Kids and keto

kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
Anybody got their kids on keto with them? My DH and I are hard at it and my son, while having plenty of carbs for lunch, is kinda liking the keto recipes I've been trying. I've looked hard at growth and development and keto, and I'm not finding anything horribly negative. I don't think I have the heart to take away his apples, though. For now, I think I'll just keep with the keto dinners, and he can have whatever else that's "healthy according to the ADA."


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    The ketogenic diet was created for children with seizures. As long as you ensure his electrolytes and supplements are covered, his metabolic flexibility should be pretty good. I don't know anyone personally who has their kiddos on this, but I know it would help my daughter, were I able to see her regularly (long story). Kids don't need sugar or grains, but things like potatoes and sweet potatoes and stuff in moderation? Those are the decent carbs. Fats will help his brain development and hormonal development proceed at healthy rates... As long as you're not crazy about restricting him, I don't see the problem. And an organic apple, when paired with fats, should be no problem...
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    If I had it to do over, I wouldn't ever have brought anything processed into the house! I would have cooked real food!! Instead, his meal of choice is frozen lasagna! He is 19 (birthday was yesterday), and away at college four nights a week, so control over food choices is long passed. He would rather starve than eat my keto food now! If there isn't anything here that he likes (and there mostly isn't because I just don't buy it like I used to for him) he will wait until he is away from home to eat!
    I don't think a daily fruit is a problem for a developing body. Potatoes that aren't in processed forms aren't that bad either, imo (I wouldn't eat them, but a growing child's body has different needs than mine).
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks guys! DH and I have decided to cut almost all sugar out of what we feed him- but we won't limit fruit or veggies. We're cutting back on bread but we won't rule it out of his lunches- PBJ's are too convenient! He's 9 so we still have most control over what he eats (I don't think I'd get away with this if he were 19!). Whatever snacks are given at school or whatever won't be restricted- they will be his treats. The kiddo and I had a talk about this last night while we ate bunless burgers. He actually liked not eating the bun- he said the bun was kinda useless! And of course he loves breakfasts now. He's started calling our little family "team bacon." Each meal I make he's asked whether it was keto or not. He's learning more and more about how different, but how easy it can be to eat this way- and he's liking it! I do make sure he gets some carbs like a banana shake before or after his swimming as his coach puts them through the ringer!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    Thanks guys! DH and I have decided to cut almost all sugar out of what we feed him- but we won't limit fruit or veggies. We're cutting back on bread but we won't rule it out of his lunches- PBJ's are too convenient! He's 9 so we still have most control over what he eats (I don't think I'd get away with this if he were 19!). Whatever snacks are given at school or whatever won't be restricted- they will be his treats. The kiddo and I had a talk about this last night while we ate bunless burgers. He actually liked not eating the bun- he said the bun was kinda useless! And of course he loves breakfasts now. He's started calling our little family "team bacon." Each meal I make he's asked whether it was keto or not. He's learning more and more about how different, but how easy it can be to eat this way- and he's liking it! I do make sure he gets some carbs like a banana shake before or after his swimming as his coach puts them through the ringer!

    The carbs should be BEFORE the workout, not after. After would be protein and fat for muscle repair. So balance it out. Because carbs after the workout will turn to organ killing visceral fat (in general)... Carbs before a workout are instant fuel... I know it is a little intense, particularly for a kiddo, but getting used to timing foods around workouts is a good habit to get into now...
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member