Feeling "buzzy" every few hours or so?

I've been in ketosis for a few weeks now, I used ketostix to confirm. Today I got a ketonix, and confirmed that I'm still in ketosis. I haven't eaten many carbs for the past 3 years, so going keto isn't much of a change for me besides adding fat.
Anyway, for the past 3-4 days, if I try to go for an 18 hour fast (which normally just happens without trying), about 13-15 hours into it, I feel like I have a caffeine buzz. This will happen whether or not I've had caffeine. My head gets kinda foggy & I just feel so out of it. My hands start shaking too. It really feels like caffeine, but I know that can't be it.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a roadblock that I need to overcome? Or is it a symptom of something that I'm not aware of?


  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    You need to up your sodium intake ASAP!!!! Your electrolytes are out of balance and the "fogginess" you are describing is one of the signs of "Keto flu." When you follow this way of eating (WOE), at a very minimum your body will require 3000mg-5000mg of sodium PER DAY!!!! So salt your food heavily (it's impossible to get enough salt on a daily basis by just this method alone), put salt in the liquid you drink, take sodium chloride tablets, dissolve a bouillon cube in the appropriate amount of water and drink 1-2 cubes per day, drink pickle juice (yes, really!). You may also need to take magnesium and potassium supplements (most of us already do having gone through what you're going through).
  • bashfulplatypus
    bashfulplatypus Posts: 8 Member
    Ok, I've been doing bone broth about 3x a day with salt in it but maybe that's not enough. :)
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    If you're not in the above specified range, then probably not. Check your sodium numbers in the MFP nutrition breakdown. I personally find that my body requires a minimum of 5000mg of sodium every day otherwise I wake up in the morning with my calves and feet trying to cramp up on me. Not fun. Anyway, my sympathies. I forget the exact amounts of magnesium and/or potassium that are recommended. I'm sure one of the other members will probably chime in here momentarily and let us know.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Potassium is touchy. Magnesium is per person.

    Do not get magnesium oxide. It is not easily absorbed, and to get enough absorbed, your dose will be so high you'll likely have disastrous bathroom complications. I think it is that -ates that are supposed to be great. Therapeutic dosage is considered to be 400 mg. I take a chelated magnesium citrate, and it is 135 mg per capsule, but I only take 2 per night. 3 was too much for me, so that's individual. I know others whose dose is 800 mg. Essentially the general idea is that when you start to have bathroom effects, back down a notch, and that should be your effective dose.

    As for potassium, too much is just as deadly as too little, so this is a "careful" thing. Most folks find that adding lite salt (1/2 salt, 1/2 potassium) or nu salt (all potassium) to be the most beneficial. For me, sometimes i need to add Lite Salt and sometimes it makes me dump more magnesium.

    I'm adding the sodium pills right now as I work to readapt (I was off plan most of December - and had a rough weekend mid-January), and my body is not reacting as it did all of last year, so I'm working to find my new balance...

    I personally would add magnesium at night (can make you tired), and would look at blood work before adding potassium.

    But yes, sodium needs to seem insanely high because with this WOE, we dump more water and sodium looking for the balance of electrolytes. Since we're dumping sodium in quantity, we need to add it back in quantity, too.

    For me, the only kind of "caffeine" effect I get is when I can feel my body switch over from burning food to burning internal ketones, but it's a very clear, bright, alert, quiet energy kick....not foggy... Foggy is almost always sodium and electrolytes...key word being "almost." Everyone is different.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    ^^^This! Electrolyte balance is a huge part of finding the spot where we feel our best! Many who experience this think their bodies need carbs to combat it, when sodium and magnesium are the need. Hang in there!
  • eatingfatbeingfat
    eatingfatbeingfat Posts: 41 Member
    NUUN tablets really saved me, but it is good to know that the human body actually absorbs magnesium well through the skin, and that there are magnesium gels and lotions as well.

    Keep in mind that keto is a strong diuretic, and you need to drink a lot of water to help out your kidneys if you are dropping weight. I know on the days when I am not constantly going to the bathroom. (Taking in sodium also makes you pee) it slows my weight loss. But if you constantly go to the bathroom you also need to constantly take in more electrolytes. (to replace the ones you are losing)
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member