Total flatline plateau

fuzibug Posts: 8 Member
Been on MediFast for about six months, and I am eight measly pounds away from my goal and I have stopped losing weight. I plan on working some strength training in and upping my cardio workouts, but since my eating habits are rather established, I wanted to know if anyone has any advice. Thanks in advance!


  • shellabella3075
    shellabella3075 Posts: 25 Member
    Nice job fuzi!
  • mintchocolategirl
    mintchocolategirl Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats on (almost) reaching your goal! I don't have any advice or experience of being close to my goal using MF, not there - yet! In the past, I reassessed my workouts, food intake (what as well as how much), and water consumption. Basically, changed things up a little and it eventually helped. Those last 10 or so are always so difficult. You can do it!