
My name is Heather. I have been a Tolkein fan since the movies came out. I was never interested in reading Lord Of The Rings, but the movies made me a fan! I had a Lord of The Rings wedding, have quite a few LOTR memorbillia, and have cosplayed quite a few characters. My daughter was named after Lothlorien. I am considered a Ringer!


  • rkit03
    rkit03 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi Heather. My name is Rose. I read J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was quite young (around 5th/6th/7th grade). I've reread the books several times already and should really plan to read them all again soon. I really loved the movies, too! :smile:

    Thanks for making this group. I actually found last month and have already started walking from Bag End to Rivendell. I started on 1/6/16 and have accumulated 46.6 miles so far. However, I don't mind if you'd like me to restart the journey with you. When I walk, I call myself Rosey Lightfoot! Lol!

    I joined MFP last year and kept sabotaging myself and had little motivation. However, this time around I'm in it to lose quite a lot of weight in a fun way and walking is one of the simplest exercises I can do. I got a LOTR One Ring for Christmas last year, so I wear it when I walk. Hehehe! :smiley:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,747 Member
    Hi! I'm Chris. I love this challenge, Heather. When are you starting your adventure?
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    edited February 2016
    People can do their own journeys at their own pace. I am already over 100 miles into the journey. Use this group to post where you are on certain days and when you reach certain milestones and cheer each other on. Since I am the "leader" I will post where I am in great detail and on a daily basis when I can. Give your self small rewards when you reach certain milestomes that are of significance to you and celebrate big when you reach your destination. This week I will be reaching Bree at the Prancing Pony and meet Strider. My small reward will be buying myself some cheap Sailor Moon cosplay dresses on Ebay. When I reach Rivendell I am throwing myself a big table top gaming party. What are rewards for you? What are your interests? I am a tabletop gamer and cosplayer! I have pink hair today lol! I usually dress either goth, steampunk, or rockabilly. I love sci fi, fantasy, and comics. I am a full time stay at home mom. My husband and I go to a lot of gaming conventions and own more then 500 table top/card games! I wish MFP would let me change my user name because my user name for most sites is lothlorienwoods. I don't know why it thinks my name is sethjoshua lol, but it is Heather.
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Yea I was able to change my username!
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Hi, I'm Jillian. I absolutely LOVE this! I've tracked about 75 miles of walking via MapMyFitness, but I'm going to just start from square one. Obviously, I am a Tolkien fan, since I'm here. I read the books in my early 20s and loved the movies. I plan to just have a single thread to track my entire journey....starting tonight.
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome! Glad you are joining us. I will be at my first day out of Bree with our new companion, Strider!
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Mae govannen! By my username and avatar you can see that I am a fan. Yes that is the real Shadowfax(Blanco) in my avatar. I was fortunate to get to meet him and his owner quite a few years ago at a horse expo.

    I also own replicas of Sting and Hathfang (and know how to use them), have painted a series of pictures of horses from LOTR, which hang on my walls. I track my steps using Fitbit and walk an average of 5 milers a day.

    The idea of this group is pretty cool. I look forward to sharing the journey with you.
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    That is awsome. I love Shadowfax! My friend has a friend who works for Weta. She was allowed to pick out one thing from the Weta Workshop, so she got me a 1 Ring! That is the most valuable thing I own in my collection, that and my custom made Arwen cornation headdress I wore at my wedding! One of my daughters is named Lorien Elanor! Nice to meet you. Have fun on this journey!
  • lainy1979
    lainy1979 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi I'm Elaine. Big fan of Lord of the Rings. I wouldn't class myself as a superfan or anything I haven't read the books but the trilogy is my fave & i've watched the films over & over & over...

    Can you point me in the right direction please?! What do I need to do? I've looked at the site & think Bag End to Rivendell is a good journey to take. How do you keep track? I have the Pacer app on my phone so I can keep track of steps/miles that I do. Do you print off the walk and keep it somewhere as a point of reference or is there another tool I should be using other than my imagination??

    Sorry if I appear a bit of a dumbass! I absolutely love the idea of making walking/moving about in general more fun! I'm gonna get my hobbit feet shifting!
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Anar caluva tielyanna. I read The Hobbit at 6, LotR at 8, the Silmarillion at 10 and HoME (the BIG book collection known as the History of Middle Earth) more times than I can count, because I absolutely adore the First Age. My user name is a corruption of a Finnish antihero's (Kullervo) whom Tolkien used as a model for his very first short story in WWI.

    The movies I could take or leave. Don't even ask me about the Hobbit movies. :)

    I've started the Eowyn challenge before but never finished it...I'm thinking of making a Turambar challenge to travel through Beleriand as well, but that would require a lot of work.
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Lainy, when your steps start turning into miles you just look on the website un walks and whatever journey you are doing, you look up what milaeage you are at and see where you are with the Hobbits. I am starting from the beginning. I am doing the Shire Rivendell 458 mile journey. I use my Garmin tracker. Yesterday was the end of week 4 for me. According to my tracker I have done 146 miles. According to the site I am 1 day out of Bree, where I just met the mysterious Strider. You don't have to keep a detailed log like I do, I am a numbers geek lol. At the endnof each day you can just post where you are based on how many miles you have done. Or you can post weekly like I do and post a weeks worth of your miles.

  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Kullerva, love the greeting! Love the name! Nice to meet a fellow Tolkein geek! Welcome to the group!
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Lainy, here is website aka point of reference.
  • dlvignes
    dlvignes Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am Dusty, I am hoping this will be a great source of inspiration. I really need to get healthier, move more, and get my weight to a healthier number. I have been tracking my miles since the beginning of the year and they indeed could be better.
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome, Dusty. Hopefully you find some inspiration here
  • Hello, I am Elizabeth. I LOVE Tolkin. Read him when I was in high school. LOVE both LOTR and Hobbit movies. A favorite thing is for me to sit and binge watch the movies. Love the music and the clothes. This is such a neat idea. I want to try and start my journey to Rivendale. I do most of my "fitness" in yoga or ballet barre exercise but I think I will get a fitbit and measure how far I walk each day as well as my dog walking.
  • Lothlorien_Woods
    Lothlorien_Woods Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome! I love the clothes too. I have several LOTR cosplays. I want more dresses but they are so expensive. Good luck on your journey. Love the avatar!
  • ejwilliams88
    ejwilliams88 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello! I would like to join this group, but are any of the members still active?
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I'm here. I lost the thread for a while, but I'm thinking of starting over today. You game?