Body fat%

Hi everyone. I am so frustrated because I have been following to a T the Atkins with my net carbs being pretty close to 40 carbs since I have less than 40 pounds to lose but even though my body mass index is 21.8my body fat is still 35% and it is so frustrating it is not going down. I am not eating any bad carbsand I do quite a lot of work with walking and getting on my elliptical. It is just frustrating. Does anyone have any insight on how I might lose some of this body fat I am doing high percentage of fat about 65% and about 25% protein 10% carbs. Thank you in advance


  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    How are you measuring body fat? What percentage are you trying to get to?
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    How are you measuring BF%? At that BMI, your BF% would typically be much lower than 35%.

    Assuming you're using one of those not-very-accurate bioelectric impedance scales, maybe try another test like fat calipers?

    Also, it may help to remember that lower body fat is healthier than abdominal fat. Where's your "problem" fat?
  • kellyfitgirl2014
    kellyfitgirl2014 Posts: 25 Member
    I use the weight watchers scale and I am sure it is not totally accurate but it has to be somewhat. When I have a lot of water in my system it measures slightly lower fat. I am kinda slender but my tummy is my problem area after 2 kids. What is calipers? Thanks
  • kellyfitgirl2014
    kellyfitgirl2014 Posts: 25 Member
    At moe0303 I would love to get to 25% or less. I do go over my 1400 cal. I know I do do red wine one or two glasses almost most nights. That might be my culprit for storing fat I don't know.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited February 2016
    Calipers measure skin fold thickness, and then you can look up BF% in a table based on, usually, 3 thicknesses.

    Belly fat is tough. Reducing insulin (carb restriction) will help. Aerobic exercise seems to help, too, but don't overdo it. Stress reduction may help.
  • kellyfitgirl2014
    kellyfitgirl2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks Wabmaster. I will look that up and try it. And I also need to work on less stress.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    With a bmi of 21 I would expect your body fat to be less
    Scan down bottom of page in link for comparison body images for another way to estimate fat%. If you have lost a lot of weight be aware your mental image of you may not have caught up yet with your current physique.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Time, patience. Eventually it will start to go down. The belly area can be the most stubborn part for us. Mine still is not where I would like it to be, but I'm working on it. Exercise helps too. But it just takes time and consistency.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I was told that having large legs/lower gut can interfere dramatically with the body fat scale you stand on - and for the one you hold out in front of you with your hands, excessively large chest mass can interfere there with accurate readings... Best to do an average or something...if you aren't going to use a more accurate method.
  • kellyfitgirl2014
    kellyfitgirl2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Samandaindia, thanks for the advice. I looked at the pics and I think I am definitely lower then 35 and 30 maybe a little over 25 but I don't know why the scale lies. I do have a bubble butt which is a good feature on me but maybe it is holding lots of fat, lol. I will keep up the patience.
  • kellyfitgirl2014
    kellyfitgirl2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks deksgirl I need to give it more time but it is still frustrating. I do workout quite a bit but I will just keep it up
  • kellyfitgirl2014
    kellyfitgirl2014 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks knitormiss, I don't have the large legs but I do have a butt so maybe that is throwing things off. I will just stick with this woe and give it time.