Help me be inspired.

I am stressed today, and of course, the girl scout cookies I ordered before this weight loss thing got real showed up. I need some inspiration!


  • hev481
    hev481 Posts: 45 Member
    You can still enjoy your girl scout cookies! (What is your flavor of choice? I am a big Tagalongs/Thin Mints gal...especially love them frozen) Just pre-log 2 cookies/day that you want to enjoy them so it doesn't put you over your calorie goals and have it with a mug of tea or coffee and eat them slowly so you can really enjoy/appreciate them each day you have them. If you check out my diary (open to friends I think?), you will see that I don't give up on things that I crave or really want...I just budget for them (and eat them in smaller portions).

    So, have your cake and eat it too! Just don't binge, because I can speak from experience when I say that 8 thin mints doesn't taste any better than 2 do...they just make you feel crappy for busting your goal for the day.
  • carolerunsalot
    carolerunsalot Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you. Two it was. And I am a Tagalong girl!