17Mar2016 Day 18 of 21

84wweber Posts: 97 Member
Good morning and Happy St. Pat's day! I am teaching step class after work and then I'm headed to the airport. My daughter and I are travelling to Illinois to see my son and daughter-in-law for the first part of spring break. If you want to check in and see that I haven't posted the discussion yet, please go ahead and start the discussion thread yourself. We are in our last four days of this challenge. I was planning on practicing maintenance and then starting another challenge at the beginning of April. Please let me know if you want to be included in the next challenge, and have a wonderful day!


  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I am totally interested in the April challenge! I was really not feeling well yesterday or the night before so I didn't work out last night. It ended up being a good idea to take it easy because I took the time to figure out what I ate/drank on Tuesday which wasn't much since I was so busy at work. Looks like I felt awful for the lack of calories and water! Jumping back in today and just going to keep at it!
  • PoppyPlover
    PoppyPlover Posts: 16 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day! Can anyone do the plank hip drop exercise in pilates fix all the way through? That is so hard! I plan to keep going for another two rounds of this. Safe travels weber. Keep going bc1003 :)
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I felt better today so I did Upper Fix and Power Strength Extreme. For Upper Fix I upped my heavy weights from 6.6kg to 9.1kg. I used heavy weights for bent-over row, lat pullovers (that one was tough!) and chest press. I used my middle weights (5kg) for curl to press and light weights (3kg) for transverse twist and front raises. I was able to do push-ups on toes for almost two 60 sec rounds, so proud of that :)

    Power Strength Extreme feels way longer than 30 minutes. Maybe it's because there are only two rounds? I like the workout, but sometimes it feels like it never ends lol

    As for the possible April challenge, count me in!
  • 84wweber
    84wweber Posts: 97 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day! Can anyone do the plank hip drop exercise in pilates fix all the way through? That is so hard! I plan to keep going for another two rounds of this. Safe travels weber. Keep going bc1003 :)

    I am not able to do the plank hip drop all the way through in pilates... YET! ;)
  • 84wweber
    84wweber Posts: 97 Member
    wtw0n wrote: »
    I was able to do push-ups on toes for almost two 60 sec rounds, so proud of that :)

    Power Strength Extreme feels way longer than 30 minutes. Maybe it's because there are only two rounds? I like the workout, but sometimes it feels like it never ends lol

    As for the possible April challenge, count me in!

    Good job! I love that you're proud of yourself and I'm looking forward to the April challenge already!