Standing Up to Say HI!

jan115 Posts: 21 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups
Just thought I'd introduce myself. I have 2 sit-down jobs - as an admin assistant for a one-attorney office, and as a travel planner from my home office. Spending all that time seated is not only bad for weight loss but is just downright unhealthy. I try to get up at frequent intervals to move, stretch or walk, but when I'm really busy, simply forget. I look forward to reading what others due to get the blood circulating!


  • BoogeyBrat
    BoogeyBrat Posts: 212 Member
    edited March 2016
    Welcome! I'm in transportation myself, so to get a chance to stretch my legs I'll park and get out and 'check the lights' and 'look at tires' when I'm empty. Otherwise they start to ache from sitting down.

    All my previous jobs were in gas stations where I was on my feet all day, so this has been a big adjustment for me. I never realized sitting down for hours at a time could hurt so much!
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I am an admin assistant too, in a pretty small office area. The printer is directly behind my chair, I don't even have to get up for that!

    I try to go for a walk at lunchtime or walk to the bank during the day instead of dropping in on the way home (in the car).
    I am recovering from an ankle injury last year and find if I sit still too long my ankle gets sore and stiff, so I am trying to dream up all kinds of ways to get up and moving at regular intervals. My filing has never been so up to date!