Week 1 How is everyone feeling?

Personally I'm sore. I did the High intensity interval training tonight. Oh god I'm glad Michelke wasn't there to hear my sarcastic abuse . Anyhow, not keeping to the nutrician program but doing what feels right for me.


  • sharkette44
    sharkette44 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm sticking to the food (although the succumb to a choc biscuit last night but I was so beyond tired) and doing the daily workout videos. I have very bad plantar fasciitis at the mo so every step I take hurts and doing the workouts almost reduces me to tears so today I did it very low intensity. I figure something is better than nothing! Apt on Monday for my feet so let's hope I get some relief!
  • Futureme2017
    Futureme2017 Posts: 27 Member
    Argh plantar fasciitis is the pits. If you can keep everything low impact and roll your foot on a water bottle that you have frozen with water in it when you finish. Wearing good runners around the house rather than bare feet is also beneficial. I'm a physio so I'm not just making stuff up
  • smurphii
    smurphii Posts: 2 Member
    It's Friday night and I'm not drinking... woo woo...
    Great week so far, stuck to my calories every day, doing the Learn to Run program and been up at 5.30 each morning and exercising... bit tired by the end of the day.
    This is my 3rd attempt at 12WBT, failed the first 2 times but I am fired up to succeed this time.
  • Zara12WBT
    Zara12WBT Posts: 3 Member
    I feel like I may have been a bit more motivated during the preseason than i am now. I'm sticking to the meal plan 100% but I actually haven't exercised this week. Ive been quite drained from work due to the fact that I'm doing the job of 2 people + training another person at once. Still that should not be an excuse though. I am still losing weight which is fantastic. 3kg lost in the past 3 weeks which is what I wanted! 1kg per week is ideal for me. I gotta get my work out on!
  • sharkette44
    sharkette44 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Fitdress40 for the hints. I used the ice trick the other night and my feet felt great the next two days. I had to postpone my appt until tomorrow as my daughter took ill and I ended up having to take her to the dentist when I should have had my appt.

    Smurphii, I'm up at 5:30 every morn too to do me workout. If I don't do it then then the day/kids/life in general takes over! I just need to teach myself to go to bed earlier (she says as she sits here typing this at 11pm knowing she has to get up in 6hrs!!!!)
  • smurphii
    smurphii Posts: 2 Member
    I have to say I'm tired... I'm still sticking to the 1200 cal... exercising every day and still no weight loss...grrrr... is any one else not losing any weight?