Zucchini Suggestions?

Hello, All,

Have a nice zucchini in the garden that looks like it will be ready for picking tomorrow. I'm thinking of cutting it into slices, liberally salting and peppering them, and sautee-ing them in butter. Since I'll probably have more come in before the summer is over, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions, or favorite recipes for garden-fresh zucchini?

Thanks, All! :-)


(Cross-posting to another low-carb group)


  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I love making "noodles" out of them (I have a "julienne" veggie peeler, so instead of long wide strips, I get thin, noodle-like strips).
    I then toss those noodles in a bit of seasoning and saute in butter or bacon fat. Sometimes I sprinkle a bit of parmesan cheese.

    I also like making zucchini boats. Cut the zucchini in half down the long side so you get two halves. Scoop out the middles, then stuff them with a mix of cheese, nut "flour", the zucchini you removed (chopped up), and spices.
    Drizzle with olive oil or coconut oil and bake until crisp. Yum!!
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    Ditto on "zoodles"...I have a spiral slicer thing that makes zucchini look like spaghetti. I made shrimp scampi the other day. Sauteed the zoodles in garlic and butter, added little white wine, threw in some cooked thawed shrimp, and sprinkled with Parmesan - YUM!
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    I like mixing a clove of crushed garlic, salt and olive oil, then brushing them with the mixture and grilling them. It's really wonderful!
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    On th weekend I shred one and ring out the liquid in a towel and cook them in a skillet with butter or bacon grease like hash browns.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Slice up and sautee with butter, garlic, basil, bacon and tomatoes
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Cinnamon “Apples”
    Serves 2

    • 1 medium zucchini, peeled and sliced
    • 2 Tbsp butter
    • 1/4 teaspoon blackstrap molasses
    • 1-2 packets Truvia/Splenda (to taste)
    • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

    1. Slice zucchini into apple-like slices.
    2. Heat butter in skillet.
    3. Add zucchini slices and cook until tender.
    4. Mix remaining ingredients and add to the zucchini.
    5. Cook and stir about 5 more minutes.
    6. Serve warm.

    Great with ice cream or whipped cream on top. It tastes like apple pie without the crust.
    Approximately 4g carbs per serving.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Diggin the cinnamon apples !