
VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
Introduce yourself here!

I will post mine later!


  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm computerfox82 and I live in the southeastern part of the USA. I have struggled with my weight for quite a few years now. I love to skate, hike, cook, play music, and still water kayak. I'm 33 and ready to start a family this year. Very glad this group exists.
  • vrokhfit
    vrokhfit Posts: 55 Member
    I'm Vanessa, I'm 29 and live in MN. My husband and I just got married in September. His mother has been fighting cancer for 4 + years now so it's important to him that we conceive sooner rather than later so I most likely will not reach the healthy BMI range before we conceive. I would REALLY like, however, to at least exit the obese range, but honestly, that might not even happen. We're currently not trying but not preventing. I started out at 270 some time ago and had made it down to 231 right before we left for our honeymoon in mid Dec which was, of course, immediately followed by the holidays so once I get back to that number I will be a happy girl!

    I really look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Katie and I live in Manitoba, Canada. I got married in July and my husband and I are hoping to try for a baby as soon as we get back from our honeymoon in June (bit of a delay... though I guess this is really honeymoon number 2).

    I've been attempting to get to a certain weight since 2013 (YUP, 2013) and have basically not succeeded in getting any closer than 10 lbs to it (once, I was 3 lbs away and it was glorious... but I lost it... I let a comment derail me). I'm now at the point where I want to hit goal, and maintain for a few months before TTC. And June/July is coming up fast!

    More about me.. I'm an engineer - hence why I love spreadsheets so much. My husband is an accountant so we're both math people (especially when you consider I do cost estimating haha). We built and moved into a house in August of 2015 and life has not yet settled in there. Working on it!

    Sadly, it seems I do not have any hobbies. I used to draw and make up little stories (not writing, but just in point form haha). I also used to read a lot. So hopefully, once I reach maintenance, I can get some hobbies back. It seems like I spend a lot of time meal planning these days - or convincing myself that meal planning is so hard that I deserve a break by watching oodles of TV.

    I'm really looking forward to summer, not only for my trip, but also because I might have obtained a spot on a rookie soccer team. I'm really hoping I'll enjoy it. It's great exercise and my fun cousins play on the team so it should be good socially too! I also play dodge ball on Sunday nights, and that's pretty fun. I'm not the best, but it's a good way to get out and move a bit.

    I'm happy to have all of you here with me! It looks like we have a great group going. All the best to you in the challenge!
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    So sorry about the comment VeryKatie. Don't let anyone derail you from achieving your goals. Good luck with the soccer team.
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi :) I am 31 years old and work as a teacher of the Deaf and live in Albany Western Australia, am loving being in this group and the challenge for the month, have been on point so far for the 3 days and also meeting my mini goals I set for myself of drinking 2L water a day and doing 10000 steps per day! usually I get to Wednesday and eat something I shouldn't and so think "stuff it I will start a fresh next Monday". Ummmm what else, my partner and I are trying for a baby but will get more serious and active about it in about May so if it happens earlier we will be just as pleased :) looking forward to getting to know you ladies over the coming weeks!
  • Sabrinarose8
    Sabrinarose8 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I am 33 and living in Miami, FL. My husband and I tried a few years ago to have a baby but no luck. we have done all the basic fertility test but nothing showed up so we have unexplained infertility. After trying naturally and a few rounds of clomid, we decided to take a break. I was overweight before we started TTC however during that time my weight shot up to the highest it's ever been. While on the break I took some time for me and started my weight loss journey. I am down 40 pounds so far and we decided to try again, this time we are going to take it easy and not stress out. I hope that the weight loss, healthier living, and less stress will help us this time around.
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    Nice to meet everyone so far! As for myself, I'm 30 years old and live on the west coast of Canada. During my first pregnancy I had some serious complications(eclamptic seizure) and as a result our daughter has cerebral palsy and global development delays. My husband and I would like to try for another child and give her a sibling, but it makes me (a whole lot) worried because of the increased risks. We are not planning on trying for over a year from now, so that gives me plenty of time to get as healthy as possible beforehand.

    I enjoy hiking, cooking, baking and I just took up sewing again. (Sewing should come in handy as I lose!) I look forward to summer when we can get outside more with our four year old.

    Tentatively before May 2017, my goals include:
    -Reaching a weight of 140lbs (SW:242, CW:212)
    -Comfortably jog 30 minutes (Managed that this week! I now want to improve the distance I can jog in that time.)
    -Deadlift and barbell squat my own bodyweight (This one is in a bit of limbo.)
    -Build a good, solid base of tasty, healthier and easy recipes that my husband and I like. (Made Thai Coconut Curry last night, yum.)

    And long term:
    -Continue calorie counting from now, into maintenance, throughout pregnancy and beyond to keep me from becoming complacent.

    Enjoy the journey everyone!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi everyone. I love reading all of your introductions. I am 31 and live in the Southwestern US. My husband and I got married twice. Once at the courthouse November 2013 and the "real" wedding July 2014. My weight has been steadily increasing over the last decade, but went up a lot faster when hubby and I moved in together in 2012. I am enjoying taking our puppy for walks around the neighborhood everyday and relatively easy hikes on the weekend. I also enjoy biking with my husband, but we haven't done much of that in the last 8 months. I also enjoy quiet activities like reading, crocheting, baking, and snuggling with the cats on the couch.

    My highest weight was last June at 189, and I would like to be 140/135. I am trying to get back to a healthy BMI, although I don't want to put off TTC for too long. It took my mom 5 years to get pregnant with me (only child) and I have a terrible fear of infertility, especially since we want more than one child. I started a new job in November and we agreed I should be closer to having worked here 1 year prior to TTC so I will qualify for FMLA leave just in case something comes up.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @puffbrat congrats on the new job!

    I'm glad all you ladies are here. I think think group of people with the same end goal as me is just what I need!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I love reading everyone's introductions! :)

    Hello everyone! I'm Wifires/Kayla. I'm 25. I live in the NE part of the US. A couple months ago, I quit my job and moved in with my boyfriend in another state. We have been together 2 1/2 years and were in a long distance relationship for most of it. I'm still getting settled as I am a person who hates change haha (I know, I know change is constant - doesn't mean I have to like it! :P) so it takes me a little longer to get adjusted to things but everything is getting easier and my next and last step is to get a job. Eventually we will be looking to get a house which I'm super excited about. I really want my own washer and dryer! (I think that's how you know you're growing up! :P)

    Anyway, I've struggled with my weight since I was a teen. It was never too terrible but got worse when my boyfriend and I got together. We started eating out a lot, I had stopped exercising a couple months before we got together so with high calorie meals and no exercise, it didn't take long before the scale reached it's all time high. I've tried losing weight before but nothing ever stuck. I've found what works for me now (moderation and my food scale) and I'm definitely on this journey for the long haul (which as most you know is a lifetime.)

    Eventually we plan on getting married and starting a family and I want to be at a healthy weight to do so, not to mention diabetes and high blood pressure are common in my family so I'm trying to stave off those as well.

    I've already made some progress over the last month and I know I will be making plenty more in the future. This time I've just decided to buckle up and enjoy the ride! I know I'll eventually get where I need to go =D

  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Hi there! My name is Katy, I'm from Virginia. I'm 28, my husband and I have been together for 9 years and we recently married in September 2015. We are trying to get pregnant as soon as possible, but I'm also trying to get my cycle on track. My doctor thinks that my cycles are messed up because of my weight. So goal #1 is to lose weight, with diet and exercise. Goal #2 is to learn and keep healthy habits so that when we do conceive we're starting off on a better path.

    I like to knit, watch nature and history shows, take baths and read detective novels. I have a dog named Scout, who is the smartest happiest dog I know and he's at least half of my world. My husband and I run a business together, which has it's positives and negatives. I love to cook, take walks and make lists. Instagram is my favorite form of social media. I watch Tv only through amazon and netflix. I hate commercials and advertising.

    I recently started the Piyo workout program through beachbody. I don't take their supplements, I just use the workout. I'm really enjoying them.

    Nice to meet you all! I hope you don't mind, but i'm going to be sending friend requests out to everyone- i'm trying to build my friend list up here, I have found the more active people I'm following on mfp are, the more active I am.

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    So I guess its about time I introduce myself.

    Im 32, married in 2014 and hubby and I are going to TTC in Octoberish. From my highest weight I have lost 70lbs, the first time it was all at once, then I gained back 30lbs, then lost 20, you know the drill. As of today I am down the full 70 lbs, and just 3lbs from a healthy BMI! Halleluja! I still have about 30lbs that I would like to lose before getting pregnant. I have back issues and want to be strong before trying to carry a child.
    I am currently eating the whole 30 diet, and have been really enjoying it! i have lost quite a bit of weight and am learning to really love veggies and simple, whole foods. I love zumba and walking with my pup.

    @VeryKatie thanks for starting this group!
  • MrsR130
    MrsR130 Posts: 66 Member
    Just wanted to drop in and say hi! I will be joining in the March challenge and am ready to see some changes!

    About me: I am 30, DH is 33, we have been married for 5 years, have two dogs, and we are going to start TTC in July. I am an engineer and DH is a social worker, we are at a great place in our careers, finished renovating the house, and have our "baby budget" in place...BUT I am currently at my highest weight ever and am completely crushed.

    So, it is time to get ME back so that we can work on having our family. I would like to lose at about 30 lbs before we start to try in July (6lb loss/month) and continue to lose until we get a BFP (GW 154, UGW 140). I want to have good habits established and take all of those habits right into pregnancy.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @MrsR130 Welcome to the challenge, we're glad to have you!
    I'm also an engineer so I'm curious what kind you are :) I'm civil and do cost estimating!

    You'll reach your goal in no time. There's nothing more motivating than the desire to start a family.
  • MrsR130
    MrsR130 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks! @VeryKatie

    I am a biomedical engineer and work in sports med (for hip, shoulder, knee repair). Love it!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie what kind of civil engineering do you do? I work in environmental compliance and have worked with a lot of civil engineers for transportation, water and wastewater projects.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    @VeryKatie what kind of civil engineering do you do? I work in environmental compliance and have worked with a lot of civil engineers for transportation, water and wastewater projects.

    Cost estimating for heavy civil projects. I used to do structural also. Environmental compliance is something I hear lots about too :) But I don't work with it directly.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Hi everyone!

    It's not official, but the conversation keeps coming up more and more at I feel like it could be a reality soon lol planned or not!

    We're not married yet and that's always been my hangup (I'm old fashioned!). But I became unexpectedly pregnant earlier this year (we absolutely weren't trying) and then had an early miscarriage, and I think it just really made both of us realize how much we really want to have kids. I'm in my early 30s, so at least for me it's kinda made me not want to postpone it any longer because God forbid something like this were to happen again....I just don't want the pressure of being up against a biological clock in addition to just the normal stress of trying to get pregnant (if we wait until we get per his mom the proposals coming, but then to plan a wedding it might be 1-2 years away). Lol and no I'm not at defcom 5 or anything....but because the way this pregnancy ended its just added a little anxiety.

    I'm overweight...close to ONEderland, and doc didn't think this was why I miscarried and all my post US scans look good and she doesn't see anything that would prevent me from being able to have a healthy pregnancy. But I know risks increase with weight, so I'm really wanting to drop the weight before we actively try.

    On top of just all the medical crap, we like to travel a lot and frequently go to the Caribbean and already have trips lined up....before I wouldn't mind traveling pregnant, but with all the Zika crap going on if you're TTC it can really stretch out your timelines. My doc basically told me not to try for like 3 months after visiting a destination where Zika is spreading. So I feel like we really have to have a plan for when we really TTC to make sure we're either not traveling to any Zika area or that we're in the clear to try after being somewhere where's there Zika. We've got a trip coming up this summer, and I'm thinking it should be our last. That'll out us in September/October to safely be able to start trying if we want, and it gives me 5/6 months to keep losing weight.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi @motivatedsister! Welcome to the group.

    I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage earlier this year.

    I completely understand where you are coming from being in your early 30s. I am same way and would also like to try not having the added pressure of being 35 or older. I had a friend get pregnant last year with her first child at 37. The doctors were stressing her out so badly telling her she was old and doing so much extra testing. In the end she had a healthy pregnancy and baby, but I think it made the whole experience less enjoyable for her.

    I have another friend right now who is trying and turns 35 in July. She is freaking out that things will magically get terrible after her birthday and desperately wants to get pregnant before then. I tried reminding her that her body will not suddenly fall to pieces on her birthday ;) but I understand her stress.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Yea, you would think with the increasing number of women having successful pregnancies that doctors wouldn't continue with the whole you don't have a lot of time bit. Make people aware of course, but then drop it! I work in healthcare and one day my boss literally told me well no offense but you're kind of running out of time if you don't want to have problems. I was like 30 at the time....people need to get a grip!

    If I hadn't had the miscarriage I would definitely still be stress free, but having had one the first time I ever got pregnant does unfortunately make my mind go negative sometimes and give in to the hype.