So I Ate More, Way More, and Now I'm stuck!



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited March 2016
    That's what I thought I was doing right, and yes, for that goal. I still have a little fat, but I am using the measuring tape more, way more, plus, how much is hanging over my belt etc. LOL!

    So I am doing the right thing, eating more, to lose fat (that's the only weight we want to lose right?). I am lifting now, even though only weight "machines" I am lifting, pulling etc. Even getting some definition already. I dance just for fun, and a sort of warm up to the machines. I decided today that I really got my heart rate up, and did a wild routine for 40 minutes, so no weights today. I use my legs so much, I didn't want to overkill. Plus I like going every day, and I can do dance in between each "lifting" day. What do you thing, sound ok Sara? Thanks, denise;)

    Sorry to say you will NOT only gain muscle - you will gain fat eating more than you burn.

    And for the first several months you won't gain muscle mass anyway - you'll be improving form which increases amount of load you can do, and you'll be using the nervous system better to actually use the whole muscle which also increases the amount of load you can do.

    You can gain strength for awhile before body needs more muscle to match your efforts.

    The need for the body to actually build some more muscle can take weeks to months depending on how heavy and correct your lifting is.
    And I can tell you it's not that kind of lifting program right now.

    Your best bet right now if your weight is about where you want it - eat at maintenance. That's recomp'ing.

    Sorry I can't answer so fast - other things going on in life. Wasn't personal at all. Read my other posts, you'll find that's not ever going to be it.