Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 1 (2/1-2/7)



  • triciagrey1955
    triciagrey1955 Posts: 6 Member
    Just joining- after 6 weeks starting Jan of eating low carb high fat, and starting to do more walking (though not every day, admittedly) the news was good and bad.
    Good news:
    No longer eating junk food, fast food, or drinking 20-40 oz of wine every night
    Bad news:
    Not a pound lost
    Fasting blood glucose was 126 (gulp) teetering on diabetes. What a wake up call.

    When I looked back over my logging stats, I discovered that
    My "low carb" still was not all that low, often around 40
    Calories were very high

    So, I guess it's NOT true that "you don't have to count calories" .
    Also I should say that I have yo-yo-ed extensively on the HCG diet- at least 4-5 times getting all the way down to 135, and then immediately climbing back up to my all time high this year of 203.

    So, I think a good goal for me, since I tend to spend months at a time not logging anything and therefore not noticing weight gain of 50 pounds, is to commit to logging daily, even when it's not good.
    I'm trying the "intermittent fasting" concept. I realized that I was still eating most of my waking hours. The idea, which makes sense to me, is that you limit your window of eating, giving the body a chance to actually burn fat when you aren't constantly in feeding mode.

    This works great for me, since my days are super-busy and I was coming home and eating at 10 pm, then going to bed. Now my cut-off time is 1 pm. I will check in next week to let you all know how it went!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    For those who have just joined, we are in Week 2 of the challenge so if you'd like more interaction, hop over and post.

    When I looked back over my logging stats, I discovered that
    My "low carb" still was not all that low, often around 40
    Calories were very high

    So, I guess it's NOT true that "you don't have to count calories"

    It's not calories don't count. They do. Some people, not me, find they are able to be uber satisfied on this WOE so their bodies tell them when they are really full for once, and they are able to keep portions good and not have to count. But many of us have voracious appetites regardless of WOE or can't get the hang of eyeballing portions or just plain require a limit to keep us on the up and up.

    Besides improving blood glucose control and other health benefits, low-carb is a TOOL to achieve calorie deficit, which is what is ultimately required for a body to lose weight. Achieving a deficit is important, but it's not the only important thing as many people's bodies respond and process the macronutrients in different ways. Low-carbing helps some sustain a calorie deficit, and often heals the body so that it starts balancing hormones properly. That can help with appetite regulation over time.

    I'm a bottomless pit, and I think I will always have to track calories. But some people find they are able to eyeball in maintenance and not have to. Still about the calories, but in that case the body is paying attention and limits them through appetite.

    Good luck with the IF. A lot of people find that to be a very useful tool. I've done a lot of different ways. Ultimately though, I'm a cranky witch-asaurus the whole fasting window. So I don't do it often. But I have lots of friends who do it daily and find it really works well for them.

    Anyway....blab...blab...blab. See you on the Week 2 thread! And keep up the good work. :+1:
  • one235
    one235 Posts: 70 Member
    I am just new to this, still having a hard time learning how to eat my calories, but keep carbs at 50