March Chat

DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups
I did not actually intend to start this. For some reason the gratitude list posted twice and I could not eliminate one, so I started March chat! lol

I can only say that February was an absolutely horrible month for me. Getting a serious diagnosis simply knocks you off your feet for a bit. Also, my husband had some health issues and we had to deal with that. But I consider myself to be a tough old warrior at this point and I am in the process of digging into this new battle and mapping a strategy. Gluten free is not easy to deal with. It's expensive and has quite a learning curve. On the other hand, vegan (with occasional fish) is pretty much an old friend and experimenting with all the new recipes has kept me from dwelling on negative aspects of this journey.

So, a new month begins and its time to dig in!


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Thanks for getting us going for March. I think a few of us ended up slightly derailed in Feb. And it is gone now all of us can get back to doing what we know we need to do.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited March 2016

    As for February.. I don't want to talk about it.

    Ditto January.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Cris, I was going to PM you if you didn't check in soon. Missed ya heaps. Hope the new medication worked out well for you.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi; Thanks for thinking about me. <3

    Yes, after some tweaking, the new meds have worked well, doing what they need to do; lowering my blood sugar down within healthy levels. For awhile though, I couldn't go to the gym, because my blood sugar would quickly get TOO low. GAK. But we worked that out.

    Another unfortunate side effect was that when I switched over, I was hungry ALL the time. I had lost weight partly because the previous meds (which didn't work) made me nauseated and curbed my appetite; one bite of food and I was full. Nothing smelled good. ew.

    So...having switched, and, no longer nauseated, I gained weight. Duh.

    One thing about dealing with blood sugar issues is, that.. it's not like normal hunger.
    It's like there are all these nooks and crannies that are sometimes never satisfied, never filled.
    Before I was actually diagnosed with type2, I'd spent my whole life as a hypoglycemic.. constantly afraid that if
    I got too hungry, I would a) throw up b)keel over in a dead faint. Of course as a teen I'd eat the wrong things...but
    that's how bad habits are born and become a part of the everlasting wacked out psyche.

    I'm telling ya, if it's not one thing, it's another


    Otherwise. I'm FINE!!!

    I've been busy making crocheted blankies and quilts for Project Linus.
    I'm sure that's a big fat-burner.. right? B)


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited March 2016
    Wow, Cris, you've brought a lot of beauty to our March chat page! Your quilting is gorgeous. Great to have you back.

    And to all, here's hoping that March will be:

    In like a lion - determined to be strong and conquer our challenges... and
    Out like a lamb - calmly and faithfully following our eating, exercise, & spiritual plans, trusting that they will lead us to our best health - and our best life.

    Happy March! ~ Kathy
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Y'know what? I don't expect anybody to be able to explain this to me, but has MFP made changes to the way the food tallies up??

    I had my preferences set so that my daily goal was about 1300 calories, and my carbs less than 100 g per day.
    Now I find that some days my carbs "goal" is 150 or more.

    Is it because, if you exercise, you "earn" "extra" calories so if I do 350 calories' worth of exercise, they ADD it on to my daily available total?? :o That irks me.
    It creates an unconscious "oh, I have XXX number of calories left" mentality, so the tendancy is to feel like
    there's a bit more wiggle room and I CAN have that extra spoon full of peanut butter... or whatever.

    I make myself look only at what I ate, not the "available" totals.
    I have enough of a struggle with carbs, without MFP padding my "available" numbers.
    It's counter-intuitive.

    My aim is to try to make my food tracking easy so I don't have to overthink it.
    Remember, I'm a type 2 diabetic so I'm not just dealing with "hunger"; it's chemistry, and it's stressful.

    I don't remember it being this way before, and while it's not the end of the world, it is irritating.
    I don't know if I'm explaining this well; you can ignore me, I'm just venting.

    As long as I'm whining, I'll add that my fitbit never did sync correctly with the site.
    It didn't even sync with itself..but that's another story. ha

    My cynical side says they want us to upgrade to the paid version MFPl...

    *end of rant*


    :::decides to go for a walk:::
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Cris, from time to time MFP has changed my personalized settings to the generic ones. I have had to tweak them on several occasions. Probably due to server issues. Just
    reset them and carry on with what you need to do.

    I find using the computer to synch fitbit works best, the app on the iphone doesn't always work right. The Kindle app does seem to do ok but since I can't use Community on the Kindle app for MFP,
    I don't use the Kindle unless I am traveling.

    The quilt is so pretty and cheery.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Cris, from time to time MFP has changed my personalized settings to the generic ones. I have had to tweak them on several occasions. Probably due to server issues. Just
    reset them and carry on with what you need to do.

    Ok... *sigh*. Thanks, that's what I needed to know!

    I thought I was losing my mind... there's already enough evidence of that anyway.


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh what a month I am having! Right now I am studying nonstop for the Florida insurance exam, which I need for the part time contract job I have accepted. Until that is over (hopefully everything will be done by the end of March) my time is pretty much taken up!

    Additionally, I have now been Gluten free and vegan for a month now. OMG what a challenge that is! Vegan is not so bad, been there before, but Gluten free is something else. The biggest problem I am having is that now that I am meat free, I am miss the protein and because of my inhaler, which contains a bit of steroid, I am hungry way too much!! This is NOT proving to be an easy challenge! At first I decided to just take a month and adjust to the changes and worry about my weight later. Well guess what, I have gained! Don't you always think that EVERYONE who goes vegan loses???? My brother lost like 40 lbs, but then again, he can't cook!!! (he is my inspiration, he went from cardiac bypass candidate to no meds at all and is in great shape! Vegan for 6 years I think) Sigh. As you can see I am not in the best frame of mind this morning - I got on the scale! On the other hand, I came in here and put in my breakfast calories (easy that one, I have started on a protein shake now lol).

    Ok, so my goal right now is just to journal. Just to journal one whole day, complete with new recipes and regardless of what I eat. I have to get back on this road!

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Janet, not all vegans are slim. Your brother had lots of motivation to do well. Congrats to him for making it work.
    Since they rely on grains a lot, going gluten free can be a real challenge. I would suggest doing one or the other, vegan or GF and see how you feel and what your weight does.

    As for the protein, I think this is in our stickies but I will post it here since I couldn't locate it :) This is from sarauk2sf, a moderator on the Eat, Train, Progress group, she is vegetarian, so there are a lot of veggies on this listing:

    Keep journaling and best of luck with your exam.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    Back from vacation 2 weeks now ..... work is busy ..... usually I'm answering phones & making appointments, but sometimes I get asked to help out in the back. This is me holding Penny the chicken. She had a little problem, but is doing fine today. Big change from kittens & puppies :)
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am so pleased to see that this 60's board is still active! Thank you! I have been lurking for over a month and have completed my diary every day. I am fortunate that keeping a diary is easy, peasy for me! Controlling my binge eating is another matter! I have looked at all my results and I am averaging about 400 daily calories above where I should be if I want to get back to losing weight. I would need to lose almost 15 pounds just to get down to where I was when I "faded away" from mfp last fall and then I would need to lose another 20 pounds!! While it is demoralizing that I couldn't keep going I guess the choice is ours whether to give up or try again! So, I am back to try again! Many of my former friends have also become inactivate, so if anyone is looking for support pls send me a friend request! Look forward to reconnecting over the next while. Cheers Marian
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Hi guys. Think cheerfully. Smile outwardly and somehow it turns itself inside out and brightens your inside!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Am I the only one who didn't know about this recipe resource from MFP????
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Uh, no - I had no idea either. That's a great place to browse, thanks for sharing!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Am I the only one who didn't know about this recipe resource from MFP????

    Didn't know about this ...... love the tortellini soup recipe & the mini pizzas ..... thanks !
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am stopping in for just a minute I am soooooo busy right now. I am studying for the Florida state insurance exam and until that is over, I do little else.

    Still having health issues. My hands got really bad, could barely use them, not entirely sure why. I suspect carpal tunnel, tendonitis, and have no idea if anything else. Saw a rheumetologist and he drew a ton of new blood work so we will see what that reveals. Also gave me two injections for the inflammation which has allowed me to bully on with the course for my insurance exam! In April I will get sonograms of both hands, injections in both wrists and follow up with him again in May.

    In the meantime, I did decide to do just vegan and see how that goes. Both truly was too much! - you were right on that Joelle! Discovered some lovely new teas from the Republic of tea - Get Lean, Get Burning, and Get Lost and I believe they are helping with cravings secondary to steroids and reduced protein! Working on adjusting to vegan one recipe at a time and will work on getting nutrients balanced as I go.

    Have not been journaling. I have been sticking to the vegan diet and the exercise and getting my steps and yoga in daily. Doing a lot of yoga for carpal tunnel and it helps! I believe I am going to end the month with a loss so right now I am just going to just keep my head down and try to get on through this. I will be back!!!

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Good luck Janet, you have a lot on your plate! Do you attend yoga classes or do them at home? Cheers, Marain