6 pounds. A 2.2 pound gain over two weeks of not exercising and eating like crap was great news. It proves to me that once I reach my goal weight I don't have to worry about each and every day I indulge in eating what's offered. I was pretty happy about it.

    So once I knew where I was in terms of progress it was time to workout. I went down to the treadmill. For the first 30 minutes I did week four day three of C25K. I killed it, I had the treadmill on a 2 incline, did my walks at 3.6mph and my runs at 5.6mph. I still felt like I had some sweat left in me so I immediately started week 5 day 1. Around half way through it my right hip started to get real sore, I kept going because it was just sore muscles. Unfortunately I assume that I must have started favouring it because with 20 seconds left of the run in the workout something happened to my left knee. I have no idea what I did but it hurts, I have a slight limp when I walk and when I straighten my leg when sitting down it really doesn't feel nice.

    So after taking the two weeks off I wanted to kick off T25 from the beginning again, unfortunately with this bummed knee there's no way I can do the squats and lunges that are in the videos. I'm worried but I'm going take it easy, hopefully it's just strained.

    So on Wednesday I will be hauling my RV down to the lake and getting set up for the summer. I might be heading down with an old friend. Hopefully it all works out because we were best friends for 10 years but have drifted apart for the last 10 or so years. It would be nice to reconnect and maybe start hanging out again. I'm back home on Thursday night or Friday and will be heading back into Russia on Sunday.

    Well, I'm hopefully going to be able to continue and working out for the next few days, regardless I'll keep logging.

    Thanks for reading!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow 50 you've done some awesome stuff. Great to hear about the minimal weight gain but bummer about the knee. As you say hopefully just a minor strain and it will heal quickly. Just baby it along.
    I hope the trip goes ok with your mate. Nothing better than reconnecting with old friends.
    Maybe some time in cooler Russia will be good for your knee
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Great job getting below 220!

    Speaking as someone with chronic knee problems - TAKE IT EASY. The worst thing you can do is push your knee immediately after injuring it. Give it plenty of time to heal. I know it's SO hard to not get right back to it. Your mind and body are probably itching to get back to exercising as fiercely as you were, but if you push your knee too soon you can do permanent damage. Ice immediately after injury and the first few days, heat after - what's usually recommended. If you do continue exercising on it, stick to lower-impact exercises (no running - walking's fine) and wrap your knee ahead of time. A plain ace bandage will do, but a knee brace is better. Extra support for the next few days (even when you're not exercising) will help it heal properly and more quickly.

    Enjoy your time with your friends. I'm sure the time apart will seem like nothing once you're back in the same room. :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Woke up today and my hip and knee are both jacked up pretty bad. I have to focus on eating today instead of working out, it's frustrating because I sure like the added calories to eat. When I run out of calories it mentally makes me hungry, when I see I have a ton left I don't get as hungry. The pain in my knee is a weird one, it's not very painful to bend down like usual joint pain, the time when it hurts the worst is when I am standing and I lift my foot up to my butt.

    This trip tomorrow couldn't come at a better time, it will take my mind off of not being able to workout. I have some manual labor to do at the property like cutting up 150 foot tall downed trees so I will still be active. Hopefully enough to burn off the bud lite.

    Oh yeah, still no update on the rubber flooring for our home gym. I wish I had a company that I could afford to ignore people who want to spend $1000 on a product I sell. It's frustrating. I don't even want to phone them because I feel they should get back to me, customer service seems rare these days.

    Quzz, I will definitely take it easy on the knee. Walking is out as it hurts pretty bad but I may try the stationary bike for a zero impact workout.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Tried the bike tonight and there was no way that my knee can take it. Ah well, time for rest.

    Turns out my buddy can't make it on the trip so I guess I have time for self reflection. It's about an 8 hour drive down with the 5th wheel and 7 hours home, plus the work on the property by myself. The only plus side is the beer consumption should be reduced a bit.

    I have internet down there so I'm sure I'll be checking in on a regular basis :smile:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Have a safe trip! That sucks about the knee, hope it gets better soon!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Enjoy your trip - is swimming an option?
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well I made it back from The US safe and sound. I actually came home earlier than I wanted to because my knee was killing me. Home for a day and a half then back to Russia. Life is so busy.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow you are all over the place. I hope you're taking time out to rest that knee and get it healing. Look after yourself in Russia
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah it's been an insane amount of travel the last few weeks. I'm heading to the airport in 1.5 hours, thankfully this trip is only 3.5 weeks. I will be staying in Moscow for three nights before heading into Siberia so I'm only there for three weeks which should be a breeze.

    Once the shifts over I'm back to running around again. I get home on a Thursday at 330pm and will drive down to my property for May long weekend that night. Hopefully I won't have to tow anything and then the Mrs. Can drive.

    As for the knee, I can't say that I have been resting it but I definitely haven't been working out. Working down south it got real sore, I was there by myself cutting up huge trees and hauling the wood and I over worked it. I actually came home a day early because it was getting hard to walk. Not being able to workout has been tough mentally. I found that once I took my focus off of fitness I lost focus on healthy eating and tracking as well. I'm hoping that by the time I hit Siberia it feels good enough for the bike. I don't need to start T25 again yet but I need to get some cardio in. I weighed this morning and it didn't look good. I was back up to 220.6. I'm disappointed in gaining weight this time home but considering the circumstances I am okay with it. My goal weight for this trip in Russia is to come home and be 212 pounds. That would be 5 pounds from what I was when I got home this time. 8 pounds from where I am now in 3.5 weeks seems like a steep goal but I can and will do it.

    @kell2912 I am going to look into that watch you got. Up to this point I believe you and I are finding some success I. Some of the same areas, if you say that it's the best gadget you have gotten so far I'm going to look into it.

    Because of the uncertainty of my knee I feel as though the goals and timeline I set out before are now unachievable, I will be setting new ones next time I get home. I have packed my scale this trip in so I can stay on track.

    It's been slow in the motivation journals lately. I hope to see you guys posting more, seeing you guys achieving results helps me stay motivated.

    I'll talk to you guys again from the other side of the world.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your knee and the overall effect it's had on your life. Bike should be easier since it is low impact, but again work your way up if possible.

    Hang in there. You can make it. If you don't make your original goals it isn't failure. Not setting new goals is.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hey Mate Bummer about your knee still being on the fritz. Hopefully with a bit of rest it will be right for some light riding once you get to Siberia. I would definitely recommend the watch. It is giving me so much information and it also is telling me when ive been sitting too long and when i need to move. Also tells me what % of my workout has been fat burn. I'm just loving it and can't recommend it enough.

    Definitely reassess those goals and see where you're at. i have been doing a bit of that now that I am 4 months into this journey and have a bit of data to work with. As @Quzzdragon12 said not reaching your original goals is not failing but not setting new ones is. Keep working on it. You got this
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well I'm settled in across the pond. I got up and showered this morning, whipped out the trusty old scale and BAM!!! 222.2 pounds :( It sucks, but it happens. There will be two or so pounds on there just from flying. I tend to gain a bunch of weight from the super salty food on the airplanes plus I eat like a pig when I fly, not sure why but I do, probably boredom.

    Its a far cry from the 217.4 pounds I was celebrating just a few weeks ago but its where I am at today. My current weight does not change the goal weight of 212 by the time i get home. I will be in Siberia for three weeks and I believe that I can lose 3 pounds a week by staying real strict on my diet and riding the bike. Again, this is all conditional on my knee feeling good enough to ride. If I can get back down to 220 in the few days that I am here in Moscow I will be well on my way to meeting this goal.

    I had said that my mom started MFP a while back and was going to start working out with me. Well, she stuck to the plan for exactly one day and quit. Now my father has signed up to MFP because he sees the success that I have been having, even if I have gained 5 pounds in the last few weeks. He also works over here and is going to try it for the three weeks that he is on shift. He has his loss set to one pound a week, and I am sure that if he sees results he will stick to it. He is weighing in at around 230 pounds right now and is sick of getting red in the face while tying his shoes. MFP has given him 1850 calories which is a good amount of calories to eat in a day. I had a feeling that he was going to do something because for the last few days he has been asking me how many calories are in certain foods.

    So going forward, I am back on my daily oatmeal for breakfast and since lunches are hard to come by in the Moscow office I have brought tuna and protein powder to get me through lunch. Dinners will be the hard part to stay on track. We have a BBQ tomorrow and on the menu is beef tenderloin, scallops, lamb chops, veggies and beer. Im looking forward to it.