When everyone else eats pizza, I ...



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I will often eat the pizza less the dough part. :) This works great on pizza with a lot of cheese toppings that makes sliding of the toppings easy. I do not do any form of grains any longer. A year and half down the road I do not find the fact the toppings were cooked on top of bread causes me any stomach or joint pain any longer.

    I think I will go to Pizza Hut in a few hours after typing this. :)
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,028 Member
    Here is Italy that happens frequently. I just eat the top of the pizza (cheese, veggies and meat) and take home crust to dogs! People don't even notice and I don't feel deprived.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    lukos05 wrote: »
    It happened: your group of friends all decided that dinner is going to be pizza, either delivered or at a restaurant.

    A. It isn't your home with your standard deviations or substitutions. And, man, oh, man, does it smell amazing. What's your go-to? Wings and a salad? Grab a couple slices but just eat the toppings? Compromise with a gluten-free crust, if they are so accommodating? Ask for a water and nibble your nuts or pork rinds from your purse?

    B. The meet-up is at your place and you have time to whip something up that is pizza-like. What recipe do you toss in your oven? (and do you share? ;-)

    In the future if you know where, call ahead and see if they will do a crustless pizza, easy on the sauce (or on the side, if you choose)... Most places are starting to offer this now... They just push it farther into the oven to start so it doesn't burn...
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    lukos05 wrote: »
    It happened: your group of friends all decided that dinner is going to be pizza, either delivered or at a restaurant.

    A. It isn't your home with your standard deviations or substitutions. And, man, oh, man, does it smell amazing. What's your go-to? Wings and a salad? Grab a couple slices but just eat the toppings? Compromise with a gluten-free crust, if they are so accommodating? Ask for a water and nibble your nuts or pork rinds from your purse?

    B. The meet-up is at your place and you have time to whip something up that is pizza-like. What recipe do you toss in your oven? (and do you share? ;-)

    In the future if you know where, call ahead and see if they will do a crustless pizza, easy on the sauce (or on the side, if you choose)... Most places are starting to offer this now... They just push it farther into the oven to start so it doesn't burn...

    They do this????? And I love burnt cheese...so....

    I have no self control with pizza. I just eat it and call it splurge day. Because pizza. I mostly get thin crust, so it's marginally better. If there are enough slices that I don't feel like I'm being wasteful I'll take the toppings off one slice and double them on another. Less crust that way, but still some. I think my love affair with pizza is a pretty permanent fixture. I'll eat substitutes at home that I just make myself, but if we're going to a pizza place or somewhere people order...I just eat it. Oh, and sometimes I'll eat wings/salad first so I'm less hungry when pizza time comes. I did that on Sunday...had a big fat salad before the pizza came out. I think it helped a tiny bit. A really tiny bit. Thankfully we've cut back on how often we have pizza...used to do it weekly or more, now about every other week. I can live with that.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    lukos05 wrote: »
    It happened: your group of friends all decided that dinner is going to be pizza, either delivered or at a restaurant.

    A. It isn't your home with your standard deviations or substitutions. And, man, oh, man, does it smell amazing. What's your go-to? Wings and a salad? Grab a couple slices but just eat the toppings? Compromise with a gluten-free crust, if they are so accommodating? Ask for a water and nibble your nuts or pork rinds from your purse?

    B. The meet-up is at your place and you have time to whip something up that is pizza-like. What recipe do you toss in your oven? (and do you share? ;-)

    In the future if you know where, call ahead and see if they will do a crustless pizza, easy on the sauce (or on the side, if you choose)... Most places are starting to offer this now... They just push it farther into the oven to start so it doesn't burn...

    They do this????? And I love burnt cheese...so....

    I have no self control with pizza. I just eat it and call it splurge day. Because pizza. I mostly get thin crust, so it's marginally better. If there are enough slices that I don't feel like I'm being wasteful I'll take the toppings off one slice and double them on another. Less crust that way, but still some. I think my love affair with pizza is a pretty permanent fixture. I'll eat substitutes at home that I just make myself, but if we're going to a pizza place or somewhere people order...I just eat it. Oh, and sometimes I'll eat wings/salad first so I'm less hungry when pizza time comes. I did that on Sunday...had a big fat salad before the pizza came out. I think it helped a tiny bit. A really tiny bit. Thankfully we've cut back on how often we have pizza...used to do it weekly or more, now about every other week. I can live with that.

    The first place I tried this was at Gattitown... They're all about it... Endless toppings for them. Have to mostly skip the sauces as it's pretty sweet, but yeah, any place that uses parchment paper or serves hot subs and stuff should have the ability to do this. That's why I recommended calling ahead...so you can make sure everyone in the store is on the same page...

    I used to loveloveLOVE pizza, but I used to peel most of the toppings off. LOL I'd rather have like 4x the toppings on thin crust. LOL So that's why I don't miss the bread stuff... Have you tried that fathead pizza crust yet? It's really good, and even the carb-loaders tend to love it.

    And yeah, I"m on salad boycott right now because it causes instant dumping for me, sadly... Not a huge wings fan, either... Can tolerate some flavors, but BBQ was always my favorite, and I don't even think I've had any since going low carb... And I was always a boneless wing girl... I can tolerate them now, but they still aren't a favorite.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've been pizza free a lot longer than I've been low carb. There really isn't anything at a pizza parlor that I would like better than pizza, and since I go out with small groups of friends, we eat somewhere that meets everyone's needs.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I haven't tried the fathead crust yet...I have good intentions and poor follow through lol. I will, though, I am curious about it. I will have to call the pizza place by my house and ask them if they would be able to do a special order for me. Maybe if I explain it to them, they'll get it. Or maybe they do that anyways...I have no idea.

    Sucks about the salad - it's almost a daily thing for me. It's a nice filler. I am a huge wing lover, so I have no issues with subbing them as needed. Last time we ordered pizza hut I got plain wings with it, ate those and two slices of pizza and was golden. I don't like boneless wings at all...they always seemed like an enormous chunk of breading on a piece of chicken breast...I like the dark meet that truly comes on a real wing. :)
  • hakamruth
    hakamruth Posts: 124 Member
    I would have pizza toppings with a salad with ceasar dressing. I would've picked with chicken wings but most places would coat the wings with flour to make it crispier.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I make fathead pizza at least twice a week - even the carb and pizza loving hubster is on board with that one.

    When we get takeaway pizza I get wings, he gets pizza, everyone's happy
  • 110challenge
    110challenge Posts: 195 Member
    Chicken Caesar is my go to when eating out, and when I make pizza I do oopsie rolls with some parm and Italian seasoning in the batter, bake them for 15 min, top them with pizza toppings, and bake them another 15 min
  • Sweetsys
    Sweetsys Posts: 78 Member
    Usually eat the top & salad. There are a few restaurants that will do a crust less pizza. When I can I go to one of those restaurants. One my Geandson loves is CiCis & they will do just toppings in a pan. Wish all restaurants would do that.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Salad and eat the toppings.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited March 2016
    A ) Caesar salad, no croutons. Use your friends ranch dressing. Mild wings if they are not breaded.

    B ) Fathead pizza or cauliflower crust pizza. Yes I'd share because I make a big pizza.. lol!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I went to Pizza Hut yesterday after reading this thread. I am not going back today but will have bacon and eggs for lunch. A large salad and the toppings off of 14 thin slices of pizza was a bit much but it was two scoops of custard from Culver's where my daughter works that did me in on carbs.

    When I go off the tracks for a day I go ahead and make it a train wreck that is newsworthy. :)

    The nice thing now is with LCHF I can just start over the next day. Yes I noted I was more stiff this morning but I did sleep solid for 8 hours, did some range of motion movements, when to the restroom and ate my normal breakfast.

    Being able at my age to sleep for 8 hours (through a storm in fact) without waking up in pain or need to rush to the bathroom is something I do not hear my friends talk about being able to do.

  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Does the fathead pizza re-heat well? I'm just curious if it's something you can make ahead and have for lunch at work...
  • KaseyDH83
    KaseyDH83 Posts: 100 Member
    A.) I usually order a salad and eat some of the toppings.
    B.) I usually make something different for myself, like Fathead Pizza, which is delicious!

    I'm becoming the person who brings food with them to get-togethers. This past weekend, my niece had a birthday party, and my SIL fixed spaghetti and meatballs (and veggie "meatballs" because my 6-year-old niece is a vegetarian ... LOL.) I just took a pack of shirataki noodles with me, and also brought the ingredients to make a low-carb chocolate mug cake. My SIL is also a vegetarian, so she is very understanding of dietary needs, and usually has two or three different things available for people to eat. My niece, who turned 6, was bummed that I wasn't eating her birthday cake. I simply told her that I can't have sugar because it will make me sick. She asked if I would take at least one bite, so I did. One bite was all I needed. Ugh. It was sickeningly sweet.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    .........couldn't care less. I'm not really a pizza person. I can eat it, but if I never had another slice in my life, that would be just fine.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Come on old timers... to eat the toppings (only) of a pizza ~ the Keto/Low Carb term for that is called "scraping"! I love to scrape pizzas. I get the weirdest looks from friends, but when I tell them I lost a lot of weight, they back off.

    I make my own, since its so easy. The dough was the hard part of making a pizza anyway. With that out of the way, its a whole lot simpler. So if you make one, you throw in a frying pan or bake all the ingredients that you like on a pizza. Add lots of cheese at end.

    Be careful though, the calories will mount up quickly.

    The carb count will be low if you pick low carb toppings. And you can find pretty low carb pizza sauce in grocery store, but it takes a lot of label reading. A lot of them have lots of sugar in them.

    I added the word, "scraping" to my blog:

    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Updated

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Toppings and wings and salad.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I get together with friends about once per week (it doesn't always happen, but I try) for board games at a pizza place. I'm pretty new to actively trying to cut carbs (like less than a week new), but last Sat. I got a cobb salad. Still, it had 61g of carbs because of the croutons and it comes with a roll. Since my blood sugar was low when I arrived (I have diabetes, hence the reason for trying to cut carbs), I needed the carbs anyway. In the future, if my BG isn't low, I might skip the croutons and roll.