Introduce Yourself!



  • kelCshea
    kelCshea Posts: 16 Member
    So excited to see everyone's posts! My name is Kelsey and I hail from Texas. I have been vegetarian since January 2015 always with the intent of going full vegan for the animals and environment. Anyone in the group can add me, there are tons of awesome IG vegan pages but i have no "IRL" vegan friends so I feel most you guys' pain! <3
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'd been eating fish and fowl for the last 4 years, because I felt bad for the animals, but realized that the birds and fish suffer, too. I'm still on the fence about unfertilized eggs, because I'd been buying them from a farm that allows them to forage, and they're not in cages when they're brought inside. I'm eating them now, because I bought them for my dog who was really sick (he passed away last weekend), and my kids won't eat brown eggs. I'm in rescue, so I have some vegan/veggie friends. I told a close vegan friend that I would go vegan if she quit smoking, and she took me up on it, but isn't holding me to it. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying.
  • claudiaramos1310
    claudiaramos1310 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello vegan friends.
    My name is Claudia I'm 23. I live in Texas. And I am not a vegan, yet!!! But I do want to be one. I have seen what happens to animals and it's not good. So I have been thinking about this for the past few days. && I think I got traumatized. So I want to make a change and I know here somewhere someone will help me. I have been doing research on all the foods I can eat & most of them I do eat. Just need guidance. Add me
  • kuftae
    kuftae Posts: 299 Member
    I'm Eric 25 yrs old. I eat a vegan diet though I can't claim to be vegan as I eat meat during hunting season. I'm currently trying to cut 10 lbs or so and am having a hard time getting enough protein. it's easy when I'm eating 2500+ calories per day but fitting 150g of protein into 1800 calories is tough!
  • BeccaBunga11
    BeccaBunga11 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Rebecca, 24 years old from Ireland. I've been vegan for 4 months now and I LOVE it! :smiley:
  • claudiaramos1310
    claudiaramos1310 Posts: 38 Member
    kuftae wrote: »
    I'm Eric 25 yrs old. I eat a vegan diet though I can't claim to be vegan as I eat meat during hunting season. I'm currently trying to cut 10 lbs or so and am having a hard time getting enough protein. it's easy when I'm eating 2500+ calories per day but fitting 150g of protein into 1800 calories is tough!

    It's great that you are tying your best to not eat meat. I know it's hard but with good support you will accomplish it. I read that great protein for vegans come from beans, nuts I can't remember what else. But there is a whole lot of variety that give protein.
  • claudiaramos1310
    claudiaramos1310 Posts: 38 Member
  • AuntieMeli
    AuntieMeli Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Melissa. A few years ago I lost about 80 pounds, and the last few months before I was injured I was eating a whole food vegan diet. As time went on, I changed back to old habits, but recently in the past year both my parents have passed away from cancer. I want to go back to having high energy, fit in chairs and booths more comfortably, and just help my body fight off illnesses easier. I have just started again, this time it's a bit harder because I am married and have a teenage son who both like to eat meat.

    I look forward to getting some ideas about meals, I tend to get stuck in a rut, and I look forward to meeting some vegan friends here, since there are few I know in real life.
  • EdinBSpecialized
    EdinBSpecialized Posts: 8 Member
    Hey fellow soldiers of the vegan movement. :wink: Glad to find a community of so many of us. I am still in the beginning and still figuring out things so feel free to send a PM and say hi. Happy to hear everyone's opinion and experience.
  • babygatorgirl
    babygatorgirl Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm Megan. I have been eating a plant based diet since April 13th, 2016, so I am still a newbie :). I had some digestive system issues and even had to go to the ER April 1st, which sparked my interest in being vegan. After doing more research I want to transition to a vegan lifestyle for health, ethical, and environmental reasons, although currently I am still just focused on food while making an effort to buy cruelty free beauty products. I have about 90lbs to lose in order to get to my ultimate goal weight. I'd love to have more friends on myfitnesspal or fitbit so we can help support each other!
  • _roby_p
    _roby_p Posts: 3 Member
    I'm still transitioning to veganism. I've been able to cut meat out for the most part - down to no more than once a week. I have a few vegan friends, one of which is used to be a fitness competitor but she lives 500km away.

    I work out twice a week with a trainer and kickbox 2-3times. Type 2 diabetic (non insulin dependent). Forks Over Knives and Earthlings have made a huge impact on me. I've been taking Vega's products for a few years now over animal based however, its the temptation of sweets that keeps getting me.
  • julianniebananie
    julianniebananie Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been vegan for just under a year now, and I'd been vegetarian for two years before that. I'm trying to get in shape for running, and to eat clean. I don't consider myself in any way a junk food vegan, but sometimes I do resort to that type of eating if I don't pay attention and practice mindful eating-- which is why I have joined MFP!
  • melbabe1121
    melbabe1121 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone :) I'm Mel and I am transitioning to a vegan diet. For over a year I have been thinking about going vegan for various reasons: environmental sustainability, health, animal welfare. I have tried vegan and vegetarian diets numerous times and have failed after a month or so. I have made many new and amazing vegan friends and I try to surround myself in like-minded people. For over a month now, I have been transitioning into the vegan diet. I do not purchase any non-vegan food when I go out, but I do have some fish and meat left in the freezer that I have been slowly finishing off (no point in throwing it away, otherwise the animal dies for no reason :( ). I just thought joining a group would motivate and encourage me to continue the vegan lifestyle~
  • rainbowsparklesinthesky
    My name is Melissa and I have been vegan (plant based is actually my preferred euphemism) sporadically throughout my adult life. I recommitted to a plant based diet in October 2015. Please feel free to add me; we can share recipes, awesome workouts and also motivate each other to be our best selves!
  • FreeVeg
    FreeVeg Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! Vegan from the UK! Have been vegan for about 2.5 years now, was vegetarian before,but was raised up as a meat eater. I have already lost about 20kg and still going. :) Mostly clean eater, love fresh foods more than cooked.
  • ErikaGetsHealthy
    ErikaGetsHealthy Posts: 24 Member
    Hello group!

    I started transitioning to a vegan lifestyle about 8 months ago. I started out great, was eating vegan for a few months, but then I hit a hiccup and struggled for a couple of months afterwards.

    But, I have worked through all of that and have now been fully vegan for just over a month! It may not seem like a lot, but it is a huge success to me.

    Even more, my sister decided to go vegan after learning some things from me and watching me go through the transition, so I am very excited to have her to go through this lifestyle change with me.

    I love this lifestyle! ❤
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    Hi all... Jay here.. I went vegetarian in January while trying to eat "mostly vegan.." I've now been upping the ante lately, and I've eaten completely plant based 4 days in a row now.. yay. :smiley:
  • canadian_vegan
    canadian_vegan Posts: 46 Member
    hello! i went vegan 2 years ago after 17 years of vegetarian. keep fairly active and lately have kicked it up a notch, trying to go the the gym 4x a week and i play soccer x2 times a week. i eat pretty healthy although through this site i've realized my fat was a bit high and protein was low so working on addressing that now. vegan for ethical reasons.
  • dmorazzini13
    dmorazzini13 Posts: 6 Member

    My name is Dar, I live in Boston where I'm a college professor and fledgling writer.

    I was Vegan from 2000-2003, 2007-2008, 2009-2015. I've just returned to the Vegan diet and lifestyle. I was not a "Good Vegan" in the past, too much junk food, no supplements, little exercise, not thinking about balancing healthy eating with foodie eating, and ended up with some health issues at the end of the first and last attempts, too much weight gain. I was pescetarian for the last 7 months (I will NEVER go back to animal meat, and I did continue to use only Vegan products), but I missed being Vegan too much, so I did more research, and now I'm more focused than ever to stick with it, and be a healthy Vegan.

    Whenever I go Vegan my health is always great for the first 18 months or so, drop a ton of weight, then I get lazy and just eat like a food addict who happens to be a Vegan and it all falls apart. I want to be one of those inspiring healthy and strong Vegans who uses their bodies and their life to be an example to others. My wife is also Vegan, so I do have a partner in this, but I would like to have more community and friends, and not just sit home alone eating biscuits, gravy, and peanut butter tofu until I pass out.

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend or share their journey with me, I would love the community and support.

    Nice to meat all of you.

  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Howdy everyone. I'm BecomingBane. I'm a long time vegan (over a decade), bodybuilder, and generally boring person otherwise.

    Just coming to say hi to a new group and wish you all luck... most of the vegan groups die out pretty quickly, so here's to hoping you'll stick around for a while.