Eh, Carb Guidance?

Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
Looking for some answers to a few questions. Please help with links or your own knowledge.

I went from eating @ home for 4 months very healthy, low carb, high fat low protein to...

Im eating one meal at 4 am Wed-Sat, its 1500-1600 cals. The Carbs are insane, something like 200-300g in that meal.
Im on my feet for 9 hours straight and in constant motion. Work 3rd shift.
My question is are those carbs way too high for such a small amount of cals?
Since Im in constant motion could I be burning some of those carbs? Enough for those carbs to not affect my weight?

Sun-Tues Im doing about 30g carb days @ 1500-1600 cals w/a high fat/protein ratio, I learned how to do this when I was doing Keto.
Those are the only days Im home to cook. I eat a meal at 7pm on those days as well, so that's 2 meals a day for 3 days.
Im wondering if those low carbs are balancing out my high carb days at the end of the week?

Is it considered a fast when Im only eating that meal at 4 am when Im having coffee w/milk at 7:30 am after work?
I ask because I heard fasting can help with keeping weight off. Also, I eat this meal at 4 am because its when Im at break at work.

All of your responses are greatly appreciated.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Looking for some answers to a few questions. Please help with links or your own knowledge.

    I went from eating @ home for 4 months very healthy, low carb, high fat low protein to...

    Im eating one meal at 4 am Wed-Sat, its 1500-1600 cals. The Carbs are insane, something like 200-300g in that meal.
    Im on my feet for 9 hours straight and in constant motion. Work 3rd shift.
    My question is are those carbs way too high for such a small amount of cals?
    Since Im in constant motion could I be burning some of those carbs? Enough for those carbs to not affect my weight?

    Sun-Tues Im doing about 30g carb days @ 1500-1600 cals w/a high fat/protein ratio, I learned how to do this when I was doing Keto.
    Those are the only days Im home to cook. I eat a meal at 7pm on those days as well, so that's 2 meals a day for 3 days.
    Im wondering if those low carbs are balancing out my high carb days at the end of the week?

    Is it considered a fast when Im only eating that meal at 4 am when Im having coffee w/milk at 7:30 am after work?
    I ask because I heard fasting can help with keeping weight off. Also, I eat this meal at 4 am because its when Im at break at work.

    All of your responses are greatly appreciated.

    Fasting will help if it helps you adhere to your calorie and macronutrient goals. Fasting will not help if it doesn't do this, and I'm not convinced of any specific and convincing evidence that, outside of the caloric deficit, you get any additional sort of fat-loss bonus from fasting.

    In other words, do it if you enjoy doing it and if it makes your dieting life easier (preferential aspects and gym performance).

    Regarding your carbs and your calories/macronutrients, please list out the following:

    Calorie, Carbs, protein, fat intake in grams for both your fasting and non fasting days.

    List it like this please:

    M: 1500 calories, 150protein, 50f, 100 carb


    Then tell me what your rate of weight loss has been over the past 4 weeks doing your current plan.

    Lastly, how do you feel?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Thank you for your quick response. Please forgive me for continuing to ask questions. I think you were telling me to report back in a month, but I still have a few concerns. If you don't mind me asking.

    So far I feel bloated from eating all those carbs, no other side effects. The carbs Im consuming are from bread, pancakes, fries, nothing healthy like fruit and veggies. I rectify eating like this, because I could never get in 1500-1600 cals eating tuna sammiches and fruit and veggies, I say tuna sammich cuz I love them also convenient and lazy food for me to make. Im so exhausted working 3rd shift. Seems like all I do is work and sleep. Thus the reason for me only eating 1 meal. My protein is suffering hugely 4 days.

    I will take the time on a separate sheet of paper writing down a months worth of what you asked for and report back here. I have been maintaining for 2 months, so no weight loss. Im already at goal weight, I just DONT want to gain. My workouts have suffered due to working. Im only working out Running and Strength Training 3 days a week, compared to 5-6. So I question Is it ok to be consuming 150g protein ONLY on 3 Strength Training days or should I somehow try to keep it consistent all 7 days?
    Again, Thank you for your help.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Thank you for your quick response. Please forgive me for continuing to ask questions. I think you were telling me to report back in a month, but I still have a few concerns. If you don't mind me asking.

    So far I feel bloated from eating all those carbs, no other side effects. The carbs Im consuming are from bread, pancakes, fries, nothing healthy like fruit and veggies. I rectify eating like this, because I could never get in 1500-1600 cals eating tuna sammiches and fruit and veggies, I say tuna sammich cuz I love them also convenient and lazy food for me to make. Im so exhausted working 3rd shift. Seems like all I do is work and sleep. Thus the reason for me only eating 1 meal. My protein is suffering hugely 4 days.

    I will take the time on a separate sheet of paper writing down a months worth of what you asked for and report back here. I have been maintaining for 2 months, so no weight loss. Im already at goal weight, I just DONT want to gain. My workouts have suffered due to working. Im only working out Running and Strength Training 3 days a week, compared to 5-6. So I question Is it ok to be consuming 150g protein ONLY on 3 Strength Training days or should I somehow try to keep it consistent all 7 days?
    Again, Thank you for your help.

    I wasn't suggesting that you report back in a month, or that you pull a month of data, I just want to know this:
    Regarding your carbs and your calories/macronutrients, please list out the following:

    Calorie, Carbs, protein, fat intake in grams for both your fasting and non fasting days.

    So that I can see what your calorie and macronutrient intake is in grams.

    The issue is that your original post was non specific in that you mention 1500-1600 calories and 200-300g carbs without mentioning your other macronutrients and 100g is a very big carb window.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    4 days Fasting ~Calories 1550 carbs 175-250 Fat 18-25 Protein 70-90 all grams

    3 days Non Fasting~ Calories 1550 carbs 20-25 Fat 80-90(healthy fats) Protein 120-150 all grams

    I am all over the place with calories to be honest, some days I only get 900 but the carbs are still 150g fat 10-15 protein 40-50
    I am not awake most of the day, so I don't eat that much. Days following this low cal day, I can eat up to 1800-1900 cals easily with the ratio carbs 220g fat 20-25 protein 80-90

    do you see my dilemma...
    I feel like I should go back to my cut food which was Tilapia and broccoli 3x a day and fill in the cal gap with healthy fats

    im sort of sick of that way tho.
    you asked me how I feel. I am lethargic. but I attribute that from working.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    4 days Fasting ~Calories 1550 carbs 175-250 Fat 18-25 Protein 70-90 all grams

    3 days Non Fasting~ Calories 1550 carbs 20-25 Fat 80-90(healthy fats) Protein 120-150 all grams

    I am all over the place with calories to be honest, some days I only get 900 but the carbs are still 150g fat 10-15 protein 40-50
    I am not awake most of the day, so I don't eat that much. Days following this low cal day, I can eat up to 1800-1900 cals easily with the ratio carbs 220g fat 20-25 protein 80-90

    do you see my dilemma...
    I feel like I should go back to my cut food which was Tilapia and broccoli 3x a day and fill in the cal gap with healthy fats

    im sort of sick of that way tho.
    you asked me how I feel. I am lethargic. but I attribute that from working.

    What has your body-weight done since June 1st?
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member

    What has your body-weight done since June 1st?

    I lost 3.8lbs but I hadn't weighed myself in almost 2 months.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Sun-Tues Im doing about 30g carb days @ 1500-1600 cals w/a high fat/protein ratio, I learned how to do this when I was doing Keto.
    Those are the only days Im home to cook. I eat a meal at 7pm on those days as well, so that's 2 meals a day for 3 days.
    Im wondering if those low carbs are balancing out my high carb days at the end of the week?

    Just curious-- when we pull a history of your intake I show in the past month, there's 1 day under 30g carbs. With exception to a few days that are sub 100g carbs, I'm not seeing your carb intake being as low as you think it is according to the above.

    I'm not sure how accurate your logging is but I show an average intake as follows:

    Calories: 1411
    Carbs: 159
    Fat: 43
    Pro: 90

    Ultimately, all I can conclude at this point is as follows and these are rather generalized statements:

    1) Your carb intake averages out to the above number.
    2) Whether or not this is suitable for fat loss is going to really be dictated by change in weight over time. This is further complicated by the fact that you aren't weighing yourself, so you may want to start doing so (unless you have specific reasons to avoid it).
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I feel like I should go back to my cut food which was Tilapia and broccoli 3x a day and fill in the cal gap with healthy fats

    There's zero need to restrict your food selection to the above list. Getting your calorie and macronutrient intake dialed in will matter a great deal. Selecting certain foods won't give you any sort of fat loss advantage once your nutrient needs are met, adherence issues aside.
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