something sweet



  • CoffeeSalty
    CoffeeSalty Posts: 38 Member
    Fat bombs don't have to be hard to make. Coconut oil, butter, cocoa, natural peanut butter, sweetener (I use Swerve), and maybe some cream. Heat it all up, mix well and pour it into a pan or little silicon molds I don't like complicated or lengthy recipes to begin with so I go for simple!

    I like Xylitol, too, but don't use it as it's dangerous for dogs (we have two).
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @macchiatto DO you mean cheesecake fluff? I found a recipe for that. It does sound really good. I still definitely like the idea of freezing it. You know those cream filled bonbons you find in the freezer section. Your supposed to thaw them out before you serve them. I only would eat those frozen. I am not to big on anything filled with cream.. But frozen is heaven. i just worry about eating all those calories and fat in something so small. I know I need to stop thinking that way but I worry that I will gain weight from adding that kind of stuff.

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Ah yes. This is the recipe I followed:
    You could freeze this version too, I'm sure. I just liked that it was faster. I am a very lazy chef. ;)
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @macchiatto that is the recipe I found. I love to cook but I havent been big on making desserts until this past winter break. I made white chocolate dipped pretzels, peppermint bark, biscochitos, and a huge batch of apple butter. I gave that stuff away as gifts for christmas. I still have like 8 jars of apple butter but I cant eat it because it has a ton of sugar in it. But it is so freaking good.

    I just wrote down the ingredients to make creamsicles, peanut butter cups, and the cheese cake fluff. Sent my boyfriend a text asking him to get all of it for me.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @KnitOrMiss or @macchiatto where can I find sugar free syrups? My boyfriend said he couldnt find any at walmart so he brought me sugar free caramel sauce. I looked at sprouts because walmart didnt have the liquid sweetner either. Sprouts has everything that is healthy for you so I just assumed I would find it there. I did get the liquid stevia which was 20 bucks and I bought some more coconut oil while I was there.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I've found it at Walmart before on the coffee aisle (there are usually a few SF options along with the regular syrups) but I often find it at stores like Ross, TJ Maxx or HomeGoods, actually (cheaper!).
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    @KnitOrMiss thank you for all your feedback in this thread. I can relate to most of it and sometimes I need a reality check!

    Where it doesn't work the same way for me is with sugar. Sure, refined sugar is poison and I avoid it like the plague. BUT I'm not sold on any AS, not even stevia. I tried them all and they all taste chemical or just not good. The better of the lot is Lakanto but since it is difficult to find and probably more expensive than gold it's not a real option. Anyway, I never had AS before, it does not make any sense to me to start now.

    So for the very rare occasions I make a dessert/fat bomb (crustless frozen cheesecake is my go-to), I use a very small portion of either dates or organic brown sugar. Everything tastes sweet now so we're talking of very small amounts (the kind that has others complaining I didn't use any sweetener). It's programmed, it's a conscientious choice and I feel like I had a real dessert.

    Sweet cravings I "treat" with 99% chocolate or pork rinds. 99% chocolate is not sweet at all but is so intense in flavour that 10g kill any wish to eat anything else for hours. Pork rinds are mainly fat so that works fine too.

    For me, it's important to NOT eat sweets when I start thinking of eating sweets, if this makes sense. I tell myself "You're bored, you don't need any food, you certainly don't need sweets. But, hey, let's compromise and eat some pork rinds. -- I eat a small piece -- Still hungry? No, I didn't think so." It's a bit crazy to talk with myself, but it works.

  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @macchiatto Yeah I started thinking I have seen them at walmart also. I just wasnt sure about the sugar free part. After I posted I decided to check online at walmart. Sure enough it said the walmart near my house had them. Even said the aisle. So when my son got home him and I went. I found SF caramel, SF french vanilla, and SF s'mores. I bought all three. I would really love to try the salted caramel. I think I would really like that one because one of my favorite ice creams is a salted caramel one. It is so good. I had to ban it from the house because I dont think I would resist the temptation. :blush:
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @KetoGirl83 I had never had artificial sweetners either. When I decided to give up my cherry coke in morning my friend told me to just diet. I thought to myself "hell no". I have absolutely never liked anything diet. Don't get me wrong there has been a few times when I thought I could totally take some cherry coke right now or even sprite. My boyfriend brings home coke for him and sprite sometimes for my son. But I have never really liked for him to drink soda period. Every now and then I will let him have a cup of sprite or rootbeer. More so when we are with friends because they let their kids drink coke. So I compromise with either sprite or rootbeer. Of course he tells me thats no fair but I believe he is too young to be drinking caffeine.

    I have not found any AF that I like. I agree they all taste like chemicals. If I had to pick on it would be splenda. When I add a few packets to my hot tea I can handle that. The truvia just doesnt taste good at all. Which sucks because I have a big thing of it. Yesterday I went to sprouts specifically for a liquid sweetner. All they had there was stevia. So I got it. I placed a small frop of it on my tongue. OMG!! It tasted terrible to me as well. I spent 20 bucks on that dang bottle. I plan on still trying it in my tea. Maybe then it will actually be better. Fingers crossed!! I really do not know what else to try. I have to have something though. I have tried to drink the hot tea with just the heavy whipping cream. I cant do it.

    My boyfriend bought me some premium ghirardelli 100% cacao chocolate. I only tasted a littel bite of it. It is definitely not sweet at all. I am not a big chocolate eater to begin with but I wasnt prepared for that taste. I just recently started eating pork cracklins. Thats a big adjustment for me. I never want anything to do with skin and fat, but they arent that bad. Just as long as I do not think about it. Those things have some serious fat in them. I usually measure it out to an ounce or so because the serving size is half an ounce. I use to snack on pretzels when I had the urge but I have tried to replace them with the pork cracklins , which isnt often. But like you said when I am wanting something sweet while at my practicum or in school I will eat some of those.

    You know my boyfriend is not on the same page as me at all. He will bring home is candy bars, ice cream, muffins, cakes, etc... You name it.. Which of course makes it diffilcut for me. He did try to sugar free popsicles. But he didnt like it at all. He said it wasnt sweet at all. To me they so taste sweet. Well sweet enough. My son on the other hand is more willing to try some of the stuff that I make. And when he refuses to taste it I make him.. LOL Surprisingly he typically likes it.
  • meggic
    meggic Posts: 14 Member
    @meggic Does this mean that it would be ok for me to have a few of the sugar free reese cups from time to time? I love to cook. I havent done a lot of baking but I am willing to try.

    Yes. I've had them and I stay in ketosis. Just grab 1 or 2 and put the bag away. It's easy to over indulge. And don't eat them every day. It should be an occasional treat.
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    @wishfullthinking79 have you tried coffee/black tea with either butter or coconut oil? You'll need to use a blender to get really good results. I also loved sweet tea (sorry to say there is no low carb way to replicate that taste) BUT our taste changes. It's really not bad and I think it's better to acquire a new taste than to try to mess with our brain and eat sweets that aren't real sweets.

    What goes by the name of chocolate is mostly a mix of several sugars. It shouldn't be allowed to use the word chocolate for products below 70% cocoa. Start with that if you want a square of chocolate now and then, and then go for a higher concentration of cocoa. Above 85% is definitely a different experience from regular "chocolate".

    I could never have chocolate at home or I would eat it all before I could control myself. Now I always keep several brands, from 75% to 99%. I like to know that they're there if I want something sweet but I rarely want to eat them and when I do, I eat a square or two, no more. I usually use them for a dessert when I have visits or they would go stale, lol.

    That premium ghirardelli 100% cacao chocolate you got? It's great but it'll take you some time to like it as it is. You can try to mix a small quantity with coconut flakes, coconut oil and a few drops of stevia. I freeze it in bite sized portions. If you like coconut, you'll like it. But there are lots of easy recipes with good quality chocolate. Search for keto chocolate cheesecake or low carb chocolate mousse.
