Sick tummy after breakfast

kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
I typically eat a pretty big breakfast high in fat. Now I am having a sick tummy throughout the morning. I don't mind the full feeling it gives me, but I just feel a little nauseated. I'm not usually that hungry for it. Maybe I should try eating later? I am one month on the low carb diet. Still learning!


  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    If you aren't hungry don't force yourself to eat. Wait till you feel actual hunger then eat. It can be any time of the day let your body guide you.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I'd say it depends on what kind of fats, and what other macros. I can't see your diary, so I don't know. Aside from that, I can't drink a ton of water in the first 30-60 minutes after a super fatty meal, or my bile will float and make me feel icky... It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, I can tell that it is the cause.
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    I sent you a friend request @KnitOrMiss. Don't feel you have to analyze my diary but it's open to my friends if you want to check it. I'm obviously still struggling with needing sweet things now and then, so you will see some sweet sugar bombs. :)
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    If you aren't hungry don't force yourself to eat. Wait till you feel actual hunger then eat. It can be any time of the day let your body guide you.

    I wondered about that. I've seen people say they fast at certain times. I am the type that gets HANGRY all of the sudden when I don't eat, so I don't like the idea of skipping meals. Maybe I should just wait a little longer between coffee and breakfast though. Thanks for your insight!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    That hangry feeling is not common on low carb as long as your getting enough sodium and fat.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Hangry could be a sudden drop in blood sugar. ???
    Makes sense. Especially since you say it's more a thing when you go too long between meals. That's that feeling the "3 meals a day and snacks in between" is supposed to "help". Truth is, your liver will send you a kick a glucagon shortly if you don't satisfy it on your own.
    kimmydear wrote: »
    If you aren't hungry don't force yourself to eat. Wait till you feel actual hunger then eat. It can be any time of the day let your body guide you.

    I wondered about that. I've seen people say they fast at certain times. I am the type that gets HANGRY all of the sudden when I don't eat, so I don't like the idea of skipping meals. Maybe I should just wait a little longer between coffee and breakfast though. Thanks for your insight!

    If coffee with butter and CO is satisfying you, you could lighten breakfast way up or just go through to lunch. This is often how this woe eating tends to go as appetite changes. Fewer meals each day. And not out of forcing some calorie restriction, but out of just not being able to eat so many times. Some only eat once a day but make it count.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    If I eat big at dinner I skip breakfast and wait until I'm hungry around mid-day before eating. I'm often not all that hungry in the morning so I just skip breakfast and therefore have a 16 hour fast. Like @auntstephie321 indicated you don't have to eat just because it's a particular time of day. Better to wait until you feel like eating. This is something I've learned on this WOE.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    kimmydear wrote: »
    I sent you a friend request @KnitOrMiss. Don't feel you have to analyze my diary but it's open to my friends if you want to check it. I'm obviously still struggling with needing sweet things now and then, so you will see some sweet sugar bombs. :)

    So after looking at your diary, for about the past week, I have a couple ideas - but nothing jumps out at me.

    Is it better or worse on days you have the pancakes/sausage? Mainly, honestly, having 3 cups of coffee with a fatty meal that signals my body to give me extra bile would make me queasy, because that much liquid with my meals makes the bile float at the top of your stomach, creating all kinds of icky feelings.

    Maybe sip on coffee at work instead of home? Eat at home before you go, etc.? Put some time between these two things.

    Also beware the SF syrup. That stuff destroys my stomach!

    Also, is there are reason you're making "plain omelettes?" Your body might be providing more bile because some days you have more fat, some days you have less. Eggs cooked in butter, sometimes with heavy cream stirred in before cooking, with avocado, cheese, bacon, sausage, etc. seems like it might be a better option....

    I'd start with putting time between the coffee and meal, one way or the other.

    Oh, and did you change brands or preparation of coffee lately? Coffee itself can be a tummy disruptor if you've changed brands or preparation methods, quantities, or even add ins...

    If that doesn't help, I'd work on making sure you get plenty of sodium with your breakfast. Looks like you had a couple higher sodium days in the last week, but mostly you're under 2000, sometimes closer to 1000 mg, which can call all manner of tummy drama. I'd look to up it with or before your meal, if you can tolerate that.

    And if that doesn't work, I'd look to try upping your fats some... Might be worth playing with the composition of your meals...

    Oh, and what's said above is true - if you're not hungry, eating is not a requirement...if you have a microwave at work, perhaps you can take your eggs and reheat them mid-morning at break if you're hungry, etc.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    kimmydear wrote: »
    I sent you a friend request @KnitOrMiss. Don't feel you have to analyze my diary but it's open to my friends if you want to check it. I'm obviously still struggling with needing sweet things now and then, so you will see some sweet sugar bombs. :)

    So after looking at your diary, for about the past week, I have a couple ideas - but nothing jumps out at me.

    Is it better or worse on days you have the pancakes/sausage? Mainly, honestly, having 3 cups of coffee with a fatty meal that signals my body to give me extra bile would make me queasy, because that much liquid with my meals makes the bile float at the top of your stomach, creating all kinds of icky feelings.

    Maybe sip on coffee at work instead of home? Eat at home before you go, etc.? Put some time between these two things.

    Also beware the SF syrup. That stuff destroys my stomach!

    Also, is there are reason you're making "plain omelettes?" Your body might be providing more bile because some days you have more fat, some days you have less. Eggs cooked in butter, sometimes with heavy cream stirred in before cooking, with avocado, cheese, bacon, sausage, etc. seems like it might be a better option....

    I'd start with putting time between the coffee and meal, one way or the other.

    Oh, and did you change brands or preparation of coffee lately? Coffee itself can be a tummy disruptor if you've changed brands or preparation methods, quantities, or even add ins...

    If that doesn't help, I'd work on making sure you get plenty of sodium with your breakfast. Looks like you had a couple higher sodium days in the last week, but mostly you're under 2000, sometimes closer to 1000 mg, which can call all manner of tummy drama. I'd look to up it with or before your meal, if you can tolerate that.

    And if that doesn't work, I'd look to try upping your fats some... Might be worth playing with the composition of your meals...

    Oh, and what's said above is true - if you're not hungry, eating is not a requirement...if you have a microwave at work, perhaps you can take your eggs and reheat them mid-morning at break if you're hungry, etc.

    Oh man. Once I got 3 cans of gourmet coffee for Christmas...let's just say I thought that I was having a sudden gastric aversion to CO. One of the cans was contaminated or something, and I had to throw it out. It was epicly terrible. I lived in the bathroom until I figured it out. I still have the 2 other cans in the basement waiting for spring to go in the compost.
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    I am using up an extra can of Folgers coffee that I don't usually drink. I usually buy coffee beans to grind at home, but the Folgers was left at my house by my mother in law. I guess I never really thought that could be it!

    Today I'm trying just having coffee and then waiting for breakfast till I get hungry. I don't know why I don't think of these things on my own, but you get so used to your regular routine.

    The omelettes I'm listing are actually not plain. I add mushrooms and tomatoes and cheese, but I list those ingredients separately. Also I add salt to most of my food, so the sodium isn't really reflected in my diary.

    Thank you so much for your comments!
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    One more thing. I don't have to leave the house for work because I'm a stay at home mom. Years of being in the same routine of being starving right when I wake up are playing into this. I'm not used to the lack of hunger I've had since I started this. So that's a good thing, I guess!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    kimmydear wrote: »
    One more thing. I don't have to leave the house for work because I'm a stay at home mom. Years of being in the same routine of being starving right when I wake up are playing into this. I'm not used to the lack of hunger I've had since I started this. So that's a good thing, I guess!

    Yay! Keep us updated on your progress.

    P.S. as a non-coffee lover who has attempted multiple times to start a love affair with coffee, Folgers is a disgusting devil in sheep's clothing. Just sayin'.

    P.P.S. And I thought I remembered the SAHM mom part, which is awesome, because that means you really can wait to eat without panicking, as long as you can duct tape the kid/kids down long enough to do so! LOL
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    kimmydear wrote: »
    One more thing. I don't have to leave the house for work because I'm a stay at home mom. Years of being in the same routine of being starving right when I wake up are playing into this. I'm not used to the lack of hunger I've had since I started this. So that's a good thing, I guess!

    Yay! Keep us updated on your progress.

    P.S. as a non-coffee lover who has attempted multiple times to start a love affair with coffee, Folgers is a disgusting devil in sheep's clothing. Just sayin'.

    P.P.S. And I thought I remembered the SAHM mom part, which is awesome, because that means you really can wait to eat without panicking, as long as you can duct tape the kid/kids down long enough to do so! LOL

    I didn't like Folgers much when I tried it previously with sweetened creamers, but I can drink almost any coffee with HWC added. That stuff is my favorite. Gosh I'm so glad not to be afraid of fat now!!! :) I'm on my last few months of having kids at home. My older two are in school and my youngest will start kindergarten in the fall. Then I may have to think about microwaving my b-fast if I go back to work in an office, but probably I will work from home like I've been doing. There are good things (diet wise) and bad things about it though. So much at your finger tips all the time.