100% Challenge - Color Me Healthy! Monday, February 29, 2016 to April 10, 2016

RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
100% Challenge - "Color Me Healthy

This is a 6 week challenge.
It runs from Monday, February 29, 2016 to April 10, 2016

The rules are very simple:
Use NS FOODS (or equivalent of your own foods following the NS guidelines)
100% water means at least 64 ounces
100% food & water every day.
*** 100% food means your NS foods for the day and all the add-ins on the NS Plan or
Staying on plan using NS Foods or using equivalent foods or all of Your foods that meet the plan requirements***
* For each day post your 100% in red bold along with the date so it's easier to update the spreadsheet.
(Example: 100% 01/19/2016 or NOT 100% 01/19/2016 )
* Exercise 3x/week but we won't track exercise; that is up to you.
* Post as often as you can! DAILY is BEST!
* Have fun, ask questions, answer questions, help where you can, give support...get support!
* Weigh-in day is SUNDAY (if you need a different day, just let us know)
Post your weigh-in, how much you lost or gained or if you maintained.
(example: WEIGH-IN: 180.2 or Lost 1.5 pounds)
* Set a goal of what you want to lose over the next 6 weeks.
(many of us make a ticker to track our progress)


"Welcome" to new challengers and "Welcome Back" to those returning to the 100% Challenge.

All are Welcome on this six-week journey, where we are longing for the colors of spring. Just as the Easter bunny is coloring eggs, you can tell him to "Color Me Healthy". And the way to be healthy is to eat healthy! For every day you are 100%, you will see the benefits accumulate: a lighter, slimmer and healthier you! Together we will lose this extra weight and be the best we can be! Summer will be here soon and now is the time to get ready! This is one of the most supportive groups on the NS boards so jump in, join the fun and let us help you become the slimmer, trimmer and more active person you know you can be!

From a 2014 Challenge by Marianne aka REDHEAD1221 on the former NutriSystem Forums

Eat the Rainbow
From Men's Health and Eat This, Not That!
Oprah.com | January 27, 2009

Better nutrition starts not only by cutting out the bad, but adding in the good. Fill your meals with healthful, high-quality food, and you'll eventually squeeze out the bad stuff.
But what is healthy? You can't go wrong with anything that has bright, vibrant colors—think fruits and vegetables, not boxes of processed junk food.

Rosy-hued fruits and vegetables offer a payload of an important antioxidant called lycopene, which is associated with health benefits like protecting the skin from sun damage and decreasing the risk of heart disease and certain forms of cancer.

Lycopene-rich foods also have been shown to decrease symptoms of wheezing, asthma and shortness of breath in people when they exercise.

Tomato - Canned and cooked tomatoes have been shown to contain more lycopene than fresh, so go crazy with the ketchup, salsa and marinara sauce.
Red Bell Pepper - The reds pack twice the vitamin C and nine times as much vitamin A as their green relatives. They've been shown to aid in the fight against everything from asthma to cancer to cataracts.
Guava - Guava is packed with vitamins A and C. It also contains heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and belly-filling fiber.
Watermelon - This summertime favorite is also a big provider of vitamins A and C, which help to neutralize cancer-causing free radicals.
Pink Grapefruit - This contains one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants in the produce aisle.

The vaunted vitamin C monster has critical phytonutrients known to lower blood pressure and contain strong anti-inflammatory properties. Juice is fine, but the real fruit is even better.

The secret, though, is that the orange's most powerful healing properties are found in the peel. Use a zester to grate the peel over bowls of yogurt or salads or directly into smoothies.

Sweet Potato - The best part about sweet potatoes, outside of the beta-carotene, is that they're loaded with fiber. That means they have a gentler effect on blood sugar levels than regular potatoes.
Carrot - The snack of choice for Bugs Bunny happens to be the richest carotene source of all. Baby carrots are perfect plain for dipping or snacking, of course, but also try shredding carrots into a salad or marinara for a bit of natural sweetness.
Cantaloupe - Sliced cantaloupe and yogurt make a great breakfast, or combine the two in a food processor with a touch of honey and lemon and puree into a great low-cal dessert.

Yellow foods are close relatives to orange foods, and, likewise, they are rich in carotenoids. Studies show yellow foods can decrease the likelihood for such diseases as lung cancer and arthritis, but since youngsters have more important things to worry about, you're better off selling yellow foods on their superpowers—jumping higher and playing harder!

Research shows that yellow foods help decrease inflammation in the joints, ensuring a springy step in kids for years to come. Studies also show they may improve the functioning of the respiratory system, making beating their classmates in dodgeball and relay races just that much easier.

Yellow Bell Pepper - Yellow bells are vitamin C treasure troves, providing two and a half times the amount you'd get from an orange. Their sweet, mellow flavor is perfect for kids.
Pineapple - Skewer chunks and cook on a hot grill for a killer dessert.
Corn - This king of the summer barbecue is loaded with thiamin, which plays a central role in energy production and cognitive function. Boost their brains and their energy levels by carefully removing the kernels from the cob with a kitchen knife and sautéing with a bit of olive oil.
Banana - Bananas are loaded with potassium, which will help your kids grow strong, durable bones. Here's a shopping tip: Not all bananas are grown equal. Search for those with a deeper gold to their edible flesh.
Yellow Squash - With huge doses of fiber, manganese, magnesium and folate, summer squash proves to be a serious nutritional player.



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/29/2016 100%
    My Goal is to lose 1/2 to 1 pound a week of the challenge, Or IOWs 3 to 6 pounds of loss.
    My goal for this Challenge is lower than in the past for a couple of reasons.
    1. According to my Doctor I am already at a good weight, The Mirror says some more to go however :)
    2. I am working on transitioning away from NutriSystem foods where I can do so at the same cost in preparation to transitioning to maintenance in the future.
    3. I believe I can save some money if I drop NS for long enough to be a new customer and get new customer prices and deals.

    Wish me Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another Day, Another walk + a Nickel . The weather is still nice and was comfortable for my walk. I did go out for my walk later than usual so I could go by the bank. So I hit the 7-Eleven for my blend of Regular and decaf coffee, then towards the end of the walk the Supermarket and then the bank.

    I did go by the Supermarket and picked up some greenish Bananas. They had Yellow Bananas or Green Bananas for the same price $0.39 a pound. I opted for the Green ones as I had already eaten todays Banana and have one more sitting in the refrigerator to keep it from getting to ripe for my taste. I put three of the last bunch in their when they were where I like them and although the skin has turned brown the inside is still nice & firm and tasty so that works for me.

    I know that the news today will be a lost cause as it will mostly be talk about Super Tuesday and tomorrow it will be full of pundits dissecting the results.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Roger AKA RogerToo
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/01/2016 100%

    It was windy out when I left to go walking + 11 cents and the temperature is dropping too. The overnight rain was gone before I left. I could hear it still coming down at 5:30 and it was gone before I started to get ready at 6:30 to go walking.
    The Bananas I picked up yesterday did not look like they would be ripe enough for tomorrow so I stopped and picked up two ripe ones @ $0.39 a pound :)

    I will be posting a review in a while of the Lean Cuisine Entree vs the NS version here FWIW
    http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/105887-ns-food-reviews for reviews I have done.

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/02/2016 100%

    Heads up, the NutriSystem $59.99 cost for $100 face value sale has started at CostCo.com

    I was out walking today, Again :) The temperature is 20 degrees colder than yesterday according to News 12 the Local cable only News Channel. It is sunny so far, possible snow later on tonight into Friday, Probably, They still are not sure where or how much, the best guess is 1 to 3 inches depending on where You are in the state. I stopped at the Dollar Store and I did pick up a new quart of milk for the pantry shelf, use by date of February 15, 2017 from the latest delivery as they were out the other day. I also picked up two boxes of Pancakes that should will work for breakfasts, total outlay $3, no sales tax on food. Next NS Delivery ship date is the 14th currently so These will give me a change of taste from cereal until then.

    I also did go to Costco's website and order more Gift cards now that the $59.99 per hundred dollar face value sale has started.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/03/2016 100%

    The weather outside is/was light snow. I was walking, the roads are clear and the sidewalks mostly so. Currently either we are in a lull or the snow is done already :)
    There is snow on the grass however. In deference to the weather I did wear my heavy insulated boots that have a much deeper thread than my walking shoes.

    Tracking shows my NutriSystem Gift Cards from CostCo are shipped and transferred to the Mail Innovations facility in Morrow, GA with a Projected Delivery Date: 03/09/2016

    Just in time to use for the extra A La Carte items I added to my upcoming order. What have I added, Protein shakes and Snacks mostly with a few of the Shelf Stable lunches I like and I will add some of the Lean Cuisine Entrees so I can then extend the time between the upcoming delivery and the one following :)

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/04/2016 100%

    I got out walking a smidgen Late (technical term for the duration). My Goal was to be out the door at 7:45 AM and I did was not headed out the door until 7:46 :)
    My First Stop was 7 Eleven for Coffee, then on my way with a pass by the bank when it opened at 9 AM, I got there a smidgen early too at 8:58. I ended up with 8.5K steps when I got home. The Temperature was 5 degrees cooler than yesterday for the same time, It warmed up nicely towards the end of the walk. I finished off the Playlist of episodes of the Shadow OTR broadcasts for the 40s. Interesting advertising I heard was for the US Coast Guard, It started out with a Submarine planning an attack on US Shipping and getting sunk by the Coast Guard, then went into Join the Coast Guard :) Also A Commercial for Blue Coal and Scheduling deliveries at the start of the heating season to to allow the dealer to optimize deliveries to minimize fuel use and tire wear. As well as tips on conserving coal.

    According to tracking my NS Gift cards are in Bridgeport, NJ. I am guessing that means no way will they be delivered until Monday at the earliest :)

    Have a great Weekend

    P.S. Just for fun, Fill in the Blank: "The Weed of crime bears bitter fruit, the ______ knows"
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/05/2016 Not 100%
    I suspect I may be the only one here :)

    I went out walking once again, Currently after coming home and then going shopping at the Acme I am at 9266 steps. It was a little cold out, According to the weather forecast I just saw She thinks we will not see any below freezing temperatures all week, Yea!

    At the Acme I bought some Smart Ones Entrees and a Desert to try as they were on sale at 6 for $10 = $1.67 each, Then since I bought more than six the cashier pulled a coupon off of one for $2 off 7 Smart Ones which lowered the price even more :) Some of the Items looked pretty good to me so I hope They are OK. Pretty cheap. I think I may push back my NS order
    another week as when I was in the basement freezer it is nearly full already and the Kitchen Freezer section is pretty full too.

    From this mornings news broadcast, Today is national Oreo Day :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/06/2016 100%

    We are headed into a warmer weather, Hooray. I was slightly under dressed when I started walking, however it was tolerable and as I had suspected it warmed up. There was frost on the Car when I started out. It is forecast to be in the upper 50s later on today :) 8.9k steps so far today.

    Have a Great Upcoming Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/07/2016 100%

    I was listening to a mixed bag of music from Tennessee Ernie Ford doing "Peace In The Valley" and others to Movie & TV Theme music. 9+K steps today and I am done for since I stopped at the Local Supermarket for Lettuce, Cabbage and bread, I ended Up with Pepperidge Farm Light Style 7 grain bread at 45 calories a slice. I plan on using it with two of the remaining 4 Hickory Smoke beef Patties from NS, I can tolerate them if I boil the heck out of them to heat them and a dollop of Ketchup, not Microwave them. I have had four of them in the freezer as well as two of the NS Chicken patty dinner servings for a couple of years. Those will get heated with a touch of BBQ sauce and shredded onto the bread. Both of those will serve as a PF + SC that way. I'm not worried about their age as they are a Shelf Stable food that I froze to extend their life.

    The Gift cards I ordered from CostCo the first day of the sale arrived in Monday's mail delivery.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/08/2016 100%

    I was out early for this time of year, I could not sleep and as the weather is good I went out walking and was home by 8:20, an hour early from my walk +21 Cents and 8200 steps.

    We are supposed to be above average temperatures for the next two weeks :) Good news as long as it does not carry over into a Summer Heat Wave.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/09/2016 Not 100%, Details below

    Why Am I doing this is I am the only one posting here? Why not the 100% Challenge has run between here and the NS Forums since at least 2009.

    It was warm enough that I started out in a thin long sleeve shirt and light gloves, they proved to be to much :) Record Warmth Yesterday & in the forecast for today. At least one city in NJ was 8o degrees yesterday, Newark NJ. I picked up some cash at the bank for the rest of the month and a Irish Decoration and a Easter Decoration for the window at a Dollar store while I was out and hung the Irish one.

    I was off plan last night since I ate what my brother cooked and he did a early St. Patricks day meal for dinner. Corned Beef, Boiled Cabbage, Boiled Red Potatoes, and Home made Irish Soda Bread with Raisins. Then for Dessert I used a Skinny Cow Caramel Vanilla Cone at 160 calories. That one was delicious and since I substituted if for a NS Snack (Dessert) Would not have a real impact. FWIW When I say delicious it tasted like a soft serve Vanilla Cone with a drizzle of Caramel on top and has that texture too. The Problem is the Dinner.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/10/2016 100%

    Another Great looking day outside, The rain has moved out and the temperature is Good, Not to cold, not to hot. I walked 8K steps + 6 Cents today. I was out early since I could not get back to sleep, I finally admitted defeat and got up. I had forgotten to pull my Banana from the refrigerator last night so it was cold and not that tasty this morning as a result. Oh Well :)

    FWIW I just checked the Internet for information on the Lean Cuisine recall, it appears that the only affected products are the ones with Spinach. None of which I have on hand or have tried.
    • DiGiorno Thin & Crispy Spinach and Garlic Pizza
    • DiGiorno Rising Crust Spinach and Mushroom Pizza
    • DiGiorno pizzeria Thin Crust Spinach and Mushroom Pizza
    • DiGiorno pizzeria Tuscan-style Chicken Pizza
    • Lean Cuisine Spinach and Mushroom Pizza
    • Lean Cuisine Spinach Artichoke Ravioli
    • Lean Cuisine Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli
    • Lean Cuisine Spinach, Artichoke & Chicken Panini
    • Lean Cuisine Mushroom Mezzaluna Ravioli
    • Stouffer's Vegetable Lasagna
    • Stouffer's Spinach Soufflé
    • Stouffer's Chicken Lasagna

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/11/2016 100%

    7.6K of walking today. It was around freezing when I left and warming rapidly. Today is supposed to be in the lower 60s for a high temperature :)

    I was listening to the Philip Marlowe radio show from 1949 while walking. The sun is shining and I passed a couple of yards with Easter displays set up.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/12/2016 100%

    I went walking today. It was around A nice day when I left and warming rapidly. Today is supposed to be in the upper 50s to 60 for a high temperature :) Tomorrows forecast is for rain. I got a later start than usual due to the change to Daylight Saving Time.

    I just realized I missed posting earlier and now I have no time :)

    Have a Good Sunday Evening
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Correction 03/12/2016 Not100%

    I Have not gone walking, yet, I am trying to decide if I want to go later, it will depend on the weather and whether I decide to make today that off day from walking I had been thinking of taking for a while. Currently it is raining and the weather radar shows that it will be raining for a while.

    I was not 100% On Plan Saturday due to eating a fresh baked Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffin from my brothers baking that day. It was still slightly warm and really moist, Tasty.

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/14/2016 100%

    I never did get out yesterday for a walk. It just did not look that good out. Every-time it would look like it was done raining it would startup again, then the breeze picked up putting wind chills in the low 30s. Between the wind chill and wind blown rain I stayed home.

    I walked 8.5K steps today. I picked up a couple of things at the local market. I can not find nutrition information on the Internet for DiDi Puddings, The Label shows 93kcal per serving. I know that can not be right, As I understand it that would be 93,000 calories in the under 4 ounce cup. Pure sugar would not be that high. I am thinking it means 93 calories and something got mangled between the maker and the label printer :) 93 calories and the rest of the label make me think it will work as a SC.

    Just for Fun:
    What month has 28 days?
    All of them :)

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    Roger, I am so sorry, didn't mean to abandon you. With work and a new relationship, I have not been on much. I have popped in here and there and keep try to catch up. Thanks for alerting on the Costco cards, I ordered 4 more.

    Our weather down here is already getting warm. At 5 pm it was 88 when I got in my car. Crazy for Mid March. I haven't really weighed in, and I am not staying on plan which is bad. My new relationship is going well, and he is helping me to learn to eat non-processed foods. Still afraid to let go of the NS, but I will see how it goes.

    Keep up the good work and don't give up. I will post when I can. The job is in change mode and I don't know what will end up happening.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited March 2016

    03/15/2016 100%

    I was walking today, 8.2K steps + I found a Quarter. Next up now that Breakfast is done is going to the Shoprite for some PFs, SCs etc. I am looking for something affordable to replace the now vanished NS Strawberry Protein Shake, It worked out to be less than $1 a serving after the standard discount and the 40% off of that price for using the On Sale at CostCo NS Gift Cards. According to my math they end up at $0.88 cents a packet.

    It is a nice sunny day out, not to cold and not to warm :)

    Did Anybody get this one? I repeated it below
    Just for Fun:
    What month has 28 days?
    All of them :)

    I will be posting a Mini Review of the Smart Ones Pasta with Swedish Meatballs. Real Short version, It was good and made a nice change. That made two meals with meatballs yesterday. I used the 150 calorie NS Meatballs dinner with 90 calories of bread for Lunch. Very close in calories to the NS Hamburger for example.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Roger, I am so sorry, didn't mean to abandon you. With work and a new relationship, I have not been on much. I have popped in here and there and keep try to catch up. Thanks for alerting on the Costco cards, I ordered 4 more.

    Our weather down here is already getting warm. At 5 pm it was 88 when I got in my car. Crazy for Mid March. I haven't really weighed in, and I am not staying on plan which is bad. My new relationship is going well, and he is helping me to learn to eat non-processed foods. Still afraid to let go of the NS, but I will see how it goes.

    Keep up the good work and don't give up. I will post when I can. The job is in change mode and I don't know what will end up happening.

    Hi Donna
    Good to hear from You:) Always remember that real life comes first. We are headed into the low 60s today and for the weekend they are forecasting it to be in the 40s and around the freezing mark overnight.

    I think I am in the minority by not being afraid of processed foods. The fresh version of so many things tend to be very expensive.

    Good Luck with Work

  • dharris1014
    dharris1014 Posts: 509 Member
    To your question, there are 12 months that have 28 days!

    3/16 100
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    03/16/2016 Not 100%

    It is a Nice day out, I got out walking at 7:15 and home at 8:50 and 8,200 steps :)

    I just delayed my next order again. I have lots of foods left due to A La Carte additions to past orders and trying out other Breakfast & Dinner items from the grocery store.

    Have a Great St. Patricks Day

    To your question, there are 12 months that have 28 days!

    3/16 100

    Hi Donna
    Would You believe no one else answered?
