hi Im new

MapleCake Posts: 33 Member
Hello Im new. Nice to meet you all.
Firstly, Im trying to tonne up and any extra weight i lose a long the way is good aswell.

Secondly, Im looking for fitness buddies to have and share encouragement.
Lastly, people will have to add me as i dobt have clue how you add people and use my mobile not desk top.


  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Welcome Mapel! I'm relatively new too. 4 weeks in to my journey. I don't have that much to lose, but definitely want to look better both clothed and naked. LOL
  • lindy5064
    lindy5064 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Mapel and Mom23, I'm new here too. I'm working with a trainer to loose some of the excess fat around the tummy. He's having me do alot of planks and reverse crunches. Hopefully, I'll see some difference in a month or two? I'm starting to eat alot cleaner now, lots more protein rich foods.
  • MapleCake
    MapleCake Posts: 33 Member
    lindy5064 wrote: »
    Hi Mapel and Mom23, I'm new here too. I'm working with a trainer to loose some of the excess fat around the tummy. He's having me do alot of planks and reverse crunches. Hopefully, I'll see some difference in a month or two? I'm starting to eat alot cleaner now, lots more protein rich foods.

    Yes it helps to have advice i find loading up on protein helps me eat less and regular gym sessions. Feel free to add me.
    I cant add as using my mobile phone through desk top. Good luck and stay motivated youll reach your goal.