I'm with you

npaulick Posts: 3 Member
Hi ladies, I am 45 and had a hysterectomy 7 years ago. Since then, I have put on 50 pounds. It is very frustrating that now, I have some new medicine that is putting on more and, although I eat good, hit my steps goal every day, I cannot lose one pound. Frustration is setting in and any suggestions are MUCH welcomed. Just joined a gym and I'm hoping the arthritis won't deter me, just need to find the motivation.


  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I think that's the worst thing - having to try all different things to see if anything will actually work! It just no longer seems to be as simple as calories in vs calories out anymore! I don't understand it and I can't explain it, but I know it seems to be what happens. I try lowering cals, that doesnt work, I try upping cals that doesnt work. Actually the most good days I have are ones when I EXCEED my exercise goals and do NOT eat those calories back....so perhaps its time for me to admit that I need to eat much ess these days than I ever used to.....thats hard to adjust to...and I obviously havent adjusted yet!