PCOS support

I'm seeking suggestions on what my goal % should be in my profile. I am also interested in meal/ snack suggestions that are low in carbs but high in protein. To help manage PCOS I try to limit dairy and gluten.


  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Set macros to 20/20/60. :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi! I will refer you to the Launch Pad (located at the top of the group forum page)! Has great resources for what you're asking!

    And welcome to the group too! You're in the right place!! :smiley:
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Yep, the Launch Pad has answers to those questions. Also, be sure to not avoid fat. It's essential to our hormone health (all of the sex hormones are steroid hormones, and they are synthesized by cholesterol, which the body makes from fat when needed).

    And no, you don't need to worry about serum cholesterol levels from fat intake. While PCOS does have dysfunctional cholesterol as a common symptom, this is caused by our sensitivity to carbs and the Standard American Diet. This way of eating can actually correct serum cholesterol issues.