Can someone explain to me LC and cholesterol?

emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
My uncle is interested in this WOE. But my aunt told him he can't do it because the amount of salt in things and that it raise his cholesterol. I swear I read somewhere that it actually helps it. Please someone send me a link?
Also my mom said her sister is doing it and that her dr told her to do low carb for a two weeks and then slowly start adding in carbs and fruit. My mom thinks if I continue doing this WOE and not eating more than 20 carbs a day that it's going to hurt my kidneys. Also help a girl out!


  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    edited March 2016

  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    Google Peter Attia, watch some of his seminars, they are available on youtube.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Jimmy Moores book Cholesterol Clarity
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    After going Low Carb my HDL shot up and my LDL dropped greatly. I forget the time line but will just call it one year.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Jimmy Moores book Cholesterol Clarity

    Ditto this. Almost done reading it myself and it's been quite enlightening.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I also liked The Great Cholesterol Myth and Cholesterol Con. They all say the same things: with a LCHF diet HDL goes up, triglycerides fall, and LDL may fall but the particle size changes to the healthier, larger fluffier type.

    Weight loss will do some of this too but often not as well.

    The nail in the cffin for a bad lipid panel seems to be high carb with moderate to higher fats. It seems like one needs to be very low - either the fat or the carbs. Most of us find it easier to cut the carbs. :)