Body Recomp

So I'm giving this eating more thing another chance. It took me getting a Fitbit and seeing that my body burns about 2500-2600 calories a day with exercise. I was eating 1600 calories a day. So that was about 1000 calories under a day. I'm guessing this is why my body would store the fat.

On workout days I'll consume more carbs and active rest days I'll consume less. Still keeping protein up of course.

Starting weight: 163.8

Eat the food, do the work!!!


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Congrats on retaking the plunge!! Baby steps is a great place to start. If you are eating at 1600, try a slow increase up to your TDEE... go up a 100-200 cals a week or so and progress slowly up:)
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Raynn1 wrote: »
    Congrats on retaking the plunge!! Baby steps is a great place to start. If you are eating at 1600, try a slow increase up to your TDEE... go up a 100-200 cals a week or so and progress slowly up:)

    I'm at 1900 now. This was going a Lil ways back. Probably gonna end up eating my exercise calories back :)
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Since bumping up to at least 1900 everything has been going swimingly. I don't get the bloatedness i usually get and im adding weight like crazy now to my lifts and having no difficulties whatsoever with them. I'm glad i changed my motto to eat the food, do the work!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Congrats on experiencing what a body can do that has ample recovery and repair available.

    You'll likely recomp pretty decently during the increase.

    Just remember though - if you are doing the average weekly TDEE method - you don't eat back exercise calories - they should already have been accounted for in your TDEE level.

    Now - for sake of adherence - you may indeed take 100-200 calories from rest day to eat on workout day when you are really hungry.
    But also remember that as long as fuel enough for strong workout - the repair for lifting takes 24-36 hrs so you may actually be more hungry the next day though rest day - and want that 100-200 there.
    Meaning static number daily works anyway.
    Depends on nature and frequency of workouts and when.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Rest days I'm keeping it 1800-1900 whereas before I would have it at around 1500-1600. I'm going to also incorporate a little carb cycling as well. Higher on workout days of course, being at least 200g and lower on non so around 150g.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Had to cut carbs. Found out I have a sensitivity to too many of them. I get bad stomach pains and im really tired as well as bloated like you wouldn't believe. I upped the protein, lowered the carbs, and had more healthy fats, and now I don't feel as bloated and I was able to power thru my leg day session today. Yesterday was upper body and I was weak. Had a good nights sleep Sunday night but had way too many carbs. Glad I have things going on the right path now!
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Good for you! Was it just trial and error that you found this out?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    When I first did the Zone 40/30/30 years ago - I was shocked by the change in my system from stomach to inflammation, to endurance actually with correct cardio workouts.

    Of course I came from prior eating fad of high carbs, no fat, protein didn't matter. I can now eat more than that, but still benefit by having protein and fat in each snack and meal - preferably before the carbs if possible, but 50/25/25 or abouts is just fine now.

    What ratio were you at that still caused issues, and about where at now?
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 195 Member
    Never be afraid to eat more :D Stick with it, it'll be worth it in a few weeks :)
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I was having around 240g of carbs, 140g of protein and roughly 50g of fat, give or take.

    I found out why I have been really exhausted lately. I have iron deficiency anemia and my doctor has me on 900mg of iron a day to boost it up. One of the contributing factors of my extreme low ferritin levels is Celiac's disease. After a month of being on a high dose of iron doc is wanting another blood test done to check my iron levels. If its back to normal, then great no issues, but if its still too low then he has to dig deeper and find out whats going on. So I had asked him if low iron would cause a stoppage in losing fat and he said yes because the body is not getting the iron and oxygen that it needs. So hopefully taking my iron supplements, and lowering the carbs like he advised me to, it'll fix everything and I will be well on my way to my ideal body type and body fat %.

    Other than that I'm really enjoying eating 1900-2000 cals, and my body is responding well with my carbs being around 150g. No tummy issues, and no bloating feeling either. With today being an active rest day, im going to keep it around 120g, and just make sure i keep the protein and healthy fats up! Steak is on the menu for dinner tonight, gotta get the iron in ;)
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 195 Member
    Interesting you mention low iron having an effect. I have a B12 deficiency which I get injections for, and wondered if that would have an effect too. My doctor had advised me to cut down on my injections so that my levels can be accurately tested, and I'm feeling the effect of that now. Test results are due in the next few days so I'll find out if I'm still anaemic or not, or if there's anything else going on wrt vitamin or mineral deficiencies, blood sugar levels etc.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    jennytree wrote: »
    Interesting you mention low iron having an effect. I have a B12 deficiency which I get injections for, and wondered if that would have an effect too. My doctor had advised me to cut down on my injections so that my levels can be accurately tested, and I'm feeling the effect of that now. Test results are due in the next few days so I'll find out if I'm still anaemic or not, or if there's anything else going on wrt vitamin or mineral deficiencies, blood sugar levels etc.

    I can see it. If your muscles aren't getting the oxygen then its harder for them to grow.