I need some help....

emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
So I can't get below 182 (I round up I was 181.8 this morning again). I found I'm normally eating below 1600 calories a day because I'm not hungry. And I also have found I can't meet my protein or fat goal for the day. My diary should be open to anyone so if you want to take a look. I'm going to start exercising today as well to see if that works. I'm still having problems going to the bathroom too so that maybe could be a part of it. I tried coconut oil in my coffee GAG. Gross. I don't like coconut and it tasted like it. Blergh. So any tips or ideas would be helpful!


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Buy refined coconut oil or MCT oil. It's flavorless. Also, did you blend the coffee? Doesn't affect flavor, but makes the texture smooth and not oily.
    Couple questions.
    Have you determined your calorie goal by using one of the Keto macro calculators?
    I'm wondering if 1600 is a good goal. You could use the calculator to determine what your maintenance calories would be at your ideal weight. Not the weight you want to be. But the weight that's considered "right" for your height and sex. (Sometimes these are not the same)
    The idea in that is that you would just eat at what maintenance is for the ideal weight and as you get closer and over time it would become natural and your weight would just settle in on its own.
    Also, how long has it been since you had any loss?
    And, have you seen any of my numerous responses to others about how sometimes the scale doesn't show us the progress were actually making?
    I think exercise does help, but we often stall in loss when we introduce new stressors. So, that's something you should be prepared for. It's not like the CICO camp would have us believe that we are literally subtracting fat as calories are burned that will definitely show up on the scale in a few days, if you did everything right and measured everything perfectly and the stars and moon were aligned with Venus.
    It's absolutely true that gut contents will play a role too. Happens to me all the time. I tend to have some trouble digesting protein so if I over do it, I may show a 5 pound gain in a few days.
    If you're not getting enough fat, which doesn't mean you have to hit the "goal" number, it will affect digestion. It kinda loosens/lubes things up.
    How about magnesium? What's your status on supplementation? How much, how often and what form do you take, if you take it at all?
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    I need to buy one of those blender things so I can make bullet proof coffee. It was very oily and just nasty tasting. I did drink it down and it didn't help get things moving.
    I put in my numbers on the link that is posted in the getting started links on here. And that is what it told me.
    I have been around 182 for the past week. I did read the other people's responses after I posted this. I get a little ahead of myself sometimes and post before I read. It is helpful and I know that it will come and go and stall out etc. I just am impatient.
    I do want to exercise but I'm also afraid of a stall or gain from that as well. And plus if I'm having trouble eating 1600 calories how will I eat back the calories I burned. But I'm thinking maybe that will help my bowels as well.
    I need to find out how to incorporate more fat in my diet. I don't think I'm getting enough.
    I take the magnesium daily. I take 500mg so two pills a day. I love it, it gives me energy and makes me feel less nauseous and gross feeling.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited March 2016
    I wouldn't worry about eating back exercise calories unless you're actually hungry.
    The calculators are just an estimate. It could be that 1600 isn't a good calorie goal for you ???
    How do you generally feel at that amount? Are you having to purposely stop yourself from overeating or do you find that you're actually content with less calories some days?
    You really don't have to reach the calorie goal. Just eat until you're not hungry. Your body has food stored up. As long as you also allow yourself to eat more on days that you're hungry, it won't cause you any metabolic issues. I mean, that's really just the natural way to eat. Some days it's more, some days it's less.
    So there's no reason to eat back exercise calories unless you're actually hungry.
    Also, I would purposely avoid doing so much exercise that it triggers hunger. Just try 10 minutes of something that gets you breathing hard 3 times a week or something. It should be enough to gain the benefits of exercise without increasing hunger.
    But ultimately, the weight loss part, is about calories, quality of those calories (and I think stress too). At least over the long term.
    You say you've weighed the same for the last week. So have I. Actually, I'm up about 2 pounds and have been for about 2.5 weeks. Happens to me ALL THE TIME. I hate it, of course, we are all impatient, don't stress that. But it really is normal. If you've been losing with what you're doing now and you haven't changed what or how much you're eating, then the weight will go down again.
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    Thanks lady! I felt a little hungrier yesterday but there are some days I don't make that 1600 and I'm okay with it and feel good. I normally don't get or feel hungry after working out, but that could be different now with this WOE. We'll have to see. I think I'm going to start C25K and that is usually about a 20-30 min workout. I'll see what happens.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm going to start exercising today as well to see if that works. I'm still having problems going to the bathroom too so that maybe could be a part of it.

    Define "problems."

    Do you feel like you need to go, but can't? Do you strain? Are movements, when they come, either really hard or really loose?

    Or, are you just not going every day? Are movements normal consistency when they come? Do you just simply not have the urge to go?

    If the latter, there is no problem. If your diary is complete, you're not eating much food in general. Very little food, plus food that's highly absorbed, equals very little waste.

    If the former, then it's likely you're eating way too much cheese. The vast majority of your calories appear to come from cheese. Back off the cheese and go with an extra egg, sausage link, or whatever, instead. Swapping the cheese out for just about anything else will also help you reach your protein goal.

    And yes, a blender (either stand or stick) is pretty essential for bulletproof drinks. You might be able to get by with a whisk and a speedy hand, but nothing beats a blender.
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    I feel constipated. Like I have to go and when I go sit down nothing happens. When I do go its hard at first and then looser but not diarrhea (I feel so odd talking about my bowels)
    Well yesterday was a complete diary entry. Somedays I don't complete it. But yesterday was a full one. I do agree with you I need to back off the cheese. We are going to the store today for groceries what types of things should I add or get less of?
    I need to really invest one of those. Maybe next paycheck!
  • erinseattle
    erinseattle Posts: 105 Member
    Great advice above, I so love this group!

    It really took time for me to hit my stride with this woe - now I know what I like to eat and it's much easier. My fats are: coconut oil (I put in coffee or make easy fat bombs), bacon, olive oil, avocado, butter, heavy whipping cream, cheese & nuts (not much of those).

    I do log everything like a freak, but it's because I need to be honest with myself. I have a long history of being dishonest and waking up 20 lbs heavier. I work out at least 5 times/week but typically do not eat back my calories unless I am truly hungry. You are welcome to look at my diary but I think you need to add me as a friend.

    Patience. Read and research. Try really hard to not get on the scale. And keep asking questions, even the poop ones!!!
  • blacktie347
    blacktie347 Posts: 109 Member
    What others have said above me sounds good, and to go onto your original post, I think that exercise may help you in a couple of ways - it may "loosen your bowels" so to speak, and it may also kickstart your weight loss again. I'm a big believer in exercise as one of the keys to the kingdom of healthy, happy weight loss. Good luck! :)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I was just wondering about my calories this morning. I eat 1660/day (sometimes up to 1800, sometimes 1500). I don't stress too much about the number, but I definitely pay attention to it. I'm starting to wonder which way to go with it...eating more or less. I'm losing very slowly, and I'm cool with that, but I'm sort of wondering when I'll stop losing. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing for at least March. When I weigh in for April if it's an overall down number, then I'll just keep going at 1660. Even if it's only a pound. I work out 5 days a week for about 45 min/day. This is why I'm confused about whether I should go up on my calories or down - I only eat back exercise calories if I'm hungry for them. I've been feeling sort of weak in my workouts this week though, so I don't know. Anyways - didn't intend to hijack here, just letting you know you're not alone and I'm glad you started this thread :)
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    Thank you all so much. I am hoping and thinking that exercise will help kickstart things as well. I have a very sedentary job as well so that doesn't help things! I also lied, my calories are set at 1400 a day. Which I still struggle to eat that much. I plan on using some more butter and heavy whipping cream in my new future!
  • erinseattle
    erinseattle Posts: 105 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    I've been feeling sort of weak in my workouts this week though, so I don't know. Anyways - didn't intend to hijack here, just letting you know you're not alone and I'm glad you started this thread :)

    I felt that way last June and discovered I was over-exercising. I'm trying very hard to listen to my body and in the last 2.5 months the scale has moved and I'm feeling energetic - I have increased my fat (listening to what everyone has said) and decided my workouts are primarily for my soul. Also, I put my scale in time-out for a month! I need to feel my body from the INSIDE out, not the OUTSIDE in. Hope that makes sense - it might be my biggest personal revelation yet!