Day 1, July 1st, 50 squats CHECK IN

Hey everyone today is the first day of our challenge. Im excited to see the results at the end of the month. Daily I will post what day we are on and the number of squats. In these threads we can discuss how we are feeling. How our eating went for the day. Other exercises we do. Any issues were dealing with. Basically just a check in that is all inclusive for our day. Its 2 am and I have already completed my squats for the day LOL. I may double up and do a second set later. Good luck friends and lets do this together.


  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    2am! Are you nuts? Do you not know where your bed is? Only joking of course.

    Day 1 - 50 squats about to be done, so we'll call it a tick for today.

    Good luck everybody, we can do this.:smile:
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    50...done. Slowly, and they weren't the prettiest..but I got them done. :)
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    I may double up and do a second set later. Good luck friends and lets do this together.

    Seriously, did you do ALL 50??? It has been a long time since I did squats, and I will admit... I will be back later! -- IF I can walk today Ha Ha! Good job creating this thread, I was beginning to get complacent when I saw I lost a few pounds...
  • Xoe4
    Xoe4 Posts: 38 Member
    50 squats done... somewhat painfully. Feels awesome though! :)
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    50 Squats done- bring it! :)
  • ashleigh0608
    Omg it's 11:30am here and I'm really scared to do my squats!!

    Honestly, I really am!
    How did you guys do them? Throughout a period of time? Or all at once?

    Fingers crossed I can actually do this.. I just can't go all the way down properly :(
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    ashleigh0608 - what's to be scared about, it's like sitting down on a chair but with more control, you can do it. Did you watch the youtubevideo link that kreationsforhome posted, here it is again: Worth watching to get your form right :smile:

    Today, I did 10 squats in 5 sets with about a 30 second rest in between each set, took my time doing them. As the amount increases, I'll probably aim to divide them throughout the day.
  • honeymoonmamma
    Day 1 done. It was an unfortunate reminder how out of shape I am. I did 2 sets of 25 each with about a 15 minute break. But my 16 month old woke up and needed some attention. I need to go out and buy a tape measure today so I can compare measurements when this is done!
  • jazzygurl81
    jazzygurl81 Posts: 62 Member
    Done! While I was doing them, I was thinking, "What in the world did I get myself into???" LOL...looking forward to tomorrow!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,386 Member
    50 squats done plus I did 5 miles on the treadmill! I'm going to try and get a walk in before work also! I can't wait to go on vacation! It's going to be in the 70's so I'll be able to get a morning run in!
  • pwcarswell
    pwcarswell Posts: 15 Member
    I did my 50...two sets of 25 with a minute break in between.
  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    My 50 for the day are done! Broken into 2 sets of 25.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    50...done. Slowly, and they weren't the prettiest..but I got them done. :)

    YES my sentiment EXACTLY LOL. I did 5 sets of ten with about a 30-60 sec break between..had to.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    Omg it's 11:30am here and I'm really scared to do my squats!!

    Honestly, I really am!
    How did you guys do them? Throughout a period of time? Or all at once?

    Fingers crossed I can actually do this.. I just can't go all the way down properly :(

    You can do it hon! Just do 5 sets of ten, take a break between sets and pretend you are about to sit down in a chair. Keep your weight in your HEELS. Watch a youtube video (I think the woman above posted a vid) LOVE U!!! WE GOT THIS :)
  • melyndavaz
    melyndavaz Posts: 67 Member
    I've completed 50.

    Have a fabulous day!
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member
    first time iv ever done squat's 5 sets of 10 - done!!! Back tomorrow for 60
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member
    Wow, that was tough!

    50 squats completed. :smile:
  • booknerd77
    booknerd77 Posts: 14 Member
    50 done, broken into 2 sets
  • Linda_Kaye
    Linda_Kaye Posts: 81
    Completed 50! Feeling great!! :happy:
  • jennihiggins
    done! boy are my quads feeliing it.