Cooking meat observation



  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Mmmm, meat... I love a nice rare to medium-rare steak. As @PaleoInScotland said, be sure to let it rest. And while it is resting, feel free to throw some butter on it to let it melt into the steak. I will typically tent my steaks in aluminum foil with butter on them. I end up with a plate full of juices. It makes a fantastic dessert drink. :yum:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I eat mine rare or medium rare whereas before I liked medium well. For me it was more about growing to like meat more. I was never a huge meat lover before so I would cook it to be less meat like: no gristle, no fat strips and no "blood". I seem to have moved passed that in the past year so rare and tender is better now.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    mcpostelle wrote: »
    Awesome feed back everyone! Honestly, I wish I was more willing to eat med-rare steaks just due to how much faster meal prep would be and juicy. I'm still hung up over the blood oozing out though. :mask: But hopefully I can get over that soon.

    @kirkor I do believe this is the case. Not yet past medium though.

    That's not blood. It's called myoglobin, a type of protein.

    Wow, I just learned something completely new! Thanks for the info!!! :star:
  • jesslintch
    jesslintch Posts: 63 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    jesslintch wrote: »
    I've always thought when it is done moo-ing it is done cooking.'re supposed to wait until it's done mooing?

    I have young children. The mooing disturbs them.
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Me too, I always had my steaks very well done, almost crispy, now I love a medium to rare steak, so much more juicy and tasty. I had steak last week or the week before and cooked it on our new grill and it came out well done, I was so disappointed!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited February 2016
    I've always liked my steak on the rare side. I guess I didn't eat a lot of raw meat before going low carb, but that was just a natural transition. At least, it felt like it was an obvious step. The one real change would be eggs. I've always liked my yolk just a little but runny, but the white and everything had to be cooked. I would rather have the egg be overcooked than undercooked. Well, low carb (paleo really) got me into making my own mayo and other eggs dishes that use raw eggs or raw yolks. At first, I stressed about finding pasteurized eggs and looked everywhere. I never found them. So, I resorted to the regular old store eggs. Things worked out fine. The more I looked into it, the more I realized that the risk was not nearly as dramatic as I had been led to believe. So, now I will eat raw eggs without a second thought. In particular, raw yolks (as the raw white is an anti-nutrient).

    So, I have found myself eating raw ground steak (freshly ground at home) topped with a raw egg yolk and a little salt and pepper. That's something that would have never been part of my eating choices before low carb.

    Edit: Just to be clear, there is a risk to consuming any raw or undercooked foods. I am comfortable with the level of risk. Is the risk higher with meat products? Potentially, although I like to point out that those who watch the food poisoning outbreaks might notice that vegetables are much more often the culprit than meat. On the third hand, vegetables are more likely to be served raw and meat isn't commonly served raw.