50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    You are awesome mate. As I said in the newsfeed. massive kudos for not giving up and going back for a second go. That kind of attitude and committment is going to see you not only hit goals but smash them out of the park. I hope with the amount of exercise you're doing you're getting in plenty of protein for your muscles to heal and repair. They sound like they are getting a massive workout.
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Wow, kudos for resetting and moving forward. That is tough to do when you are struggling and exhausted. It sounds like you did exactly what your body needed.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow I've been catching up and you have been doing great. The workouts sounds brutal. I admire the way you're achieving your goals. I can really see a difference in you. Someone told me yesterday she could tell I was losing weight. It made my day. I've avoided the scale for a week and I was afraid to get on it yesterday, but I am at my lowest weight so far. I still have a lot to go. I want to get into the overweight category on my BMI. I think I'm close. I'm 29.9 right now. I need to see what that is. Reading about your progress helps me so thanks for sharing!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey good to see some new/old faces back on here.

    Lottie, one of the best feelings of my journey has come when people I haven't seen in a while make a comment. Its validation that what I am doing is making a difference on the outside finally. Congrats on the new lowest weight, if you are 29.9 you are officially overweight! YAY!!! I can't weight to be overweight (<--- see what i did there?)

    Anyways, so yesterday was a big day with big eating and no working out. Now that may sound like a negative thing but it wasn't. I have been making an honest effort in helping out the maintenance department in the company I work for over here because my department (manufacturing) is slow these days. Anyways, my BIL is the maintenance supervisor and was heading out the the field to do some repairs, I offered to go with him and help so he wasn't out there for like 30 hours straight. It ended up we crushed a 17 hour shift. It was a bit cold, and took some time, but all in all it was a good day and night on the Siberian Tundra. The weather was manageable at around -7 and the wind for the most part was only a slight breeze with a few gusts so we didn't start to freeze up until the sun went down. I ended up eating an extra 400 or so calories with no exercise adjustments to bring it back down to my required deficit but that is ok, yesterday was definitely not a sedentary day.

    The best part is I actually got a good sleep, first time in about 4 weeks. Since we worked late we decided we were going to come into work late and I got a 9 hour sleep. I truly feel like a new man today. My typical days over here give me around 5.5-6 hours of sleep, 13.5 hours work, and 1.5 hours worth of working out. I end up getting run down so this was a big help. Back to T25 tonight, and if my body is still aching I will take the night off of riding the bike.

    Everything feels right on track right now
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Glad you got in a "rest" day of sorts. It's amazing how you feel when the batteries get a chance to recharge. Hopefully that will power you through til you get home and can rest up again.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah its funny how working long hours over here changes my outlook on what "working" is. I used to complain that the days felt so long when I was working 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Today we started at 1030 so that will make for a 10 hour day and its nothing, feels like I just got to work and the days almost over. It's kind of funny.

    As for having the energy to make it through until I get home, thats looking like that might be no problem. I started trying to book an early trip home about an hour ago. Earlier this month I had to postpone a trip down to Texas for work but its looking like its time to head there for next week. I am hoping to find out tonight if its going to happen or not. If everything works out, I will be sleeping in my own bed by the end of this weekend. Might even forget to tell me wife I am coming home and surprise her and my daughter.

    There are a bunch of things going on today and again they are putting me in a fantastic mood. I don't know if its the fact that the suns shining, the skies blue and it warmed up to like 2 degrees, or if its the fact I got a ton of sleep last night, but all day long I have felt fantastic and am in a great mood. Hell, it might even be that the guy that told me I looked thin a few days ago agreed to try the first T25 program. All in all just a nice day. I hope I can continue the energy level and optimism into tonight, its T25 leg day and there are a TON of squats and lunges to get through.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So last night was T25 lower body focus and I killed it. About the only thing I didn't do was what they call pulses or something. Where you go into a squat position or a lunge position and pulse up and down for 30 seconds after doing a hundred lead up squats or lunges haha. So instead of doing the pulses I continued to do full ones. I am really happy with this, its very obvious that my legs are getting much stronger than when I started this, if only I could have these results with the ab video that's tonight and the Total body video that I did a couple days ago.

    Also have some great news, I get to go home a couple days early! I will be leaving here on the 1st, flying to Moscow and over-nighting there, then flying home on Saturday the 2nd. I have already ordered flowers and will be surprising momma and baby on our anniversary. They will be at the inlaws house so I will go there. I'm pretty excited even if I am only home for two nights, before I have to turn around and fly to Texas on Monday, back to Canada on Wednesday, then all the way back down to Arizona on Friday.

    Anyways, the suns shining, hopefully it will be a good day.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    March 29 photos, slowly getting there

  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow I'm glad you are going home earlier. Sounds like you travel a lot. That has to be hard on your family. Happy Anniversary!!!!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah I fly around a ton Lottie, I probably average somewhere around 250 hours flying a year. It's good and bad for my family, it sucks terribly when I am gone for a month, but on the flip side I am home for a month straight. It works out that I am physically at home way more working rotational then I ever would have been working a Monday-Friday job. In my line of work to make any money at home you have to work 12 hour days plus weekends so by the time I got home at night I wanted to shower, eat and sleep. That doesn't really count as being around. Working long hours M-F and then some Sats and Suns is brutal. When I am home for 30 days now, my family gets my full attention. I'm never too tired to do anything and have time to raise my daughter.

    My wife and I made this decision together for me to come over to Russia. Her dad did it for 20 some years, my dad has done it for over 25 years, and I work with my brother in law. It took some adjusting at the start but 6 years in I can honestly say that it strengthens our relationship. Every time I get home, its like we are a new couple again. We don't fight or argue over the small stuff and we value our time together. My job wont be around for much longer, I am hoping for one more year but we will have to see what happens.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Yes I can see how that is better. Enjoy your anniversary! The cold would get to me I think. But I guess it's what you get used to. In my grief group is a lady that's from Russia. She's been here a long time but she still has relatives there. She's so sweet lost her husband and she's young her husband was only 42. That's why getting healthy is so important. Arizona will be a real change for you. Well better get to bed.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    How awesome that you will be able to surprise your wife and daughter on your anniversary. That will be pretty special and put a spring in your step for the next few days. Can't wait to see what your numbers are too when you get on the scales. I reckon there will be some change there. Have a safe flight home and enjoy the weekend
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah I'm pumped for it to all go down, I will have my driver stop off on the way home to pick up the flowers I ordered for the anniversary and her gift as well.

    I am having another great day. This is like three in a row. The suns shining, the skies blue, and tomorrow morning at 3am, I start my two day journey home. Add into that, I received notification just now that my yearly bonus is approved and going into my bank tomorrow, as well as a paycheck and the monthly rent for my rental property, all this makes me a happy man.

    Last night I did the Ab video again for T25, and again it was brutal although I was able to do a bit more of the routine. There are still a large amount of the exercises that I am completely unable to do, even the modified ones but I did what I could and can only hope to get better moving forward. I finished off the night with an extremely intense 35 minute session on the bike.

    I spoke to the Mrs. this morning and we were talking about leading healthier lives. She hasn't been doing T25 every day but when she does them she is doing two workouts back to back in the Beta portion. I apologized to her because I have forgotten to tell her how proud I am of her for getting down to business and working out. I have been so wrapped up in my journey that I forgot to appreciate all of the effort that she has been putting in. Shes working full time, raising our daughter while I am away and is still finding time to workout for three or more hours a week. I have a pretty great wife.

    Anyways, Kell, all of your lifting has inspired me to start thinking about my own. When I started down this road I was set on only doing cardio and some workout programs until I lose the weight, then get into weight training to build back up the muscle that I will surely lose along the way. I told my wife that I was interested in buying some weights for the house, and she said that she would like to start lifting as well. What I am looking at is a power rack, incline/flat/decline adjustable bench and a 300lb rubber coated weight set with an Olympic bar to start with. The power rack would allow me to safely workout on the benches by myself because of the safety stops on it. I can get the three things above for about $1100 CAD which is about the amount of money I have saved on booze since I started all of this :) The only other thing that we would need is rubber flooring for the workout area in my basement. I have priced it out to be around $1000 for a big enough section to meet our needs and high enough quality that it wont move around on us when we are doing aerobics videos. This is the exact type of rubber flooring that gyms have and is durable enough to drop heavy weights down on it. I will start looking into that kind of stuff further after my holiday next week. If my drive to get it, is anywhere near as high as it is right now, I will pull the trigger and buy it.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow awesome work about the weights. I reckon you will notice weight loss. As I keep getting told the more muscle you build the more your metabolism rises. Brilliant also that you are using the money you have saved to further your healthy lifestyle.

    It's great you have your wife on board. Not only is it great you have a partner to work out with but you will be both getting fit and healthy and also setting an awesome example for your daughter.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    What a frustrating day with food it's been today. I woke up at 3am to get to the airport on time and had oatmeal and eggs which was great. Get to the airport and planes delayed by an hour, then another, then another and so on. Ended up being 5 hours delayed. All that's in the airport is a vending machine and I was starving so I ate chips and peanuts. Then I get to the apartment in Moscow and there's nothing to be eaten except junk food. Bring on popcorn, dry cereal, pizza (930 cals worth that I haven't logged) and other crappy food. I know exactly how my weight fluctuates up and down and this day set me back a couple of pounds for sure. I'm up again tomorrow at 3am to leave for the airport, tomorrow's got 13 hours more of flying and around 6 hours sitting in the airports. I'm still the one shovelling food into my mouth but it pisses me off not having an easy choice to eat healthy.

    I get home on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully Saturday evening I will be able to work out but by that point I will already be awake for over 30 hours straight and it's going to be tough. Then I have Sunday to workout and have to weigh in Monday. It's going to break me if I don't hit my goal by then.

    It's going to be real tough for the next 2.5 weeks straight too. Monday afternoon I fly out again, I'm looking at an entire day in the airports and flying, around 6 hours fly time to get there. Then I have a meeting all day Tuesday, get up at 3am again to get to the airport and get on another plane at 6:05am Wednesday morning to come home again. And then Friday I fly out again for my 10 day holiday at 8am. I get home on a Sunday and have to get my RV loaded up and make the 8 hour drive down to my property at the lake to get it opened up and running for the season. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

    These aren't excuses, these are parts of life. Being busy isn't going to stop until I retire so I have to figure out how to at least maintain my weight for the next little while. This is one of the things I need to learn to make this healthy transformation stick for life. Believing that I can keep on track with my weight loss goals for the next little while is being a bit naive.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    edited April 2016
    Mate sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Sometimes there is no choice but something that is not as healthy as you would like. It's about managing the choices you have in front of you that will give you the best outcome. Sometimes when you have the time you can tweak the situation so it is a bit more healthy but other times you wont be able to do that and its just about making the best of a bad situation. Life happens and you can't stop that. If you believe you can then that's where you are a bit naive. If you can go to bed at night knowing you have done the best you can with the situation you had, then that's a good day. Don't beat up on yourself my friend.

    On another note. I read this blog post that came on my Facebook feed today from MFP and given one of your earlier posts I thought I would share it with you

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well I made it home safe and sound and surprised the hell out of the Mrs. The flowers I ordered look fantastic and I'm sure she appreciated the US$ I tucked into the envelope too. We have the trip to Arizona at the end of the week plus she will want spending money for summer holidays at our piece of property at the lake which is also in the US.

    Anyways, I did step on the scale when I got back and I'm happy with the results. I'll weigh in tomorrow and log it into MFP. I was worried that I wouldn't make my goal weight but as long as I don't eat a couple large pizzas tonight I will make it.

    Kell, thanks for that blog post, everything that they say is true in there, strength training is super important and both the wife and I are excited to get started with it. Today I asked for a quote on the rubber flooring I have been looking at. I hope to hear back from them tomorrow. I got a quote for a 11' x 16' piece of 1/2" interlocking flooring. The flooring is top quality, it's the same kind that are in pro gyms. It might me overkill but we want something permanent that will last forever. If it comes in at under $1000 I will buy it. I also got a price for heavy duty mats for under the bike and the treadmill. As for equipment, We are pretty certain on the power rack and workout bench as well as a 300lb weight set and bar. Other than that we don't know what to get. The Mrs wants some more Dumbbells so will probably go that route as well. I'm good with just the bar and weights for now. I don't want to go crazy right off the bat. I want to get high quality stuff and slowly build up our collection with more of it. I'm not interested in getting crap that were not going to be happy with just to have to replace it down the road. My budget for this go around is $2500-$3000 so we should be able to get some of the basics.

    On the schedule for tonight is T25. It's been three days since I worked out so I have to get back into it. I was falling asleep by 7pm last night from jet lag so I wasn't able to do anything then. If I can workout tonight and tomorrow morning before I fly down to Texas I'll be right back on the track to healthy living. I need to burn as much fat as I can in the next few days before I pack it back on during out 10 day getaway.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    You tell me i'm an inspiration but i have to say you're pretty inspirational yourself Mr 50. Reading your blog and posts on other peoples blogs i can feel my mojo getting a bit stirred up and ready to break back out. Nice work on being pro active about the strength training. I reckon you will really see some weight shift once your body gets used to it and the muscle gain plateaus out a bit. Mrs 50 is going to be healthy and red hot as well. Kudos to you both.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    You work at you weight loss journey so hard. When you aren't in your zone you worry. It really shows how deadicated you are. That's why you inspire me. Strength training will help. Last time I reached my goal ( before knee injury) I did circuit strength training and cardio. It really help to shape the muscles and didn't have loose skin. I'm glad your wife was surprised. Maybe you could make a healthy trail mix to have on hand on your travel days. Too bad vending machines don't have fruit.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member

    Well this was a real nice surprise this morning. I am extremely a happy that I made it down below the 220 mark. Truthfully I'm probably a pound heavier because I was very dehydrated when I woke up this morning but regardless I'll take the loss. Right before bed last night the Mrs and I did two sessions of T25 and I didn't rehydrate enough afterwards.

    This loss was a couple pounds more than I thought I was going to see because of my week long beer binge at the start of my last trip. What this has done for me is shown that if I put in the effort I will see the results. In Russia this time I worked my *kitten* off pretty much every night I was in Siberia. The t25 is making me stronger and the cardio I feel is helping to melt the weight off.

    I am pretty pumped about the whole thing. I'm writing this sitting in the airport hoping that I don't fall off the wagon too bad during this trip.

    Next stop is saying goodbye to being obese!