March Challenge ~~ Mar 14th - Mar 20th

cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups is a Flex workout...


Let me know what you think.




  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    Accept for the first pose these are all my favorites. Thanks Chris!

    I really hate criminals some days more than others. Armed robbery is going to get them all some serious time in the pen. Hopefully before anyone is harmed. :s

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Okay...I'm good until the Yogi Squat :o ...I'm going to stack the big couch seat cushions on the ground behind me before I try it!! I'm good with the rest of the positions. :p

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    What? You so posted it for us! And now you are putting out the cushions! Muahaha. Help I've fallen and can't get up! o:) Wish I could see it. But seriously, that is one I love. Do the chair pose if that one is not doable. You can do it with hands in the prayer position and twist to each side. :drinker:

    Going to get ready for the walking dead. I will do these during commercials! B)

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    What? You so posted it for us! And now you are putting out the cushions! Muahaha. Help I've fallen and can't get up! o:) Wish I could see it. But seriously, that is one I love. Do the chair pose if that one is not doable. You can do it with hands in the prayer position and twist to each side. :drinker:
    That's what TRX is for, Chris, something to old onto when you get in those precarious positions. :laugh:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Well, at least I'm admitting I need protection from floor/fanny disasters. Paula's right though, I could use the TRX for it. Smart thinking, Paula!! Way to watch out for me!

    Here's to a great week, ladies!


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Going to have some time to myself, so will give this a try!
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    What is a sundial salutation? I Googled it and pretty much everything that came up looks like something with one leg going up behind the arm on that side of the body and the other hand reaching over the head grabbing the foot. My skeleton doesn't bend that way, haha! And it's totally different from the picture.

    I'm guessing you rotate at the trunk with your arms as pictured above?
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Chris this is what I think...I'm so not flexible...ouch.Going to try this again on Wednesday. I'm at the office tomorrow then head straight to tennis practice after work.

    I was off today so got in a walk morning and evening - 14,492 steps for 5.77 miles. This is the most I've done maybe ever.

    Good night. Up at 4:00. It's going to be an extra long day.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Clara, have fun!

    Good job on the steps, Kathy!

    Michelle, I looked on youtube and found what you found. I do not bend that way either, so I'm going to do the trunk rotating with arms overhead move just like the picture! I like that a whole lot better than what they were showing. I'll be back after I get CONNECTed!! bwahahah! :D

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member makes me wonder if people can really get into the positions they've drawn...then I look at youtube and continue to shake my head. I am a cardio-strength-walking person for sure! :D Our trainer is a yoga instructor and puts us in some tough positions. We think about maybe taking some of her classes...we're still thinking about it. I do have a couple of yoga DVD's...some still in their wrappers...that maybe I'll break open tomorrow.

    For today, I walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 4.10 miles in 89 mins (6.76 total miles for 14,756 steps) then got on the recumbent for 13.50 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Grimm(!!!!) then went to 1st grade then did our challenge. Now I'm going to finish my book and start another one!

    I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Not gonna lie, I fell on my bum during one of those triangle poses. :D But I had no trouble with any of the others.

    So, I noticed something - the ones that suggest holding the pose for 40 seconds seem to be poses that need to be done on both sides of the body, whereas the 20-second poses don't. Does this mean the 40-second poses are 20 seconds on each side? I did 40 on each side.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Michelle, you get gold stars for doing 40 seconds on each side! Nice job! I did the 20 seconds on each side and still managed to fall over during the triangle pose. I have yoga socks...should have been wearing them. Played a bit of slip and slide out of my gold toes!! :D

    Back later.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    edited March 2016
    Tennis practice this evening for 60 minutes and I got in 10,355 steps for 4.13 miles. I've been up since 3:30 am so I'm headed to bed. I'm going to try the challenge again tomorrow. Maybe it well be a little easier this time...but I doubt it. :)

    Good night,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Walked w/the boys this morning for 4.15 miles in 96 mins (6.29 total miles for 13,730 steps) then got on the recumbent for 13.27 miles in 46 mins and an episode of Grimm then went to 1st grade then did 25 mins of beginning yoga...still don't bend like that.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    I went to the park today and got in 11,219 steps for 4.46 miles. I've decided yoga is just not flexibility.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Walked w/DH and Bean for 4.10 miles in 90 mins (6.29 total miles for 13,896 steps) then got on the bike for 13.00 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Grimm then went to 1st grade. My eating was good. The b'day weekend is going away!!

    Tomorrow, my friends!! <3

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    Oh my, I am so behind! But at least I am not totally falling onto my behind! Muahaha

    Great job Kathy. Sounds like you are doing lots of "firsts". And Kathy, do the yoga. It will make getting older easier. True story. Baby steps. Just do the ones that are more stretching at first. Do not hold the poses for as long. Do not expect too much out of yourself. My first experience with palates with a friend and I lying on our backs laughing until tears rolled and hiccups followed. We were on our backs because that is where we kept landing! :# And yoga socks help, or bare feet.

    I have loved reading all of your stories about the falling here ladies. Did you ever play Twister as kids? It was so easy back then. :D I did Denise Austin's Yoga Butt tonight and the above challenge. No it was not perfect, far from graceful even. But I did laugh a bit. Am I missing something about sundial salutation? It was easy for me. Must be doing it wrong. :/ And I love yoga squat. Been doing it for a while. I love the way it used to be stressful for me. Now I just sit there and go side to side, up on my toes. Muahaha

    Anyways "Kat" private messaged me today. Said she was coming back. I loved having her around. And love her photo still.


    PS Michelle, you count those minutes any way you want. Do not listen to Chris, she cannot count! Remember the "Mountain Climbers" Chris & Paula?

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    edited March 2016
    Michelle...Excuse me...I am a retired Payroll Tech...I paid professors...I know how to count...I count everything!!! The Mountain Climber on the right side is...ONE. Then, the Mountain Climber on the left side is...TWO. Somebody, and I'm not throwing names out there, Shelley, count the right and left as...ONE...just saying'. Whatever works for you or you run outa breath...which ever comes first...that is the way to count!!!



    PS Shelley????? :*


    PSS Glad Kat is coming back!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Question for everyone...Does everyone have a big balance ball? You know the big one that comes up to or past your knees that if you fall of it you could really damage yourself??? I was thinking about next week's challenge, and I like one that involves the balance ball. Please let me know. If you don't have one, I'll skip that challenge and look for another one.

    Thank you ever so much!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Chris, I have one in a box that I've never opened. I guess I need to open it.
