Hey 5'7" females!



  • whoisadriane
    whoisadriane Posts: 5 Member
    Age: 34
    CW: 151
    GW: 140

    MyFitnessPal recommends 1300 Cal per day for me, realistically I can only get it down to 1400. I TRY not to eat my exercise Calories but but end up doing it anyway. I work out 3-5 times per week, Cardio 3-5 days and a light "Express Weights" circuit 2-3 days per week. I usually walk a lot on at least one of my off days.

    I have a desk job, and drive over an hour each way to work, so it's going very slowly due to y overall sedentary lifestyle. I started stepping up my workouts in May (I was previously only doing the elliptical trainer instead of running on the treadmill, and wasn't paying as much attention to the weights). At that time I also started tracking my Calories again. Since May I've slowly and painfully lost about 4 lbs.

    I have a few obstacles I am struggling to work around: housemates that interfere with me getting enough kitchen time, family & and co-workers who are NOT diet friendly at all. I'm struggling, to be honest, it isn't fun at all.

    However, even though the weight isn't melting away, I know from past experience that those last 10 lbs won't magically change my life and make me feel pretty. I am getting those other benefits from exercise. I use it to have more energy, regulate stress, and just feel healthier.

    My next diet goal is to finally overcome my inner battle against Satan, aka added sugar :wink:

    I also found my skin looks a bit better after cutting out dairy. LOL, but doggone it I miss chocolate and I REALLY miss cheese.