Do you eat any fruit?



  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Avocadoes and olives - but those are not fruit

    Blueberries - in small amounts sometimes

    Maybe once a month a smoothie with fruit if my wife offers me one
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Avocados, lemons, and blueberries. I miss fruit. We have a 24-tree citrus orchard, and I've only licked one piece of orange.
    LINIA Posts: 1,137 Member
    The extra "fun" things I eat are olives, pickles, bacon and avocado.

    Have thought about adding in "pork rinds" but so far, haven't done so.

    This WOE has been very EZ to follow.
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    Not really. I've had blueberries but I eat a variety of veggies so don't miss it much.
  • joey4014
    joey4014 Posts: 159 Member
    Blueberries on yogurt most days of the week.
  • joey4014
    joey4014 Posts: 159 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Almost none except for the occasional avocado, and I am cutting back on those. Low fruits is not a deprivation issue for me because I was not much of a fruit eater to begin with. I doubt I ate fruit more than a few times a month before my dietary changes.

    Nuts and coconut are my hard ones to cut down on. Mmm, nuts.

    I was having a couple of veggies per day but I am trying to cut carbs back now. I find I miss them a bit, but that could be just cultural training - it'sstill weird to not have side of veggies with my meats.

    Why cutting back on Avocados?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    It makes me sad that people who love fruit and veggies have to cut them out or down to make their carb limit.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    It makes me sad that people who love fruit and veggies have to cut them out or down to make their carb limit.

    It makes me sad that I can't eat fruit without sticking myself with a needle. But going without it has really changed my perspective on what a "treat" is. I'm really hoping to regain some pancreas and liver function as I lose weight so that my body can process sugar better in the future. If that happens, I look forward to eating a wider variety of veg and small portions of fruit. On my old low carb low fat woe I would be dying to add back in bread, rice and pasta.
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    edited February 2016
    It makes me sad that people who love fruit and veggies have to cut them out or down to make their carb limit.

    It makes me sad that I can't eat fruit without sticking myself with a needle. But going without it has really changed my perspective on what a "treat" is. I'm really hoping to regain some pancreas and liver function as I lose weight so that my body can process sugar better in the future. If that happens, I look forward to eating a wider variety of veg and small portions of fruit. On my old low carb low fat woe I would be dying to add back in bread, rice and pasta.

    @PaleoInScotland That WILL happen. And I understand you totally.

    I am so happy that I can now eat small portions of fruit and my body knows how to deal with the sugar! I still avoid high glycemic fruit, probably forever, but it no longer bothers me, what I can have is more than enough. Last Summer I had a small bit of mango (formerly my favourite fruit) and it tasted sickly sweet, not appealing at all.

    Rice and pasta I no longer see as food, bread... well, that's more difficult, I used to make my own or buy organic specialties. Maybe in the future I'll be able to make it again but for now any kind of flour is strictly out. I found early on that grains, even whole rice, spiked my BG more than sugar. I need to be at maintenance (still way away) before I can even try experiments with grains. I have a small hope that maybe by then I no longer want to.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    My situation with fruit is way much more than just meeting a carb limit. Through this woe I have found the source of the terrible pain I have lived with for what seems like forever. That pain creating substance is sugar. It doesn't matter where it comes from (bread, candy, veggies, fruit.....) It makes me hurt (headaches, body aches all over) when I eat even a small amount. So, even though I may miss fruit sometimes, it doesn't mean I want to eat it. The results aren't worth it, for me!
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    My situation with fruit is way much more than just meeting a carb limit. Through this woe I have found the source of the terrible pain I have lived with for what seems like forever. That pain creating substance is sugar. It doesn't matter where it comes from (bread, candy, veggies, fruit.....) It makes me hurt (headaches, body aches all over) when I eat even a small amount. So, even though I may miss fruit sometimes, it doesn't mean I want to eat it. The results aren't worth it, for me!

    @Karlottap but how wonderful it is that you found the origin of your pain! No fruit is worth that suffering!

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    joey4014 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Almost none except for the occasional avocado, and I am cutting back on those. Low fruits is not a deprivation issue for me because I was not much of a fruit eater to begin with. I doubt I ate fruit more than a few times a month before my dietary changes.

    Nuts and coconut are my hard ones to cut down on. Mmm, nuts.

    I was having a couple of veggies per day but I am trying to cut carbs back now. I find I miss them a bit, but that could be just cultural training - it'sstill weird to not have side of veggies with my meats.

    Why cutting back on Avocados?

    I am experimenting, not too successfully, with eating carnivore. I enjoy having one or two a week though so they will probably not be skipped for too long. They are super yummy and I miss them a bit.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @nvmomketo ... LOL you and me both. If it weren't for avocados and mushrooms I think I'd be a full fledged carnivore.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    reblazed wrote: »
    @nvmomketo ... LOL you and me both. If it weren't for avocados and mushrooms I think I'd be a full fledged carnivore.

    And the nuts and coconut! Ugh. Now I want a snack of coconut and macadamia nuts, and then avocado, mayo and tuna for lunch....

    Wow. LOL Amazing. I now consider that a high carb day. When did that happen? LOL ;)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I always have berries in the freezer, but find I reach for them less and less. All other fruit is simply too sugary for me. I seldom eat fruit these days. If I do, I might have less than 1/2 serving of berries, maybe twice per week. I do eat avocado a couple of times per month.

    I know that my body feels it's best when my carb count is low. Eating something sweet makes me crave to eat more carbs, something I don't want to do. It's just not worth it to me. I don't derive as much pleasure or nutrition from eating fruit to risk having cravings become out of control.
  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    Occasional small amount of raspberries and blueberries and of course the veggies that are actually fruits...
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    My situation with fruit is way much more than just meeting a carb limit. Through this woe I have found the source of the terrible pain I have lived with for what seems like forever. That pain creating substance is sugar. It doesn't matter where it comes from (bread, candy, veggies, fruit.....) It makes me hurt (headaches, body aches all over) when I eat even a small amount. So, even though I may miss fruit sometimes, it doesn't mean I want to eat it. The results aren't worth it, for me!

    This is the same reason why I don't eat fruit. The sugar simply makes me hurt all over, deep in my muscles. It's exhausting to be in pain all the time. It's easier to just say no.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    Karlottap wrote: »
    My situation with fruit is way much more than just meeting a carb limit. Through this woe I have found the source of the terrible pain I have lived with for what seems like forever. That pain creating substance is sugar. It doesn't matter where it comes from (bread, candy, veggies, fruit.....) It makes me hurt (headaches, body aches all over) when I eat even a small amount. So, even though I may miss fruit sometimes, it doesn't mean I want to eat it. The results aren't worth it, for me!

    This is the same reason why I don't eat fruit. The sugar simply makes me hurt all over, deep in my muscles. It's exhausting to be in pain all the time. It's easier to just say no.

    Fair enough. I was more talking more about those of us who don't have any medical conditions.
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    @christine_72 I knew where you were coming from. I choose not to have the fruits due to the sugars in them. I really don't have cravings at all and I know it's due to my low sugars (any kind of sugars..) today I ended up having sugar free worthers originals and now I'm craving something... My first bout of cravings since I started 6 mo ago. But I wanted to try something to see if I was ready to add some sugars back into my diet and clearly I'm not lol. I hid the bag of candy praying out of site out of mind takes over!
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I have a couple berries here and there, no more than a palm full.