
amlygo Posts: 126 Member
Feel free to introduce yourself!

I'm 37, stay at home mom to 3 kids under 10. I've been overweight most of the time since I've had kids and I finally decided to do something about it last month. I'm down almost 10 lbs, looking to lose 40 more. I did the 30 DS shred last month and onto this!


  • alexnguyen78665
    alexnguyen78665 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a 40 year old male with a sedentary desk job. I weigh 196 lbs last time I checked and would like to get down to the 175 range which would be within the acceptable band for my height of 5' 10''. I had quadruple bypass surgery almost two months ago, so naturally I need to make a lifestyle change.

    I look forward to progressing in this group effort and hope we can all encourage each other onward.
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    I am a 31 year old mom of 2 kids. My weight has fluctuated so much over the years. I have twice now lost considerable weight and then gotten pregnant and put it all back on I do not know if it was kid number 2 or turning 30 but after my son I have had so much trouble losing the weight. I have tried to lose it - lost a couple and then gained it back plus some.

    I am currently down 17 pounds and this is the furthest I have gotten since my son was born. I started with the couch to 5K and saw great results - most importantly with my cardio endurance. I think that having a goal has been the most helpful and achieving that goal has been even better - so now that I have finished that I need a new one - so here it is!
  • jenjersnapco
    jenjersnapco Posts: 206 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Jennifer. I lost 50 lbs in 2012 but have been stuck for several months. Trying to shake off my plateau - i have 15 to 20 lbs to go - with different things, including this slim down program. This seems perfect for me as I often do Jillian DVDs but get bored sticking with one for very long. Also, during the school year I am kind of a gym rat but I have 3 kids home with me during the summer and sneaking out for a work out has gotten complicated.
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    I have these vids and would love to jump in and join everybody. I am forty-two and weigh 170 pounds at 5feet 6 inches tall. I have been doing some of Jillian's workouts but need more motivatiion to stick with it. I have about 35 more pounds I would love to wave goodbye to. I know that won't happen in 30 days, but if I can get stronger and leaner then I will be happy with that.