No more excuses!

Simone679 Posts: 10 Member
Hi everyone! Okay, I have No kids, No medical issues and plenty of time to get and stay in shape. Heck, even the husband is focused. I chose to suck in so much, that I can hardly breathe to look good. No more sucking in. (Well not as much) It's time to get toned and living a more healthy lifestyle.

So what's everyone's favorite meals and successful workouts. I'm all ears!


  • Deborah100660
    Deborah100660 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I haven't trained regularly in 2 years since my husband passed. It is now time for me to get back into a healthy lifestyle spritually and physically. I want to be able to hike and bicycle with my 21 year old daughter this summer.

    Favorite morning breakfast- oatbran cereal (Bob's Red Mill) and 2 tablespoons chia seed.

    My workouts are from Muscle and Fitness. I also get Shape Magazine and do general workouts. I start with 30 minutes of weights daily and do whole body routines until I gain strength. I am trying to do at least 30 minutes of cardio daily. My ultimate goal is 1 hour of cardio 5 days per week and 1 hour of weights 5 days per week. At my peak fitness, I was 16% body fat, 150 pounds, 5'5", and a size 3-4. I am currently 155 with 23% body fat. There are many fitness magazines posting total body workouts this time of year. A couple of light weight dumbells added to these works well to start with.
