Getting over the winter BLAH to workout....

I started low carb Jan 3, 2016 and am down 17 pounds. I know it would be more IF I worked out but I am not an indoor workout person and I do not like the cold. Have lived in Wisconsin all my life :D I, like many I am sure, lose the most weight in spring and summer. I would go for a jog or walk in a heart beat outside. Any ideas for fun inside workouts?


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited February 2016
    My goal was to not allow the weather to break my exercise habit. So I exercise outside in both good and not-so-good weather, but I also exercise inside when it's really miserable out.

    So use the cold weather as an excuse to buy yourself a new hat, gloves, jacket, tights, etc. :)

    One of my MFP friends posts about her daily 10 mile walks in sub-zero temps wearing ice cleats....
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    I know how you feel. I don't want to workout outside in the cold, I know it can be done. I just choose not to participate. oTo to mix it up I have a variety of workout videos, do Zumba, lift weights and do exercise challenges. Once your heart gets going, you forget about the cold.
  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    I've been snowshoeing every day almost... usually I'm sweating after 5 minutes. If you are cold, you're not dressed properly!

    Although if we're being honest, I'm really terrible about "working out", I just go out to play, enjoy nature, let the dogs run around.

    Can you go walking in a local mall? I usually go for a walk in the mall on my lunch break, just because it's good to get out and stretch instead of sitting at my desk all day. But I'm also not prone to impulse shopping or tempted much by the food court, so that might be a different factor for you.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    I know how great I feel after a workout. And I eat back about 1/2 my exercise earned calories so I bribe myself a little.

    If I have all my workout stuff in my bag it helps and I have a preworkout ready in case I'm feeling exceptionally unmotivated. Once I chug that guy - there's no turning back. It's a desperate times kind of thing but holy smokes it works.
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    edited February 2016
    I do like step aerobics. Looking into DVDs for that. Thanks for the great ideas.

    They did map out a mile at my job on the first and second floors with stairs included for people to walk. Did that a couple of times.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I like body weight exercises and weights. You may think that cardio will help you lose weight, but for me it just makes me more likely to eat more!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    It really depends on what you think is fun. When I lived up in the Great Frozen North (Chicago) I went to the gym twice a day in the winter because it was the only place I was truly warm. I would run, lift weights, do a group class and spend a blissful half an hour in the hot tub. It was worth the money I paid for the membership. If you're looking for something in your house, you have a few choices - purchase a cardio machine such is a treadmill or a bike, purchase weights or do some sort of video workouts. Video workouts are the easiest and most fun IMO, I would go for a dance video of some sort, like zumba or urban groove. You may want to check out video podcasts and youtube and see if there is any free videos out there (there are yoga video podcasts, there may be more general workout ones too), or rent them from the library. Also, if you search Pinterest for something like '20 minute workout' you can find some decent bodyweight routines.
    The trick is to commit yourself to whatever you would like to start, say, do 20 minutes every morning after you get out of bed for at least three months. Then the weather should get better and you will be outside again in no time!