Not hungry

xazazelx Posts: 26 Member
I'm new and have only been lchf for about 4 weeks.
I have zero hunger which is great as I was always hungry before. From what I understand, this pretty normal.
My concern is, I'm only eating about 900-1000cal some days. Is this a problem if I'm satisfied and feeling healthy?
I eat less than 20g (total) carbs a day and hardly eat any processed food. I've also cut out sweeteners as they have a bad effect on me.
Any thoughts welcomed :smile:


  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track, but you may find that you will be hungry again in a few days. I tend to go up and down on how hungry I am. Also, if you exercise you will likely feel like eating more. kcko
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    The unhungry feeling is so different, and is an adjustment, for sure! But, isn't it wonderful?!? I love it!! Welcome to one of the best benefits of this woe!!! :blush:

    The unhungry (low calorie) days will likely even out with hungrier days over time. If you were to continue to have calories that low every day would be a concern, but I believe balance will come for you. Before long you will question the hungry feelings! :smiley:
  • xazazelx
    xazazelx Posts: 26 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    The unhungry feeling is so different, and is an adjustment, for sure! But, isn't it wonderful?!? I love it!! Welcome to one of the best benefits of this woe!!! :blush:

    The unhungry (low calorie) days will likely even out with hungrier days over time. If you were to continue to have calories that low every day would be a concern, but I believe balance will come for you. Before long you will question the hungry feelings! :smiley:

    It is SO strange for me not to be hungry! I love it too but I still can't get my head round it :smile:

    I hope things balance out as I'm feeling much better since I went lchf!
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Just remember -- you're getting all the calories you need. From body fat! :)
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    Just make sure you're taking some vitamins as your intake of nutrients might be low. I wouldn't worry about not being hungry. Just make sure when you do get hungry at some point you are not caught off guard. Stock some on plan foods should the hunger show up. Good luck! Im on week 2 and also have much lower appetite. Isn't it great?
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Couple thoughts to consider. How much weight have you lost over the past month doing your macros? I try to level out to not more than a pound a week. How tall are you and how much to you weigh/want to weigh? How much exercise do you do? How sedentary are you. How old are you. etc.,

    It would be good to run the numbers on the several macro calculators on this site to help you frame where you should aim.

    My TDEE is 1360 calories (5'1, 54, 142lbs.) 1000 a day/ 20g carbs and I can lose 1.5 pounds a week. I try not to go lower, because I still want to feel strong, be able to do cardio, not feel tired, even though I'm not hungry. Keeping lots of fats in my diet tends to keep the calories up to where they need to be.
  • xazazelx
    xazazelx Posts: 26 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    Couple thoughts to consider. How much weight have you lost over the past month doing your macros? I try to level out to not more than a pound a week. How tall are you and how much to you weigh/want to weigh? How much exercise do you do? How sedentary are you. How old are you. etc.,

    It would be good to run the numbers on the several macro calculators on this site to help you frame where you should aim.

    My TDEE is 1360 calories (5'1, 54, 142lbs.) 1000 a day/ 20g carbs and I can lose 1.5 pounds a week. I try not to go lower, because I still want to feel strong, be able to do cardio, not feel tired, even though I'm not hungry. Keeping lots of fats in my diet tends to keep the calories up to where they need to be.

    I have lost about 10lbs in the past 4 weeks and I have about 95lbs to lose in total.

    My macros are 5% carbs, 25% protein, 70% fat.
    I'm 5ft 6, 35 and don't do much exercise apart from walking as I have a desk job.

    I'll check out what my TDEE is so I have a better idea.

    Thanks for the tips :smile:
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited March 2016
    This one is often posted in this group

    Sounds like you are on the right eating path. Congrats on the great progess so far! I've been doing this for 10 mos. with some tweaking each month. Changing food choices, instead of just looking at the total calories.
    I find a calorie from a real food choice metabolizes better, than a processed food choice and I get the energy to burn bonus.

    If you do add in weight lifting and walking 2-3 miles/3x week, you will notice more drastic changes in body composition and how clothing fits, which I think is way cooler than just doing the numbers, especially since Spring is coming and I want to get my cute stuff back on. LOL. Good luck! Keep us posted.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Your macros look great, and should lead you to success with weight loss, and great health!