Help me help a friend please?

MsVino Posts: 78 Member
I have been keto for two months now and usually work with 80/15/5. This has worked well for me and I have lost over 10 kg. I was powerlifting up until about a month ago but stopped as I've injured my shoulder while training I had no issues with my recovery so assume my coculations are sufficient. Due to my success my training partner has asked me to do a meal plan for him also. He is 5 foot 8, 92kg, an extremely active powerlifter who benches 145kg (just to put his phyisque into perspective). Body fat is <18%ish and he currently carbloads and eats like a horse (anything he wants, lucky him). His goal is to reduce body fat % without muscle loss and continue to build strength. He is also hoping to eliminate the ups and downs he has over the day by running off fat as appose to the carbs (he is horrible when his insulin drops you either get out of his way or make him a sandwich!). So I guess my question is does anyone have any useful tips or corrections for me in preparation for his meal planning and daily needs? We have also discussed him doing a regular clean carb cycle perhaps on a Friday night once or twice a month as he plays tennis Saturday mornings but this is really his only 'cardio' so to speak other than just being a very active individual.

Working at a deficit of 15% the calculations I have done read as follows,


Total cal intake = 3175 per day

While I have had success I know everyone is different and since I am still relatively new to the keto lifestyle I want to double check everything before he starts his own keto journey .

Thankyou in advance :-)


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    He'll want more protein. Just stick with his current level of protein, and lower his carbs.

    Send him here:
  • MsVino
    MsVino Posts: 78 Member
    ATM he has no idea how much his protein intake is. He caculates nothing and eats everything.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    A ketogains macro breakdown may look like 30% Protein, 60% Fat, 10% Carbs when eating at a deficit, or 20% Protein, 75% Fat, 5% Carbs when eating at a surplus.

    So if he eats 3175 cals while he's cutting (seems like a lot), then 30% protein would be over 200g,

    The ketogains FAQ will also give you alternatives for adding carbs days, but the basic advice is to avoid that unless he's hitting the wall.

    Maybe have him log his current intake here for a few days to establish a baseline.
  • MsVino
    MsVino Posts: 78 Member
    Thankyou I'll check it out re carbs.

    I initially did the calculations with the higher protien and lower fat intake and got around 238g p and 211g f but the 10% carb calculation leaves him at something like 80g per day which he doesn't want as he wants to be in ketosis for the majority of the time. I have read that some men are able to consume 50g of carbs a day and they are fine. I suspect he will be able to tolerate a few extra carbs given his activity level but worry that 80g would possibly be too much?
  • MsVino
    MsVino Posts: 78 Member
    Would you suggest lowering his overall daily calorie intake then to reduce the carb g's ?
  • MsVino
    MsVino Posts: 78 Member
    And the 238g p at 30% seem excessive for cutting but as I said I'm still learning so please bare with my confusion :-/
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    The carb level is the main thing for ketosis. 80g would probably work OK for somebody who is both active and insulin sensitive. That was the average carb intake for 10 elite low-carb athletes in a recent study, FWIW. But lower will ensure constant high levels of ketones.

    Protein intake depends on his needs. If he wants to keep on building, or at least maintaining muscle, while eating at a deficit, he needs a lot of protein. 200+g is a LOT, and probably the only way he can get that much is by supplementing. Does he supplement now? If not, just let him experiment with the protein level.

    Fat is only needed to reach satiety, so he doesn't need a specific goal. The way it works for most of us is to simply eat till we're no longer hungry, but I don't know how well that will work for an active guy who is lifting.

    Consider asking the question over at the ketogains forum -- they'll have more guys in a similar situation:
  • MsVino
    MsVino Posts: 78 Member
    Ok thankyou re the carb info that makes sense and I don't think he needs to be deep in keto as he only wants to cut a small amount.

    Yes he does sup with a low carb, 6 source protien ATM. Yes I think trial and error re the protien may be the way to go because at the moment it would be impossible to track his intake given he doesn't clean eat often.

    The reason I've put his cal intake at 3000+ is because last I monitored his intake he was consuming around 3,200+ daily and maintaining current weight. I should clarify this is my ex of ten years so I have a good idea of his intake given I cooked daily for him (I no longer have the macro records but remember his overall cal). I'm doing the research as I'm doing the meal prep for him so I guess I'll have to play around with the protein and see how he goes.

    Thankyou again for the info and I will pass my question onto keto gains :-)