How do you keep from bingeing?



  • blacktie347
    blacktie347 Posts: 109 Member
    I've learned to look at high carb foods as "non-foods". I see them the same way I see cat or dog food, not food for me. Because I've been able to really settle into that way of thinking, including that they will never be foods for me again, I have no more desire to down a box of my old nemesis, Lemonheads, than I do to eat a can of puppy chow.

    Love it
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I am 100% with @wabmester on this - cravings go away and the odd time you do allow yourself to return to a favorite old food, it won't taste the same.

    I wouldn't try to head off a binge by eating carbs, that defeats the purpose of this way of eating. Eat yummy low carb meals when you are hungry, find fat bomb recipes on Pinterest, and hydrate and sleep and exercise to feel good.

    I'm new to this fat bomb concept- thanks for the tips!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    edited March 2016
    moe0303 wrote: »
    What kind of low carb are you doing? I found that my cravings on high fat low carb are much different than when I low carb low fat.

    LCHF. Hmm I think you may have solved the mystery of why my previous ventures were not successful. The first couple times I did low-carb (and quit early) I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating a lot of fat because I wasn't familiar with the LCHF concept at the time.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    I'm just about 2 months in and have not cheated (expect for carbs hidden in meal I thought was KETO friendly... see the post labeled "Owned by Hidden Carbs".). Honestly, after that experience, I'm a bit scared of carbs now!!

    St. Patty's day is coming up and we are going to a parade beer brunch and I am making both a crustless quiche and Irish carbomb brownie bites (Guinness and Jameson in the batter and Baley's frosting). Will I have beer... nope. But I am planning on ONE brownie bite because well, dang, they are so good!! But that is it and I'll make sure to keep my carbs very tight the rest of the day!

  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    I've learned to look at high carb foods as "non-foods". I see them the same way I see cat or dog food, not food for me. Because I've been able to really settle into that way of thinking, including that they will never be foods for me again, I have no more desire to down a box of my old nemesis, Lemonheads, than I do to eat a can of puppy chow.

    Love this! Great visual!

    I'm sooo thinking like this from now on. It's perfect!
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    The people who kind of go cold turkey for the first few weeks seem not to crave much. Again that's just my general observation so it's not the gospel or anything! lol

    i went cold turkey and it was the best for me. for my daughter, we are "weaning" her onto this diet because she is a carb-a-holic. she still eats "real" bread (Sunbeam ONLY) so that will be the last to go. we did manage to get rid of all the bad cereals and pop-tarts, etc. perhaps i'm not tempted b/c none of that is in my house anymore! :)

    How old is your daughter, and how did you do this? I want to at the very least cut back some of the crap my kids are eating (they're 11 year old twins)...but they would totally notice if I stopped putting chips or brownies in their lunches. Both of them adore PBJ, but I could probably fairly easy transition that to a lower-carb wrap instead of bread. I don't want them to stop eating the lunches I pack because they don't like what's in it (and I'm not there to be the boss LOL). So, I don't know...they eat the usual suspects regularly (cereal/pancakes, oatmeal, pasta, bread (OMG they LOVE bread), candy, juices, Little Debbie stuff, granola bars, etc.). That's not to say they don't eat a healthier variety overall than many kids, but I'd like to reduce the bad even more. They both like veggies for the most part, so I can add those in to their lunches a little more often in place of chips maybe...they love almost all fruits, cheeses, some yogurt, nuts, etc. I am just afraid if I cut all the stuff out they'll be more likely to go buy cookies and crap at school to fill the void. I don't know...maybe if I go like SUPER slowly with it.
  • KaseyDH83
    KaseyDH83 Posts: 100 Member
    I've been eating LCHF for two months now, and I'm finding that my cravings diminish the longer I stick to this plan. I also tried low carb in the past, but never incorporated in high amounts of fats because I thought fats were bad. The high fat aspect makes a huge difference! Pinterest is a great place to find recipes. There are great suggestions on how to replace comfort foods with healthier low-carb versions. Fat bombs are great and help keep cravings at bay.

    Two weeks ago, I had a cheat day. It was just poor planning on my part, and I gave in to temptation. Oh, man! I'll never do that again! I was up sick all night long, and I was still nauseated for a couple of days after that. I learned my lesson.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    moe0303 wrote: »
    What kind of low carb are you doing? I found that my cravings on high fat low carb are much different than when I low carb low fat.

    LCHF. Hmm I think you may have solved the mystery of why my previous ventures were not successful. The first couple times I did low-carb (and quit early) I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating a lot of fat because I wasn't familiar with the LCHF concept at the time.

    I hear you. I did lose weight before on low carb/high protein but I had mixed success with sticking with it and I did end up yoyoing over time. I had times when I went on and off of it when trying to maintain or re-lose. I do find LCHF more satisfying.

    @Deena_Bean I have 7y/o twins and I'm working on sloooowly weaning them off the carbs, too. It's been a very gradual process, and I'm trying to lead by example. They know I'm low carb and if I eat a bite of something off-plan, they'll be like, "But Mom, you're off sugar!" ;) And they'll make comments about me being a healthy eater. ;)

    I already tend to do a lot of dinners that are just meat and veggies, no starch, and when they have a dessert, more often the options I give them are fruit or yogurt. Still a lot higher carb than I eat but better than starchy sugary stuff. I also want to wean them to meat and cheese roll-ups rather than sandwiches for bread. We'll see how that goes. :) I do home-made "lunchables" at times and am starting to put in more pepperoni and cheese and fewer crackers.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I really had to look at Carbs as poison to get off of living on them back in 2014. I had to visualize myself in my coffin after my death due to living on carbs with my kids and wife starring at me saying what a Dumb Donkey I was to kill myself by sucking on carbs when I knew better.

    The subconscious mind will believe ANYTHING you tell it and ACT on that belief as if it is true. It does not filter between facts and fiction.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    @macchiatto - Mine took cheese sticks and rolled ham for lunch today with a piece of fruit, some Capri sun roaring water...and a little Debbie snack and chips. So more good than's a start...I think I'll start working on replacing the chips with nuts and/or crunchy veggies (carrots/celery). Tough stuff!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I usually eat about 50g or so a day. Probably not even that but I don't really look at labels so I may be consuming some trace carbs. I haven't eaten any bread, pasta, cereal, or sugar. Strictly meat, vegetables, and cheese.

    I'm on my fourth day and my cravings are minimal (aside from the coffee frappuccino I wanted this morning but that has passed). I'm not naive enough to think that the cravings won't come. I'm only on my fourth day and I feel pretty good about it. But I was thinking about forcing myself to eat some carbs tomorrow or Thursday, just to get ahead of the craving so that it won't build up (my LC friend recently had a binge). But I want to be smart about it so that eating carbs won't cause any future cravings.

    Any tips on making this LC lifestyle manageable and preventing binges.

    As you lower the carbs (preferably lower than 25g a day), you'll notice that your hunger will lessen. I started out like you. And my cravings went away, but I noticed that my cravings were proportional to the amount of carbs I ate. So, I trended downward, as I got the "hang" of it.

    Recently, I have been experimenting with a higher carb count, but with fermented/probiotic foods. My carb count went up (out of Ketosis) and my cravings came back. Back to low carb for me....

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / The Recipe Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Previous Discussions on the LCD & Keto Groups
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Updated
    Well Meaning Diet Advice Given to You ~ That is Just Plain Wrong!
    DittoDan's Keto Sub Groups Blog
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I Got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited March 2016
    After an emotionally very tough day (farewell dog on her journey to Australia), meeting with very senior mgmt, fly to USA tomorrow n trying not to let dog departure overshadow husbands birthday. Rest I can cope with. Doggy training partenr exit.. fine until i ate 2 squares of chocolate then wanted more... sausages steak and bacon ended up the solution
  • blacktie347
    blacktie347 Posts: 109 Member
    I just threw out my "carby" food and now plan on eating around 50 carbs per day, and around 1,400 calories per day, which is a nice, slow (1.2 pounds per week, within the recommended 1-2 pounds per week guidelines) rate of weight loss.

    Already I've noticed a significant decrease in hunger as I work on the LCHF diet, maybe 40/50/10 F/P/C. I love this WOE! =)
  • MyPrimalLife
    MyPrimalLife Posts: 123 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    The people who kind of go cold turkey for the first few weeks seem not to crave much. Again that's just my general observation so it's not the gospel or anything! lol

    i went cold turkey and it was the best for me. for my daughter, we are "weaning" her onto this diet because she is a carb-a-holic. she still eats "real" bread (Sunbeam ONLY) so that will be the last to go. we did manage to get rid of all the bad cereals and pop-tarts, etc. perhaps i'm not tempted b/c none of that is in my house anymore! :)

    How old is your daughter, and how did you do this? I want to at the very least cut back some of the crap my kids are eating (they're 11 year old twins)...but they would totally notice if I stopped putting chips or brownies in their lunches. Both of them adore PBJ, but I could probably fairly easy transition that to a lower-carb wrap instead of bread. I don't want them to stop eating the lunches I pack because they don't like what's in it (and I'm not there to be the boss LOL). So, I don't know...they eat the usual suspects regularly (cereal/pancakes, oatmeal, pasta, bread (OMG they LOVE bread), candy, juices, Little Debbie stuff, granola bars, etc.). That's not to say they don't eat a healthier variety overall than many kids, but I'd like to reduce the bad even more. They both like veggies for the most part, so I can add those in to their lunches a little more often in place of chips maybe...they love almost all fruits, cheeses, some yogurt, nuts, etc. I am just afraid if I cut all the stuff out they'll be more likely to go buy cookies and crap at school to fill the void. I don't know...maybe if I go like SUPER slowly with it.

    my daughter is 7 and we homeschool so i have about 99% control over her diet, leaving 1% for when she is with grandma. ha

    we had a big party on sunday, i took EVERYTHING out of the pantry and frig and told everyone "eat what you want because it is all going away."

    the next day we gave away or threw out all non healthy foods. i took daughter with me to the store and we bought berries, cream, meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, etc.

    she loves chocolate milk so we got chocolate almond and soy amd coconut milks. i bought her vegan organic chocolate cereal. she asked for cupcakes, i said no way. i honestly think it was the first time i had said no to her in that regard. SAD.

    i told her and other children (they are 19 & 21)
    i am sorry i didnt do this sooner. i felt that i owed them and apology for not feeding them better in the past.

    both my daughter and one son have tourette syndrome and their neurologist has approved the diet plan + vitamin supplements.

    daughter loves PBJ so like i said, we still have sunbeam. we just bought a new gluten free bread, and she is going to try that. baby steps with some things, cold turkey with others.

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    i have to try to keep my blinders on about food. seeing too many food recipe photos, reading about other peoples binges and differing food plans can sometimes trigger me to feel a need to change what i'm doing, or think its okay, even when i know what has worked for me though rigorous logging and daily weigh ins. i limit the sites i visit and scroll past armchair advice as needed. i try to be supportive when i can, but too much variety in my plan usually backfires with slips and carb creep and weight loss stalls. and binges.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    moe0303 wrote: »
    What kind of low carb are you doing? I found that my cravings on high fat low carb are much different than when I low carb low fat.

    LCHF. Hmm I think you may have solved the mystery of why my previous ventures were not successful. The first couple times I did low-carb (and quit early) I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating a lot of fat because I wasn't familiar with the LCHF concept at the time.

    Same here. I've been gaining weight for 10 years eating LCLF because I would constantly binge. Adding that fat in changed everything for me! Hang in there, the cravings will pass soon. Don't stress the calories while you're working through the cravings, enjoy your full of LCHF foods and once you've adjusted and are over the carbs, then you can start refining your diet.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I had a "cheat day" yesterday. I went to happy hour and had to martini's. I'm sure there were carbs but I doubt I surpassed my goal too much since I hadn't had any carbs up until that point. For a meal I opted for the black pepper shrimp and eggplant in cream sauce. The eggplant had breading so there were carbs there.

    I'm getting back on track and not letting that one day deter me even though it's kind of bothering me. I know that there are going to be times where I'm going to have to go off plan and to try to make the best choices that I can in the situation.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    moe0303 wrote: »
    What kind of low carb are you doing? I found that my cravings on high fat low carb are much different than when I low carb low fat.

    LCHF. Hmm I think you may have solved the mystery of why my previous ventures were not successful. The first couple times I did low-carb (and quit early) I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating a lot of fat because I wasn't familiar with the LCHF concept at the time.

    Same here. I've been gaining weight for 10 years eating LCLF because I would constantly binge. Adding that fat in changed everything for me! Hang in there, the cravings will pass soon. Don't stress the calories while you're working through the cravings, enjoy your full of LCHF foods and once you've adjusted and are over the carbs, then you can start refining your diet.

    Always a pleasure hearing folks report good results with the HF (LP) part of LCHF.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    anglyn1 wrote: »
    The people who kind of go cold turkey for the first few weeks seem not to crave much. Again that's just my general observation so it's not the gospel or anything! lol

    i went cold turkey and it was the best for me. for my daughter, we are "weaning" her onto this diet because she is a carb-a-holic. she still eats "real" bread (Sunbeam ONLY) so that will be the last to go. we did manage to get rid of all the bad cereals and pop-tarts, etc. perhaps i'm not tempted b/c none of that is in my house anymore! :)

    How old is your daughter, and how did you do this? I want to at the very least cut back some of the crap my kids are eating (they're 11 year old twins)...but they would totally notice if I stopped putting chips or brownies in their lunches. Both of them adore PBJ, but I could probably fairly easy transition that to a lower-carb wrap instead of bread. I don't want them to stop eating the lunches I pack because they don't like what's in it (and I'm not there to be the boss LOL). So, I don't know...they eat the usual suspects regularly (cereal/pancakes, oatmeal, pasta, bread (OMG they LOVE bread), candy, juices, Little Debbie stuff, granola bars, etc.). That's not to say they don't eat a healthier variety overall than many kids, but I'd like to reduce the bad even more. They both like veggies for the most part, so I can add those in to their lunches a little more often in place of chips maybe...they love almost all fruits, cheeses, some yogurt, nuts, etc. I am just afraid if I cut all the stuff out they'll be more likely to go buy cookies and crap at school to fill the void. I don't know...maybe if I go like SUPER slowly with it.

    my daughter is 7 and we homeschool so i have about 99% control over her diet, leaving 1% for when she is with grandma. ha

    we had a big party on sunday, i took EVERYTHING out of the pantry and frig and told everyone "eat what you want because it is all going away."

    the next day we gave away or threw out all non healthy foods. i took daughter with me to the store and we bought berries, cream, meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, etc.

    she loves chocolate milk so we got chocolate almond and soy amd coconut milks. i bought her vegan organic chocolate cereal. she asked for cupcakes, i said no way. i honestly think it was the first time i had said no to her in that regard. SAD.

    i told her and other children (they are 19 & 21)
    i am sorry i didnt do this sooner. i felt that i owed them and apology for not feeding them better in the past.

    both my daughter and one son have tourette syndrome and their neurologist has approved the diet plan + vitamin supplements.

    daughter loves PBJ so like i said, we still have sunbeam. we just bought a new gluten free bread, and she is going to try that. baby steps with some things, cold turkey with others.

    Nice going! What a favor you're doing everyone in the big picture.

    You've probably noticed that there are lower-carb versions of both chocolate almond / coconut milk. Also, I like the Polaner sugar-free jam with fiber added, but YMMV, depending on how you feel about added sucralose. (FWIW, it's better than using powdered Equal or Splenda, whose first 2 ingredients are dextrose and maltodextrin).
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm also wondering about how to keep from binging on carbs. I started basically on Sun. (was going to start Sat., but that didn't work out) with low carbs (most days I'm around 100g net carbs, so not even terribly low). I was doing fine until today.

    Today, I'm so weak. I'm finding it a real chore to move at all - to walk, to even type this is rather difficult. I really want to carb binge today. :(