Trying to join the Navy!

Hello! My goal is to join the US Navy in 6 months time. I would really just like to find myself a solid support group to help me reach my goals. I've already lost 20 pounds and counting. I'm also trying to strengthen my body to make it through boot camp. At the moment I still can't do a single pull up but hopefully that will change. I have a pretty solid workout plan (but advice and improvements are always welcome) and now I'm just trying to get my nutrition under control.

I'm mostly having a hard time figuring out what to eat and when in order to get the most out of my diet. Example I just learned how important pre and post workout meals are.

I have a lot to learn and I finally broke down and got this app to help me. I completely forgot that it had such an huge community.

Much luck to everyone out there trying to reach their goals!! We can do this together :)