Team 10 Are we ready to be Rock Stars!



  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Hey all. Thought I would explain my absence. I spent a lot of Easter weekend and the first part of this week with a stomach bug. That wouldn't be that big of a deal to me but I got so dehydrated I passed out Tyesday morning walking from the bedroom to the living room. Went to ER and found out I was dehydrated severely. Got three bags of fluid and got sent him with a note to follow up with my dr. This is the third "bug" I've had in about three weeks. And it's part of a pattern that started about a year ago where I occasionally get this bug, but over time the frequency between rounds has lessened. If it was just some stomach cramping and some uncomfortable diarrhea I could manage but it's the kind of thing that includes both diarrhea and vomiting and it knocks me down for at least 48 hrs at a time. This last bout went over 72. Sorry for TMI, but I thought you deserved to know why I've been a horrible teammate the last several days. Hopefully the dr on Monday can give me some answers.

    Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
    That stinks for you. Hopefully your doc can figure out what's going on.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Hey all. Thought I would explain my absence. I spent a lot of Easter weekend and the first part of this week with a stomach bug. That wouldn't be that big of a deal to me but I got so dehydrated I passed out Tyesday morning walking from the bedroom to the living room. Went to ER and found out I was dehydrated severely. Got three bags of fluid and got sent him with a note to follow up with my dr. This is the third "bug" I've had in about three weeks. And it's part of a pattern that started about a year ago where I occasionally get this bug, but over time the frequency between rounds has lessened. If it was just some stomach cramping and some uncomfortable diarrhea I could manage but it's the kind of thing that includes both diarrhea and vomiting and it knocks me down for at least 48 hrs at a time. This last bout went over 72. Sorry for TMI, but I thought you deserved to know why I've been a horrible teammate the last several days. Hopefully the dr on Monday can give me some answers.

    Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    What a horrible way to spend a week. I hope you feel better soon.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Nice job! I did basement to 11th floor at a hospital today 2 flights per floor. I must have looked like I was going to die but made it through! You do not want to know how many people asked me if I was ok after floor 7. ^_^
    Love this.

    I've done the stairs in my house 2x a day for 15 min at a time on my work breaks. I lost count days ago somewhere around 90 since I wasn't sure if I needed to do it twice to count as a story so I've definitely reached the goal. The going up my little house stairs is easy but the going down does me in. I have plans to go find an office building this weekend so I can go up and up and up just to do it.

  • GSwizzleGary
    GSwizzleGary Posts: 1,211 Member
    Thanks all. I've felt better the last couple of days. Enough to get E in so I'm not a complete zero for the team this week. Could someone log it on the spreadsheet for me? I can't get Drive on my phone.

    3-30: 20 min
    3-31: 30 min
    4-1: 75 min

    I'll get more in today, too, as long as the tummy cooperates.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks all. I've felt better the last couple of days. Enough to get E in so I'm not a complete zero for the team this week. Could someone log it on the spreadsheet for me? I can't get Drive on my phone.

    3-30: 20 min
    3-31: 30 min
    4-1: 75 min

    I'll get more in today, too, as long as the tummy cooperates.

    I got you added.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    120lb. 3lb lost this week (wahoo). 120min cycle yesterday. 10 flights stair a day n 60 mins walk a day averaged to keep simple. Flight pushing back so no time to fill in spreadsheet. Did challenges :) good luck everyone.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    Hey everybody, sorry I've been mia the last 10 days. I kicked my boyfriend to the curb and have just been trying to get use to being a single mom again. I have my house in order now and am ready to dedicate more time to this challenge. Also been working lots to get caught up on some bills. I did lose some weight but haven't been logging my meals. So I am going to contibute what I can for the miles today and tomorrow, and start fresh Monday with the race. Hope everyone had a good Easter, I worked a double so we had our Easter on Friday. Good luck to everyone!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Back from doing stairs.
    First, I was happy to find out that between each floor was the same number of steps as at home.
    Second, omg, the fire stairs are claustrophobic and hot.
    Third, I think of myself as out of shape and I thought 3 (or maybe 5) floors would be easy and then it would get hard.
    Nope, not at all.
    The first 14 floors were as easy as walking.
    15-16 was work.
    17 I thought my heart was going to explode and when I got to the top at 18 had to have a sit-down.

    I have to say I'm a bit pleased with myself. Maybe I'm not all that out of shape after all... or anymore....
  • GSwizzleGary
    GSwizzleGary Posts: 1,211 Member
    Way to go @TangledThread. That's impressive!!!

    Welcome back @shockvalue07.
  • zerlinna87
    zerlinna87 Posts: 120 Member
    Hey all. Thought I would explain my absence. I spent a lot of Easter weekend and the first part of this week with a stomach bug. That wouldn't be that big of a deal to me but I got so dehydrated I passed out Tyesday morning walking from the bedroom to the living room. Went to ER and found out I was dehydrated severely. Got three bags of fluid and got sent him with a note to follow up with my dr. This is the third "bug" I've had in about three weeks. And it's part of a pattern that started about a year ago where I occasionally get this bug, but over time the frequency between rounds has lessened. If it was just some stomach cramping and some uncomfortable diarrhea I could manage but it's the kind of thing that includes both diarrhea and vomiting and it knocks me down for at least 48 hrs at a time. This last bout went over 72. Sorry for TMI, but I thought you deserved to know why I've been a horrible teammate the last several days. Hopefully the dr on Monday can give me some answers.

    Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    So sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get some answers.

    I've been away on a mountain vacation this weekend, so although I've not been commenting much, I did get a lot of active minutes this weekend from hiking. It was a beautiful vacation in the mountains.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    120lb. 3lb lost this week (wahoo). 120min cycle yesterday. 10 flights stair a day n 60 mins walk a day averaged to keep simple. Flight pushing back so no time to fill in spreadsheet. Did challenges :) good luck everyone.

    I just filled in the spreadsheet for you. Have a nice trip.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Hey everybody, sorry I've been mia the last 10 days. I kicked my boyfriend to the curb and have just been trying to get use to being a single mom again. I have my house in order now and am ready to dedicate more time to this challenge. Also been working lots to get caught up on some bills. I did lose some weight but haven't been logging my meals. So I am going to contibute what I can for the miles today and tomorrow, and start fresh Monday with the race. Hope everyone had a good Easter, I worked a double so we had our Easter on Friday. Good luck to everyone!

    Good for you. Raising a glass in toast to a brighter future.

  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    We are here for you. Good luck.
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    I need a roll call count. Next week we are going to be combining teams. I need to know if you are still in the challenge.
  • zerlinna87
    zerlinna87 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm still here!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Me too. I'm still here.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm here
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm sorry I've not been checking in. I've been pretty tired out this week and my diet has been terrible - well, my meals are fine but I can't stop snacking! I'm still getting through Easter chocolate...

    I want to get back on track this week. I want to go away somewhere for a weekend, but I have a goal of reaching a 10lb loss before I book anything. I still have a way to go, so I need to focus and get back on this.

    I am still adding lots of minutes to our activities so I'm hoping they are helping our team.

    Well done @TangledThread for the steps. That looks like very hard work!

    Welcome back everyone else!
  • GSwizzleGary
    GSwizzleGary Posts: 1,211 Member
    I am still here. Got another 45 minutes on Sunday. Since I've been put on a restrictive diet and such after yesterday's appointment that means I'll be unable to do any of the exciting food challenges. If you would prefer me sit out till I get all this figured out, I understand.
  • zerlinna87
    zerlinna87 Posts: 120 Member
    edited April 2016
    I've got the nutrition challenge down this week. I had tuna salad yesterday, and I have enough for another serving later this week. And tomorrow I'm making Giada de laurentiis salmon cakes with a lemon caper yogurt sauce. I've never made them before. I'm excited.

    I don't have a kettle bell, and I walk a lot, but I don't run, so I don't think I'll get 26 miles in this week. That's a lot.