harder over 40?



  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    Its definitely been harder for me, but I am making solid progress now. I just keep reminding myself to make the next right choice. There is no way going off the will help so I stay the course.
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    It's most definitely been harder for me. I could lose 10 pounds here and there in my 20's and 30's with no effort. Now, I am 48 and my fatigue level is extremely low. It's a daily struggle for me to just even function. Doctors have done so many blood test and thyroid, all came back fine. I also take a potent daily vitamin that's also suppose to increase energy, but it still doesn't help. Even if I get plenty of sleep and walk 5 days a week, I'm still very fatigued. I know I need to step up what I'm doing to lose more weight, as I've only lost 5 pounds since April. I walk my dog 5 days a week...four shorter days and one long day. On the shorter days, it's a stroll mostly. And the long day is more like 3.0 mph. So now that I'm 48 it takes a whole lot more effort to lose, and being that I feel much worse than I use too, that doesn't help. I try to keep my calories below 1480 although my doctor says to keep it below 1800, but still I've only lost 5 pounds. So I know I need to step it up more, but finding the energy and motivation is a difficult task.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    This is my first time really trying and putting myself on a regiment. I tried adkins briefly but not really into it. I think it's okay. I'm at the tail end of 40's (48) but I'm in the best shape in my life. I think of this as a shift in my life rather than a phase. Going back to the old ways of behaving seemed to not make sense to me at all.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Yes, it is harder in the 40's decade. Very hard. But you can do it. It has to be about lifestyle from now on, not just fitting into skinny jeans. There is more at stake. I am convinced this is the decade I must get it right, once and for all.

    I am determined to modify my behavior with food. Otherwise, I will find out how hard weight loss is in my 50's, and I don't want to find out, I just want to be maintaining by then.